Chapter 20

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I was amused. Hinata was like a kid in the candy store when she was told she could choose what she would wear.  She tried on different outfits and finally settled on a long, lavender, short sleeved shirt with a black obi, black capris with a lavender flower design on the side and short black boots.  Simple but pretty just like her.

We met everyone for lunch at a barbeque restaurant, the one that we met at before mysteriously lost a lot of business and closed.  We were greeted at the door and taken to our table, I couldn't say they were happy about it, but they learned from others' mistakes.

I smiled at my sending away party, hoping to get rid of a few sullen looks.  "Aw, come on.  Let's not make this depressing."  I sighed, and we took our seats.

We ordered and I glanced about the table.  Itachi grabbed my hand under the table, I had started to learn to ignore his strange behavior and turned to Minato.  "So, who will take your place as Hokage?"

He blinked at my question.  "Uh... Lord Third, I suppose."

I grinned, a mischievous gleam in my eye.  "Good."

Naruto scrunched up his face.  "Why, Sis? He's still letting you leave."

I smirked.  "He is a little more lenient than others would be."

Sasuke rolled his eyes.  "He won't have her killed on sight, dobe."

Naruto scowled as I turned to Ibiki.  "Thank you... for acting as my catalyst."

He frowned.  "Even after all that..."

I shook my head.  "They've been trying to get rid of me for a while.  I just finally gave them the reason."

He sighed.  "You've given so much."

I smiled.  "And I finally have my freedom.  It's not all bad."

Kakashi nodded.  "It must be like freedom to you... I'm sure you're not constantly harrassed outside the village."

I tilted my head toward him in acknowledgment.  "Exactly."

Itachi tightened his grip.  Remember our deal, Itachi.  He inwardly sighed.  I'll be back before you know it.

Naruto smiled at Hinata.  "Ready to start the Academy?"

Hinata blushed.  "Uh... well."

Minato raised an eyebrow.  "Hinata?"

She looked at me, and I ruffled her hair.  "She may or may not be starting the Academy.  She will be there the first day to make her decision."

A table of confused stares greeted me.  "Hiashi disowned her... that's all you need to know."  The looks of dismay made Hinata blush more.  I pinched her cheeks.  "The first thing we work on is hiding your emotions."

Minato chuckled.  "You couldn't hide a blush at that age either."

I stuck my tongue out at him.  "Well, see how we've grown."  Everyone except the 3 kids smiled at the memory.  "I want to thank you all. Without you guys, I wouldn't have become so strong."

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a look.  "What do you mean, Sis?"

I smiled at him.  "All of these men sitting here were Sensei at one point or another.  They still are, but it's harder with me being away."

Sasuke frowned.  "So... you trained with all of them?"

I nodded.  "From the age of 3.  A few others are missing, but I made myself a full schedule of things to do."

Naruto's eyes went wide.  "3!  I'm so far behind!"

I laughed.  "You're exactly where you are supposed to be, Little Bird."

Sasuke was still frowning.  "I miss Shisui."  Itachi stiffened as everyone exchanged sorrowful glances.  The food arrived, and I ran my thumb up and down his hand before releasing it.  Itachi... it isn't your fault.

He started pushing around his food, and I sighed.  You need to eat Itachi.  The one who did this is dead.  He was ignoring me, which was making me angry.  I stared at my food, having lost my appetite.  Minato noticed neither of us eating.  "What happened... it was a tragedy.  I'm sorry that you two lost a dear friend to one of our own no less."

Itachi continued to play with his food silent as I pursed my lips.  "Too bad I didn't kill him sooner..."

He looked at me in shock.  "What?"

I tilted my head as I swirled my fork.  "I'd been planning to kill Danzo for some time now. He is the first of a few that will fall by my hand."

Minato frowned.  "For how long and who else?"

I looked him in the eyes.  "Since he killed Makoto and the one who killed your wife for starters."

His face hardened.  "You kno-"

I waved my hand carelessly.  "I've known since that night.  It's just a matter of time, but again, mood killer.  What will you do with so much time on your hands?"

Minato frowned.  "Spend more time with Naruto's training and taking missions, I guess."

I looked at Kakashi, who hadn't eaten because he refused to remove his mask, not that I understood, he wasn't ugly or anything.  "I quit the Anbu, so..." he glanced at Itachi.  "They'll have a team for me soon, I'm sure." Itachi?

I quit, tooHe was still depressed at the mention of Shisui, and it broke my heart.

Itachi... it's what you wanted...

Not anymore.  I turned to Ibiki.  "So have we lost our head interrogator too?"

Ibiki frowned.  "I thought about it, but no."

I placed my head in my hand.  "Hmmm."

Naruto grinned.  "When you come back, I'll surpass you!"

I giggled.  "Train hard, and you just might."  We talked for hours about nothing after that, each trying to hold on to the last moment before my departure.  I looked at each of the faces, memorizing each as though I wouldn't be back in less than 2 months.  I wonder... how bad will it hurt after...

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