Chapter 35

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I stared at the waterfall despondent, and the conversation with Ibiki could basically be summed up to, I'll understand when I'm older.  A good thing about it, though, Shisui was in for another beating if Ibiki saw him.  I sighed and flopped in the grass, pulling out my flute.

I played a slow, sweet melody, I got lost in the song, so I didn't notice Hinata until she sat beside me.  I continued, and she listened in silence.  I stopped and smiled at her.  "Wanna dance?"

Her smile was bright, and I sat up.  "Yes, Sensei!"  I played a more upbeat tune, and she walked a little ways before beginning to move in time.  I watched as she lost herself in her movements and smiled, I switched to a slower pace, and she didn't hesitate to follow.  I began to think back to the first time I found her moving to a song.


I was near the Hyuuga training grounds sitting on a rock, playing whatever came to mind.  I sensed someone nearby and turned to see no one.  Activating my Byuakugan, I saw a curious sight, a person moving effortlessly to the music.  Their chakra was as fluid as their movements, and it made me curious.

I moved toward them, still playing so they wouldn't notice me.  I was surprised to find it was Hinata dancing to my tune and smiled.  When the song was complete, I clapped, making her turn around in shock.  "I'm impressed. I never knew a Hyuuga could appreciate music."

Her face was beet red.  "I..."  I hadn't paid much attention to the Hyuuga children, not that I had time.  I thought for a moment, and then it clicked.  This is Hiashi's daughter...

I leaned against the tree, still in thought.  "So you're Hiashi's child, yes?"

She looked as if she would faint.  Odd...  "Y-yes."  It was all she could manage before looking at the ground in embarrassment.

I tilted my head.  "A very different Hyuuga indeed."

She started pressing her forefingers together.  "You a-are a Hyu-Hyuuga, too."

I shook my head.  "Not if you ask your father, what's your name?  I remember your face from around the compound."

She looked up at me fearfully.  What has Hiashi done to this kid?  "Hi-Hinata."

I nodded.  "How old are you?"

Her blush was starting to recede as she grew more comfortable.  "I-I t-t-turned four t-today."  A nervous wreck... but her chakra and dancing interests me...

I held out my hand.  "I'm Chihiro, and happy birthday, Lady Hinata."

Her eyes widened before she took my hand.  "Th-thank you."  I felt an unfamiliar chakra appear in the area.

I didn't let her hand go.  "Let me take you home."  She smiled and nodded.  Whoever was looming began to follow us.  I walked with Hinata all the way to her door and knocked, Hiashi appeared at the door.  "You have a lovely daughter, Hiashi."

He glared at me and then gestured for her to get inside.  "She has a lot to learn if she is my heir."

I glanced about before returning my gaze to him.  "Someone suspicious is in the area.  I'll track them down, but keep her close.  I know how precious those eyes are to you."  He stiffly nodded as I turned to leave.  I backtracked and reactivated my Byuakugan.  I saw a broken brach and went to inspect it.

Looking around the area, I felt the chakra signature again.  They were trying to take me by surprise, but I already had a shadow clone in place.  I took them to the ground and held a kunai to their throat.  "What's your purpose?"

A shuriken flew towards me, but I dodged.  Two men stood before me.  "You have the Byuakugan... you'll be coming with us."

I frowned.  "I refuse.  You're from the Hidden Cloud village. What would the Raikage say about your actions?"  They simply smirked and began to circle me.  I shook my head.  "Must not be very good ninja if you don't know who I am."

They rushed from both sides, and I easily dodged them.  I thought for a moment.  "Aren't you supposed to be watching the Chunin exams?"  They looked at each other and charged again, I started forming hands signs.  I shook my head and grabbed both of their arms.  "Let's go then."

I used the Flying Thunder God jutsu and appeared with them before Minato.  All the Kage looked at us in confusion as I released them.  "Lord Hokage, these gentlemen were trying to kidnap me for the Byuakugan.  I thought it best to bring them to you directly."

Minato face went from shock to anger.  "Thank you, Chihiro.  Seize them."  Anbu swarmed, and the men tried to escape, but it was useless."  I smiled before taking my leave.  I walked back to the Hyuuga compound and stopped when I heard Hiashi's voice.

I peeked around a tree to see Hinata in tears.  "I-I-"

Hiashi looked at her with disdain.  "You're too weak to lead this clan. Hopefully, your sister is stronger."

I frowned and came from my hiding place.  "Still the same old Hiashi I see.  Anyway, the intruders have been taken care of."  I looked at Hinata.  "You know, she has a lot of potential if you take the time to nurture her."

He glared at me.  "This is none of your business."

I shrugged.  "Maybe not, but I've said what I had to.  Happy birthday, Hinata. I hope it goes better than it is right now."  I left, and Hiashi left her standing where she was.  I waited for a bit before circling back.  She was still there. She had dried her tears and was attempting to train herself the Gentle Fist style.

I watched and made a decision.  "Hinata..."

She looked at me with puffy eyes.  "Yes?"

I smiled at her.  "What do you say to me training you when I can?  Though, I'll admit it would be more to get under your father's skin than anything else."

Her face brightened.  "I would like that."  She will exceed Hiashi's expectations, I will personally make sure of it just to prove my point...

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