Chapter 30

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Hinata hugged me as soon I entered the room. The others were watching tv. "You feel better, Sensei?"

I nodded and ruffled her hair. "Yeah, no big deal." I walked towards the others whose expressions ranged from unconcern to angry. "What?"

Aya sighed. "They just don't understand yet."

Ryo glared at her. "What do you mean understand? That's the worst I've seen her, and then that guy basically told us to go to hell!"

Aya shook her head. "This isn't the worst, and he was right to be upset. We haven't exactly made sure Kunoichi didn't push herself too hard."

Ryo turned his gaze to Shisui, who was casually flipping through channels. "You have nothing to say?"

He shrugged. "Nothing new, can't stop her."

Ryo jumped up. "What do you mean?!"

I sighed. "Calm down. They are both right."

He pointed at Shisui. "What does he know, he's known you what 2 months?"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's try most of my life. We come from the same village, I met him shortly after Itachi, so when I was... three?"

He looked surprised. "So..."

Shisui nodded. "Been like this ever since I've known her, and Itachi is the same as well. He was never too far from the hospital when she landed in there."

Ryo rubbed his face, frustrated. "Well, he had no right to kick is to the curve."

I crossed my arms. "He has no right to a lot of things, but here we are."

Ryo frowned. "What's up with you two any way?"

I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Seems you two are always together."

I shrugged. "Okay, we're friends, and I'm never in the village. You guys are always around."

He shook his head. "You leave us and get mad when we follow. He follows, and you go with it. Are you two..."

Shisui chuckled. "No, and I wouldn't bring it up around either of them again."

Ryo rolled his eyes. "How would you know?"

He shrugged. "Chihiro or Kunoichi, as you guys know her is... different."

I glared at him. "How so?"

He gave me a sad look. "You're oblivious to how others feel about you."

I blinked. "Huh?"

He sighed. "You push away anyone that shows concern for one thing. Let's not get started on the men in your life."

I frowned. "I'm usually fine, people overreact, and I agree, let's not. I've had too much grown up conversations today."

Aya swiveled in my direction. "Grown up?"

I nodded. "People asking about Itachi and I, we're just friends." The older three shared an amused look. "What? See, I'm surrounded by perverts. We're children for crying out loud."

Shisui chuckled. "Itachi's a teenager, and you are soon to be one."

I rolled my eyes. "So."

Ryo smirked. "You'll understand when you're older."

I paused. "You guys are older, so..."

Ryo and Shisui turned red as Aya came over to me. "Let's not worry about it." She steered me into a bedroom, and Hinata followed. "How are you?"

I smiled. "I'm fine, I'm sorry if I scared you all."

She shook her head. "You were trying to escape all day to rest, and we ignored that. We are to blame as well."

Hinata began to play with her fingers. "I know I shouldn't have been, but it scared me. I've never seen you that way before."

I ruffled her hair. "That's because they protected you from it. Speaking of which... I should probably see Naruto."

She looked confused. "Why would it be hidden from me?"

I looked out the window. "It happened shortly after we left the Leaf last time. You were just starting out and still very timid."

She thought for a moment. "You lost a lot of chakra when my father almost put the seal on me."

I scratched my cheek. "That was not intentional, but yes, among other things. Basically, when I use too much, I get really weak and seem sick, I landed in the hospital a lot because I lacked chakra control."

She nodded. "I understand."

I smiled. "Good, now I need to go and put Naruto at ease. He is probably worried."

She grabbed my sleeve. "Can I come too?"

I shrugged. "Up to you." We left and arrived without incident, but when I entered the house, a ball of orange and yellow attacked me. "Naruto! What are you doing?"

He tried to hit my side, but I dodged. "You were sick and left and didn't say anything."

I grabbed his hands to restrain him. "Well, that's why I'm here now."

He struggled as I wrapped my arms around him and sat on the ground. "You could have been dead!"

I sighed. "Little Bird, I'm sorry."

He stilled and relaxed. "So, you're okay now?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Minato was standing in the hallway. "I've told you about using too much chakra."

I let go of Naruto. "Hmmm."

He frowned. "You could die of exhaustion if you keep pushing it. How many times before you understand that,"

I sighed. "So father-like today... I get it, Minato."

He approached, looking into my eyes intently. "So easily we forget, I am your father."

I averted my gaze. "I haven't forgotten anything."

He stood for a moment before sighing. "You gave us all a scare yesterday, luckily Itachi was there when you hit your limit."

I rolled my eyes. "Yep, stalked me, then held me hostage, such a gentleman."

He closed his eyes, frustrated. "From what I understand, you were out in the open... you cou-"

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'll do better." I pouted and stood. "Not like I wasn't trying to escape to rest or anything."

I went to sit on the couch, and he sat across from me. "So you knew..."

I nodded. "I'm aware of my limits, Minato. I was trying to get away from people, but that's impossible to do in this village, apparently."

He crosses his arms. "So, when you're not here?"

I shrugged. "I tell my team I'm leaving. They don't question it, so I can recoup while they do whatever."

Hinata nodded. "She does disappear sometimes, I never knew why, I was just told she comes back when she's ready. I didn't think to question it."

He frowned. "Why not just say you need rest?"

My gaze was serious. "I'm a twelve year old, S-rank shinobi with no village to call my own. Weakness is not an option."

His eyes widened before he looked sadden. "Rest here tonight. We will talk more tomorrow." Great, now he feels guilty. I'll have to fix this later...

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