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When I woke up, Itachi and Minato were still there, but napping. I looked at Aya, who was the only one awake. "I'm going ahead." She nodded, and I dropped silently to the ground. "Do keep them occupied... I'll return soon."

I formed a shadow clone to maintain the barrier and set off. You really had to leave them.

They are in the way. I ignored the fox and sped to the village. Hopefully... I'll have answers after this... It was nightfall when I arrived.

I approached the area cautiously and recognized the village layout from my memories. Well... this is place at least. I walked through, glancing in houses as I went. I was disappointed. No memories were surfacing until I saw a house with a green door. This I remember...

I entered the house, and as expected, it was dusty. I walked through and found the crib. I ran my fingers over it and looked around the room. It was simple, with no pictures or extra toys laying about. I don't remember any pictures when I walked through...

I began to rummage through drawers and cabinets. Nothing special... I went back to the crib. Maybe... I pulled off the blankets and mattress, and underneath, there was a scroll and a pendant. Bingo...

I felt under it and pulled out two swords with elaborate sheaths and hilts, they where longer than kunai, but shorter than short swords. Interesting... I unsheathed them. The material was not one I was familiar with, but I felt familiar with them.

I tore apart the rest of the house but found nothing. Well, this is more than I had at least. I walked back out and was searching the village until I felt someone approaching. I hid behind the wall of a house, masking my chakra.

A woman appeared and seemed to be looking for something. She was mid height with her black hair in a single braid that draped over her shoulder. I noted her eyes were light green and keen. I watched as she looked into the house with the green door and paused.

She then looked over the desolate village before entering. When she came out, a small smile played about her lips. Who is she, I wonder... She left without looking any further, but I stayed rooted to my spot until I knew she was gone. That was strange...

Day broke as I left the village, unfortunately, with more questions than answers. When I entered, the barrier night had fallen again, and Minato and Itachi were not pleased. I sat in front of the fire and looked at them. "Where have you been?"

I shrugged. "No where in particular."

His already sour expression worsened. "Chihi-"

"Again with the fatherly tone, Minato? I went and I came back, as simple as that." I began to feel hungry, lucky for me my usual entourage already anticipated my return, so there were extra fish on the fire.

He huffed. "It's not safe, Chihiro."

I gave him a serious look. "I haven't been safe for a long time. You're upset because of what I did, but you have no clue how things work when I'm away from the village."

His eyes widened. "This happens often?"

I gestured to the group. "Do they look concerned?" He glanced at Hinata and the others, who were watching the fish intently. "So, calm down. Besides, you have bigger things to worry about."

He looked at me curiously. "Like?"

I looked at him and Itachi, willing them to understand. "Naruto and Sasuke, they have already lost me. They can't have you two labeled as rogue nin right now. They need you, go back to them, train them, and when I return, we can discuss this further."

They glanced at each other guiltily. "So... you don't feel you need us?"

I smiled. "It's not that. They just need you more. Go home, we'll be fine."

They lowered their eyes, and Itachi sighed. "Four years."

I nodded. "Hn."

He stood and looked into the trees. "Take care of yourself, Chihiro."

Minato looked up at him, astonished. "Bu-"

He started to walk away. "I don't want her to be a prisoner of the village, and I made a promise."

I stood and held out a hand to Minato. "Come, the boys are waiting for you."

He sadly took my hand, and I lowered the barrier. "See, Ibiki, I've left something for the both of you that may be useful." They both nodded and started on their way.

Minato looked back sadly. "Just... just don't be too reckless."

I smiled at him. "Now Minato, would I really be me if I wasn't?"

He chuckled. "No, I guess you wouldn't."

After the two disappeared from view, I turned to the rest of them. "Well... I guess we head to move on to the next place... Where to go..."

Aya was still looking after them. "They really seem to care for you. You don't feel sad that they are gone."

I thought for a moment. "Sad... is that kinda like a weight right here." I touched my chest. "And makes you kinda want to cry."

She nodded. "Yes."

I smiled. "Then yes, it makes me sad, but I also know they are better in the village. They are safe there, and my brothers are there with them. So, not all sad then, we'll be back soon enough anyway."

Shisui patted my shoulder. "What did you find?"

I shrugged. "More questions than answers... and I think someone was waiting on me, but I can't be sure."

They looked at me curiously, and I pulled out the items I found. "So, first, I'll try the scroll. Hopefully, the rest will fall in place." This will be an eventful four years...

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