Chapter 10

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I positioned Gaara on my back and set off to Minato's office.  As I walked through the Konoha streets, I got curious glances before the glares when the villages realized who was carrying the red-haired child.  "See, Gaara, it's not just you."  I felt him sigh and chuckled.

I walked into my father's office and set Gaara on the couch.  "I need to go."

He frowned, looking at the boy, then back at me.  "For?"

Itachi walked in just then and looked toward the couch before his gaze fell on me.  "I need to get his sister from the kidnappers."

Minato shook his head.  "I can't allow that. The Sand just infiltrated and threatened our vil-"

I waved my hand.  "I don't care much for what they did.  I'm asking out of courtesy Minato, I'll go regardless of what you say."  Just then, I felt my accomplices nearby and inwardly smiled.  Good timing.

Minato stood.  "You can not just accept missions without approval."

I nodded.  "Yes, except... I'm not a Leaf shinobi.  I'm free to do as I please.  So, I'm telling you I will go save Temari and return both her and her brother to the Sand village.  Now, you lend some help or I'll go myself, it really doesn't matter to me.  The longer we talk about this, the more danger she is in."

Minato glared at me.  "Itachi..."

He nodded.  "I understand."

I nodded to them both.  "We will return in a week's time tops."  I went to Gaara and touched his forehead.  "Awaken now, stupid boy."

His eyes slowly opened, and then the panic set in.  "Temari!"

I held his shoulders and forced him to look at me.  "Gaara, I need you focused."

He gave me a wide-eyed stare.  "Kunoichi... I couldn't stop them, I couldn't control him."

I nodded.  "That's in the past.  We need to go now and I need your head in the right place.  Can you do that for me?"

He focused on my eyes and nodded.  I took the opportunity to send a quick message to Shukaku.  You'd better behave, or I'm kicking you ass, stupid raccoon.

Doesn't look like I have much choice.  He snickered.

I looked back to Itachi.  "Are you ready?"  He nodded.  "Good, let's go." We left the office quickly and ran out of the Konoha gates.

As we took to the trees, I noticed Itachi glance back.  "Chi-"

"Ignore them, their friends."  He grimaced.  "Gaara, you'll have to guide us to Temari.  Keep this pace."

He nodded, intent on his task.  "Yes."

I fell back, and Ryo and Aya flanked me.  "You know the details."  They both nodded.  "Then we work as always."

Ryo nodded his head toward Itachi.  "He won't change things?"

I shook my head.  "No, you worry about your task, and I'll worry about him."  He nodded, and I rejoined Gaara.  "Ready to go, kid?"  He nodded and picked up the pace, making me smile.  He's been training...

I felt Itachi's nudge.  At this pace, we'll tire too quickly.

I inwardly frowned.  You will and possibly Gaara...

Itachi looked back at my friends.  They won't?


I'll be fine.  I looked at Gaara.  "Don't wear yourself out. We'll need you when the time comes."

He gave me the slightest smile.  "I know... and thank you for helping, Sister."


Yes.  We kept that pace for 2 hours before Gaara started to slow.  "We rest here."  Gaara looked at me to protest.  "Gaara."  He frowned and nodded.

Ryo and Aya joined us on the ground.  "Kunoichi, we should be about an hour out..."

I nodded.  "Keep in mind it's not just us, not everyone trains to travel as we do."

Aya went to Gaara and brushed back his bangs.  "Who did this?"

He flinched back.  "I did."

I scoffed.  "Stupid boy."

He looked at me sadly.  "I'm sor-"

I put a hand on his shoulder.  "Don't apologize.  You made a decision now you must live with it."

He nodded and looked at his feet.  "Yes."

I tilted his chin up, forcing him to look at me.  "I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you."  I pecked his forehead on the tattoo.  He smiled slightly, and I went to the other three.  "So, thoughts?"

Ryo and Aya went into business mode, and Aya pulled out a map.  "We're here. Our target is located here."

Ryo studied the terrain.  "Assuming they are struggling with Temari, their pace is slowed, so if we leave in 20 minutes, we can ambush them here."

I nodded and pointed at the map.  "I'll place a barrier here and here in order to deter them from detouring and trapping them in when I place one behind them."

Gaara came to look at the map.  "Where will I be?"

I smiled at him.  "You will be in the shadows, and when we give the signal, you'll use your sand to get Temari and protect yourselves."  He liked the idea of that.

I looked at Itachi.  "When we last trained together, you excelled in the Shuriken Jutsu and Fire style.  Is there anything else that will assist us?"

He nodded. "Genjustu.  I can get the ones surrounding the captive if you guys can take the rest."

Ryo frowned.  "Rather confident, aren't we?"

I glared at him.  "Do you have a better idea?"

He avoided my gaze.  "Not at the moment."

I nodded.  "Aya, stay with Temari and Gaara."  She nodded.  "We move out in 15, rest well."

Gaara went back to sit on the ground while Ryo laid out where he was.  I jumped into a nearby tree and placed a barrier around us.  Itachi and Aya each chose a tree to sit under.  I closed my eyes and meditated until Itachi interrupted.  So, the youngest is the leader.


Nothing...  I could feel he was hurt by my attitude.

Itachi, the me you know and the me you see right now are two different people.  We have a mission. Let's focus on that.

Okay, but I have questions... when we return.


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