Chapter 36

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Hinata and I finally ceased after several hours, and we were famished.  We both snapped our heads to a small applause behind us, and I grimaced as she clutched my sleeve.  We were careless...  Three of our audience had already seen us in action. It was the additional people who made Hinata nervous.

Minato came up to us.  "That was great. You both are very talented."

Hinata peeked around me.  "Thanks."

Aya came up and pulled her from behind me.  "What did we tell you about your confidence?  You did amazing, Hinata, own that."

Hinata smiled at her and nodded.  "Thank you." Her stomach rumbled loudly, causing her to blush.  "Um..."

Shisui laughed.  "Come on, we were coming to get you to eat anyway."

I ruffled her hair.  "Hey, do you want to cut this?"

She tugged at her hair, thinking.  "No, it's different like I am now."

I nodded.  "Then just a trim, maybe."  She nodded, and we followed the others into the village.  We came to a familiar restaurant, and I raised an eyebrow.  "Haven't been here in a long time..."

Minato smiled, reminiscing.  "Those were good times."  I nodded, and we were greeted warmly by the staff.  The room we came to was exactly the same as last time, just with smiling different faces and a couple missing.

"Happy birthday!"  I froze and blinked at Minato, who smiled.

I looked back at the crowd, trying to control the heat rising to my face.  "Uh... thanks."

Ryo saw the faint pink rising in my cheeks.  "Kunoichi blushes?!"  He pinched one.  "Never knew you could be so cute."

Embarrassment changed to anger, and I glared at him.  "Ryo..."

He immediately let go.  "Sorry.  Just never seen it before."  He blushed himself before turning away from me.  I surveyed the party.  Itachi's parents were there, Isamu and a few Hyuuga, including his brother, Ibiki, came with Anko, and two men I had come to know as Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka.  There were few others I recognized from the village but couldn't put names to.  Somehow, fangirls had found their way in too. Among them was Izumi, who was glaring at me.

I looked at Itachi, who had a faint smile on his lips.  "Happy birthday, Chihiro."  Could have warned me...  He gave a slight shrug before taking Sasuke to his parents.

Aya put a hand on my shoulder.  "Hey... there are actually a lot of people that like you here."

I looked at her curiously.  "Surprised?"

She smiled softly.  "No, people are just attracted to you. It's amazing."  I tilted my head and shrugged.

Naruto took my hand.  "Look, Chihiro!"  He dragged me to a table with gifts.  "Open them!"

I ruffled his hair.  "When it's time, Little Bird.  Go enjoy the party."  I watched as he pouted and went to join some friends of his, I could easily pick out Nara's boy.  There was a bigger child who I could only assume was from Akimichi clan and a wolfish looking one who was probably from the Inuzuka clan.  I'm happy he has friends and their parents must not hate me too much, so maybe one day...

Ryo grabbed my arm and steered me toward the food. "Let's eat."  He linked his arm in mine and smiled at Aya, who was already helping Hinata fix some.  "What would you like, madam?"

I untangled myself from him.  "I can feed myself, thanks."  He pursed his lips but handed me a plate.  "This village wouldn't be so bad if the elders weren't assholes."

I shook my head.  "You've only seen the people that don't hate me."

Aya nodded.  "You don't notice the way people look at her here and the whispers.  All for something that saved them all."

Ryo frowned.  "Yeah, I guess there's that, too."

Hinata smiled at me as we sat at an empty table.  "We don't hate you."

I smiled at her.  "I know, and I thank you for it."  We ate and chatted about nothing until Sasuke approached the table.

He sat between me and Hinata.  "Hey, could you... would you mind training me too?"

I blinked at him, noting the serious look on his face.  "What?  Isn't Itachi helping with your training?"

He frowned behind his hands, his elbows propping them up on the table.  "Yeah, but you are stronger than him... I want to be, too."

I laughed and ruffled his hair, which caused him to blush and push my hand away.  "I wouldn't know if I'm more skilled than him. We haven't gone all out in a long time.  However, every other time has been a draw.  We're evenly matched."

His eyes widened.  "So, then he is as strong as you?"

I nodded.  "He could be stronger at this point."

He smiled.  "Then, I'll work to become stronger than both of you."

I laughed again.  "You, Naruto, and Hinata all have a common goal then."

He looked at Hinata.  "I'll beat you too.  I'm already better than Naruto."

I shook my head.  "Let's see in a few years to determine who's better."  Naruto has a handicap to overcome.

Naruto appeared out of nowhere.  "What was that, Sasuke?!"

I laughed again.  "Don't start. You two enjoy this and respect the people here."

Naruto suddenly saddened.  "You have to leave after tomorrow."  The table went silent.

I sighed.  "Yes, I'll have to be gone the day after tomorrow."

Sasuke frowned.  "When will you be back?"

I leaned back in my seat, and the boy's expressions broke my heart.  "Your graduation day."

Naruto balled his fists.  "This is so stupid!  You should be able to stay here!"

Sasuke nodded in agreement.  "It's not fair."

I grabbed both of their hands.  "It is what it is, but as always, I promise to come back for you, okay?"  They both grudgingly agreed, and I kissed both of their foreheads.

Minato came up behind me.  "What about Hinata?"

I glanced at him.  "That's up to her."

She gave me a thoughtful look.  "I want to stay with you."

I tilted my head.  "You haven't been to the Academy yet."

She nodded.  "I can learn more and become stronger with you and... I dont want to stay in a place where people hate you.  You're a good person."

I smiled at her.  "You'll still go to school tomorrow, just to be sure."  She nodded in agreement as Itachi and Shisui approached the table.

Shisui observed the three kids.  "So, you train Hinata, Itachi and Sasuke, and Naruto is trained by Lord Fourth.  That sounds like a good fight on graduation day to me."

Naruto and Sasuke beamed.  "Yes!"

Hinata tugged at her hair.  "I guess..."  She thought about it for a moment after I shrugged, then nodded.  "I'm in."

I smiled at them.  "Then it's settled. We'll see how much each of you has grown then."  Something to look forward to the next time we come...

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