Chapter 24

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I plucked my papers from an embarrassed Izumi's hand and pulled Shisui to the Uchiha training grounds.  It wasn't long before the brothers joined us.  Itachi put a hand in front of Sasuke and came closer on his own.  "I know those three. Is he a threat?"

I put a hand over my heart, feigning an injury.  "You think I would bring someone who would threaten those I care for?  I'm hurt."  Itachi visibly relaxed.  "He did that because your girlfriend threatened me first."

He frowned.  "She's not my girlfriend."

I tilted my head.  "Anyway, I'm sure you will be happy with what or who I've brought you."  I smiled and gestured for Shisui to come forward.

He did so with Hinata on his heels. She was always more comfortable with him near, and I knew she was a nervous wreck being back in the village.  Itachi gave him a long expressionless stare, and Shisui did the same behind his mask.

I rolled my eyes.  "Really, you two?"

Shisui took off his mask, handing it to Hinata.  "Hello, Itachi... long time."

Sasuke and Itachi froze before Sasuke bolted into Shisui's arms.  "You're alive!"

I backed off, and Hinata followed me.  "They better behave."

I gestured for Aya and Ryo to follow me, and we left the training ground to give them time to catch up. I took them Makoto's shop, unlocking the door to a flurry of dust.

I coughed.  "Can you tell no one comes in here?"  We walked in, and I coughed from the dust buildup.  "I just want to grab a few things.  I won't be back for a while."  The others went to wait outside, and I pulled out a scroll.  I sealed cleaning supplies and a few instruments and scores into it.  "I'll sneak back if I need more."

I rolled my eyes at the scene when I emerged from the dusty shop.  Ryo had a young Hyuuga boy pinned to the wall, and Aya was blocking Hinata from Isamu.  "What're you doing?"

Isamu looked at me in dismay.  "I was just welcoming Lady Hinata back."

I chuckled.  "Sorry, they're quite protective of her, especially after what happened."  Aya and Ryo glanced at me before relaxing.

Isamu sighed in relief and looked at Hinata, who had adopted an emotionless mask.  "Well, welcome home, Lady Hinata."

She blinked.  "My father disowned me, I'm no longer a lady."

Isamu was shocked by her low monotone and bowed.  "You'll always be a lady to me."

She looked to me, and I shrugged.  "I may have done a thing."

Isamu smiled.  "Yes, you did."

I smirked.  "How is that going for you, by the way?"

He nodded.  "Good, that's why... I have something to ask of you."  He glanced at the young boy beside him.

I frowned.  "Has it already been done?"  He nodded sadly.  "You understand what it will mean, Isamu."

He nodded again.  "It's a risk worth taking, better than being a servant."

I looked at the boy and noticed his close resemblance to Isamu, and smiled at him.  "Do you understand what it means?"

The boy nodded.  "Isamu's been happier, I want to be happy too."

I sighed.  "Come on, we have time to kill."  I guided them back into the shop and cleared a space in the back room.  "Excuse the dust, I'm never around."

Isamu chuckled.  "Understandable."

I gestured for the boy to kneel in the space.  "What's your name?"

He blushed.  "I'm sorry, My Lady, it's Ken."

I nodded.  "I'm no lady, you may call me by my name. No honorifics necessary, but I know for some that's difficult.  So, as you please."  I started lighting candles and placed them around the boy, then connected them, creating an 8 pointed star.  "So, Isamu can go into details later, but I'm not getting rid of your seal."

The boy nodded. "I understand."

I shook my head.  "No, you don't because it's not that I can't remove it. It's that it's too dangerous for me to do so.  So, I found a suitable substitute until the time comes.  You will speak this to no one. Obviously, I won't be here to help anyone else, but if Hiashi finds out, you both will be dead.  I can guarantee that much."

I cut my palm as the boy nodded again.  "So, basically, this is a transfer in leadership, except I have no rules, I don't care what you do as long as you are safe and happy.  Now, this will hurt worse than the original seal. The appearance will change ever so slightly, so my suggestion is to hide it."

I let my blood drip into each candle.  "You will have to act normally once you wake up because you will pass out.  Any questions?"  Ken shook his head, and I smiled.  "Good."  I placed my palm on his head, and he started to scream.  I cursed and formed hand signs with my other hand.  "Barrier of Silence."  I felt the barrier form around the old music shop.

I sighed and focused on the boy as he writhed and moaned in pain.  "I told you it would hurt."  I watched as the star on the floor glowed, then dimmed.  The process was complete, and as I told him, Ken was out cold.  "He can rest here for a while, in fact," I handed Isamu the key.  "Watch the place while I'm gone, but only if you want. It seems like a good hiding place."

He smiled.  "I'd be happy too."

Hinata looked at Ken's forehead curiously.  "So, if my father had succeeded, you would've given me this option."

I frowned.  "If your father had succeeded, I would have removed the seal and placed it on him... at my best.  Killed him at my worst.  He was told to leave you alone, but he does seem to enjoy testing my patience."

Hinata was in awe.  "How?"

I shrugged.  "I outrank him in ability and by blood.  He tried to place the cage seal on me, but instead, it reversed onto him."  Hinata took a moment to think about it before nodding and placing a bandage on the boy's head.  I smiled softly and lowered my barrier.

Isamu picked up his brother and gave me a slight bow.  "I'm in your debt."

I shook my head.  "I hate that accursed seal and everything it stands for.  You owe me nothing, but your silence."

He smiled.  "I wish you would become the leader."

I shook my head.  "I'm no Hyuuga, but she is, and if she chooses, she will inherit the clan."

Isamu looked at her seriously.  "If you choose, you have my support and the support of many others."

She nodded in acknowledgment.  "I won't forget."  I turned to leave feeling accomplished.  She would make a wonderful heiress...

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