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3rd person P.O.V

Mr. Jeon gulped anxiously, as he was directed to Mr.Park to the back of the club by Park's bodyguards. "Where's my money, Jeon?", Park requested to Jeon, since he was late on the money he owed Park. Jeon sat down and bounced his leg nervously.

"Sir, I don't know where to get that kind of money", Jeon said, to Park. Park sighed, taking a sip of his glass of alcohol.

"I don't care, Jeon I need my money now!", Park said, signaling his bodyguards, "Or I kill you", the bodyguards took out their guns on cue, pointing towards Jeon.

"Dad, c'mon the man is scared for his life give more time. I want to go already, I have a date in an hour!", Jimin, who is the son of Mr.Park, whined towards his father.

Park sighed at his son's impatience, "In a minute son". Park glared over to Jeon and took another sip of his glass of whiskey. "Okay, so my money or your life? Which one is it going to be?"

"Dad, please pick up the pace. I'm loosing interest. If you're going to kill him just do it already", Jimin said, getting annoyed at his dad. Park disregard his son and continued.

"Please sir, I have a son to take care of", in that moment Jeon's phone rang. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was his son calling him. "Speaking of my son, he's calling me, excuse me".

"Jungkook, I can't talk right now"


"I'm busy!"

"Let me guess, you're gambling again?"

"Jungkook, I seriously can't talk at the moment!"

"Okay fine, but it's an emergency"

Jeon glanced up at Park and apologized for his son, calling him at such a bad time.

"What's the emergency?"

"I need you to go to the store to get dead rats"

"Why do I need to get dead rats?"

"To feed our snake"

Jeon sighed, "Jungkook, we don't have a snake!"

"Right, well now we do"

"Jungkook, where did you get a snake?"

"Actually, it's a long story"

"I don't want to hear it. Get rid of the snake, I'm hanging up now!"

"There are actually two snakes, but I lost one of them"

"Find them and get rid of them before I come home!"


"Get rid of the snakes!", Jeon demanded, hanging up the phone on his son. He apologized again at Park for his son. Jimin on the other hand was interested.

"How old is your son?", Jimin asked.

"17", Jeon answered as Jimin subconsciously licked his lips.

"I want him to be mine", Jimin said, making Jeon choke in response.

"I'm sorry, what?", Jeon said, not sure if he was understanding what he meant.

"Dad, please!", Jimin begged at his father, giving him the puppy eyes.

"Okay, maybe we can make some sort of negotiation", Park said, now willing to negotiate with Jeon.

"Please, I will be so grateful", Jeon said, smiling towards Park. Jeon still didn't know how he would get Park's money, but he was happy enough to keep his life.

Jimin whispered to his dad, making a suggestion. "Don't get too excited. You have one week to have all of my money owed to me, or I take your son", Park said, with Jimin clapping.

"I'm sorry, but you can't have my son", Jeon said, praying that there's something else he can bargain with.

"It's either that or you die", Park stated and Jeon sighed, knowing he might not have any other choice, but to get him his money or give them his son. He's definitely not willing to give up his son.

"O-Okay, I'll get you your money"

"So we have a deal? My money or your son", Park said, holding out his hand to Jeon. Jeon hesitated before shaking the mans hand, sealing the agreement.

"Deal", Jeon said, instantly regretting his decision.

"Awe, but I wanted him now!", Park shook his head at his son.

"Patience, Jimin", Jimin rolled his eyes, standing up.

"Can we go now?", Park scoffed at his whining son.

"Sure", Park got up and so did Jeon, "We'll be in touch", he said, shaking Jeon's hand one last time before asking his bodyguards to escort him out the club.

As they guided Jeon out, Jeon couldn't help, but feel like he messed up big time. Somehow he's going to have to get that money before the deadline or he's going to lose his son.

Enjoy Lovelies

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