Chapter 18

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I stood before the council, confident and calm.  "You killed Danzo, a village elder."

I faced an old woman and nodded.  "I did."  There was a chorus of horrified gasps followed by a lot of glares.  "He deserved it."

An older man stood.  "How dare you?!"

I looked at him without fear.  "Danzo was a true traitor.  He killed countless Leaf nin in his pursuit for power.  Not to mention, he was trying to overthrow the Hokage and has been doing so for a while."

Another series of gasps.  "Where's your proof?"

I looked to Ibiki, and he approached.  "I'm going to show you through the eyes of many, Ibiki. If you ensure that all that I show is truth, I would appreciate it."

He frowned but placed a hand on my head regardless.  "When you're ready."  I nodded and looked at the confused faces as I closed my eyes.  I engulfed everyone in the room in my stream of memories, starting with Makoto's. 

There was Danzo demanding that he find children to recruit into his underground organization.  The training they were forced to endure.  Then we flashed over to my memories of the days leading up to his death, the promise I made, and his plea for death.

Next, we were in the memories of one of his operatives, whom I met and befriended while I was still in the village.  The training he endured and the final task in order to be a part of Root.  Flashes of the missions Danzo would assign along with ones that were against the Hokage. The seal that was placed on his tongue to keep him silent.

Memories of what transpired the night before.  Shisui and his battle with Danzo and its result.  Me going to him in order to kill him.  His confession about the eyes.  Then I went to his own memories.

I showed them his inner thoughts and the multitude of crimes he committed.  How he went to Orochimaru in order to maintain the Sharingan.  How he slaughtered those who were against his own ideals.  His plots to become Hokage.  Finally, how he manipulated the council in order to ensure I was out of the village for extended periods of time.  "Enough!"

The women's voice rang through the council room, and I withdrew myself from their minds, sweating  "You..."  The glare in her eyes was deadly.  "You dare tarnish the name of an elder?"

I wasn't surprised, but Minato stood abruptly.  "You've seen what he has done, and you still blame the girl?"

Another man stood.  "Then she should've brought him forward to be brought to justice."  All of a sudden, pandemonium ensued with council members yelling back and forth about whether or not I was wrong then how I should be punished.

I sighed, becoming frustrated. I flicked my hand toward a lone statue, and it crumbled toward the ground.  As the room fell silent, I looked at Fugaku and pulled the arm from my back.  I flung it so it unraveled from the cloth to reveal 15 Sharingan staring vacantly.

Noises of shock and disgust filled the room.  "This is the man I killed. This is the man you still defend.  Say or do what you will, but I will never become a shinobi of a village who would choose one over the many.  This man killed for power and would continue to do so had I not killed him first."

I turned to leave to be stopped by the two Anbu at the door.  "Chihiro, you can't leave."

The other one nodded.  "We don't want to have to restrain you."

I glared at them both, my patience at its end.  "Itachi... Kakashi... I'd suggest you move before I move you."

They both faltered slightly but recovered.  "We can't."

I registered the low hum of conversation behind me before Ibiki placed a hand in my shoulder.  "Wait for their decision, kid."

He led me back to the center of the room. He didn't remove his hand as multiple hateful glares were cast down at me.  Finally, Minato stood again.  "If this is your decision, then I will resign as Hokage.  I can not stand by as you choose a dead traitor over someone who has saved this village countless times."

I raised an eyebrow as the third Hokage stood.  "Minato, don't be rash.  We know she's your daughter, but she can't go without punishment."

Minato looked down at me sadly, and I smiled up at him.  "It's not rash. It's what I should've done from the beginning."  He left the council and came to stand beside me, placing his hand on my other shoulder.

I looked up at him curiously as the council looked down at us.  "Chihiro, you are hereby exiled from Konoha.  Should you return, you will be killed on sight."

I thought for a moment.  "I have conditions."

One man slammed his hand down.  "You have no right!"

I shrugged.  "I'll be here for Naruto's first day of the academy and his graduation."

There was a chorus of dissent. "Silence!"

The council fell quiet as the Third Hokage stood.  "Considering all that we learned, that is reasonable, but otherwise, you will be hunted and killed Chihiro.  Please keep that in mind.  You're to be gone by tomorrow night. "

I nodded and turned to leave.  "As you wish."  Minato and Ibiki followed me out fuming. Itachi and Kakashi also filed behind them, removing their masks.  When we exited the building, I turned to them and smiled.  "Well, that went better than expected."

They exchanged shocked glances.  Minato grabbed me into a hug.  "I'm sorry."

I pulled away.  "I knew I would be banished or worse.  I'm fine, but you are really resigning?"

His face turned steely.  "Yes, they saw just as you said and still chose to side with that..."

I took his hand.  "I understand.  I'm sorry for putting you all through this, but tomorrow is my last day here.  Let's not waste it."  I led him back to the house, and the others followed.  I opened the door and was mildly surprised that both Naruto and Sasuke were sleeping in the living room.

I gently prodded both, and their eyes snapped open.  "Sister!  What happened?"

I hugged them both as I held back tears.  "None of that matters now."

They pulled back, and Naruto smiled. "So you get to stay?"

I shook my head.  "Only for tonight and tomorrow, Little Bird."

He was confused.  "But..."

I put a hand over his mouth.  "Come on, you two need to sleep."  I led them to his bedroom.

They sat on his bed, obviously sad.  "You did what they said then?"

I nodded.  "Yes, but I had my reasons, now lay down."  They obeyed, and I told them a story.  Their eyelids were drooping when I finished.  "Tomorrow, I will leave, and I don't expect you to understand, but I will not be able to come back."  They both shifted, and I rubbed their backs.  "I will be there for your first day of the academy, I promise."

I kissed them both on the forehead and returned to the men awaiting me in the living room.  "So, I guess we need to talk."

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