Chapter 39

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I was waiting in the living room when the boys were finally ready.  "Took you long enough."

Naruto beamed.  "The Academy will still be there!"  I chuckled and sighed.  Minato led the way, but we stopped to meet with Hinata and the rest of the group.

She hugged me and smiled.  "Ready!"

I ruffled her hair.  "Good."  We made it to the Academy where there were several people seeing off their kids.  "You'll be here when we finish?"

I stooped to her level.  "Definitely."

Sasuke and Itachi strolled up to us.  "Ready, dobe?"

Naruto glowered at him.  "Whatever, Sasuke."

I gave them a stern look.  "You both better behave."

They smiled at me, and Naruto laughed.  "I never get into trouble when you're home, Sis." 

I blinked at the statement but didn't comment.  He said something similar last night...

I brushed it off and pushed all three towards the door.  "Don't be late."  They walked in, and I looked to Minato.  "What does he do while I'm gone?"

Minato smirked as we dispersed.  "Let's talk over food."  As we walked, I noticed some other things. No one went on a mission while I was there, and no one seemed to have other things to do other than Ibiki.  Strange...

We went to a small dumpling shop.  Itachi sat across from me as Minato sat beside me.  "Also, is there a shortage of missions or something?"

Minato smiled at the waitress.  "Or something."

I frowned at him.  "Spill it."

He finished ordering.  "Naruto... plays tricks and pranks when you aren't here."

I tilted my head.  "Such as..."

Minato smirked.  "He graffitied the Hokage faces when you left last time."

I gaped at him.  "And you allowed this?"

He smiled.  "I was on a mission, in fact, all of us were."

I looked at Itachi.  "And Sasuke?"

He shrugged.  "Claims he had nothing to with it, but found it strangely funny."

Minato nodded.  "Naruto acts out because he misses you. That's why it's a small relief when you come home... he isn't trying to get attention when you're around."

I lowered my gaze.  "Little Bird... So, the missions?"

Minato shrugged.  "We've been refusing to take them while you're here.  I'm enjoying my time off so much that I may continue once they make you leave again."  Itachi dipped his head in agreement.

I sat back, crossing my arms.  "That's not..."

Minato shook his head.  "I haven't been on a mission in over a month.  I can't work for a village that would choose a traitor."

Itachi nodded.  "I only take small missions, just to keep my dad happy.  Sasuke's enjoying me being home more."

I thought for a moment.  "And everyone else?"  They nodded. The same.

I frowned.  "Stop this... it won't make them change their minds."

Minato shrugged.  "They don't have to, but we get more time with the ones we care about.  It's a win-win for us."

I looked at him in dismay.  "Minato, they can draw stupid conclusions..."

"They can, but they won't.  We're no danger to the Leaf."  He was determined.

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