Chapter 3

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"I refuse." Hiashi looked at me in disbelief. "What? I heard what you had to say, and I refuse."

He frowned. "She has great potential."

I nodded. "For the Gentle Fist, maybe, but not for what you're proposing. The answer is no."

He furrowed his brow. "She's the best candidate of the clan. Is there another who would be more suitable?"

I looked out the window at Hinata gathering flowers. "Yes, but you've clearly made up your mind. We can discuss this when you have opened your mind to other possibilities. Until then, my answer stands. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with your daughter."

He sighed. "I have two."

I frowned at him. "You would do well to remember that Hiashi." I swung my legs to the outside of the window and dropped down.

I heard small footsteps enter the office. "When will my training start, Papa?"

I shook my head and approached the elder. "Ready to go? I'm feeling suffocated." Hinata gave me a shy smile and nodded.

I took her to a secluded clearing and turned to her. "So, let's see how your training has gone in my absence." Hinata nodded, but the fear in her eyes was evident. "I'm not your father. Just show me, and we'll work from there."

She relaxed and activated the Byuakugan she started to move gracefully, concentrating her chakra to her fingertips. Then she attacked, and I was impressed as I dodged and witnessed the slight bending of its form. "That's it."

She said it softly and I smiled at her. "That's good you're progressing well."

She looked at the ground. "Father says Hanabi will be your student. She's stronger than me."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Hanabi isn't capable of this, just as your father isn't."

She gave me a surprised look. "Really?"

I nodded. "His chakra isn't compatible, and your sister is truly his child."

She smiled at me. "You refused to try?"

I shrugged. "I don't like wasting my time. So you have the principle, which is good, now I will teach you to apply it on another day, keep working on it, okay?" She nodded eagerly and then followed me back to the compound.

She got sad as we approached. "I'm happy that you're back."

I smiled at her. "Well, you can stay over anytime, okay?" She smiled her shy smile, and I nudged her to return home. I waited til she was out of sight before I turned to find my next target.

As I was leisurely walking, Shisui came up beside me. "What, Uchiha?

He sighed. "He's on a mission, but I have a question for you."

I stopped and turned to him. "Yes?"

He looked around before leading me to a private room in a teahouse. "The nine tails..."

I rose my hand, stopping him. "A line we will not cross, I've made that clear."

His expression was serious. "Just... can you avoid coming around the Uchiha compound?"

I tilted my head. "Because..."

He looked me in the eye. "It's not safe for you... or the village, please just stay away for now. Itachi urged me to make that clear before he left."

I frowned. "Shisui..."

"I can't discuss it." He was adamant to get me to agree with no details, so I popped into his mind for the information I needed.

What I found left me in shock. "It will fail."

He looked confused. "What?"

I rested my head in a hand. "The coup will fail. There's nothing to worry about."

He looked angry and shocked. "Who told you?" I just stared at him. "Chi-"

I stood. "I will do as I please. Just rest assured that there are already safeguards in place." I left him there confused and went to my final and now most important destination. I walked into his office without knocking, making him glare at me.

Ibiki's face immediately softened. "Welcome back, brat."

I nodded but remained serious. "I need information, I trust you will assist me."

He saw how serious I was. "All business and you've just returned, what is it?"

I approached his desk and sat. "I need information on Danzo."

He was surprised. "Why?" I remained silent, making him sit back and lace his fingers together. "What do you need?"

I mimicked his actions but didn't break his gaze. "Everything."

He sighed and shook his head. "Chihi-"

I shook my head as well. "Ibiki, the less you know, the less you can tell them if it is ever found out. I'll be honest, I could get the information I need without coming to you. This is just... the path with the least bloodshed, if you will."

He didn't blink nor move. "How do you know I'll help and not turn you in?"

I smirked mischievously. "I'm not the only one who lusts for his blood, and your desire almost matches mine." I held up my hand, stopping him from speaking. "I know what will happen. You don't need to worry about me."

He nodded tersely. "I don't want that for you, none of us do."

I sat up and tilted my head. "It was two months before they sent for me Ibiki, two whole months with no word, no communication. Two months of back to back excuses called missions for an 11 year old girl to complete alone out among the Five Great Nations."

Ibiki looked down at his desk ashamed. "We tried..."

I smiled at him sadly. "I know, and I appreciate it, but I can't keep doing it. I'm infiltrating places that I have truly come to like for a village that I hate... with the exception of a select few. Plus, Danzo happens to be one of the main people behind keeping me away, and now I have a little intel as to why."

Ibiki looked interested. "And that is."

I smirked. "All will come to light when my task is complete. Now, about that information." Ibiki paused before pulling out a key and gesturing for me to follow. Thank you, my friend...

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