Chapter (N I N E)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I sat at my dining table in my house and munched on my Cheerios cereal. I moaned at the taste. Honey Nut Cheerios: One of the best cereals ever made. I ate my last bite in my bowl and grabbed the box to pour more. I tilted the box and tried to pour more cereal, but sadly nothing came out.

I shook the box and peeked inside. I saw that there was nothing, but crumbs left. I sighed, calling out to my chef. "Yoonjae!". I heard footsteps rushed over to me.

"Yes, Jimin. How may I assist you?", I waved the box in his face and showed him that there was no more Honey Nut Cheerios.

"I need more of this cereal now", I said and he checked his watch.

"Sorry, Jimin can I get it tomorrow? It's my time to go home and-", I cut him off.

"Okay, get it tomorrow pronto. When you walk in that door I should see more Honey Nut Cheerios on the table. If I don't see it when I wake up in the morning you're fired!Am I clear?", I said in my sternest voice. He looked panicked and nodded his head.

"Y-Yes sir", he stuttered and I laughed. I was only joking with him. He's always so stiff around me. I'm not that scary.

"I was kidding Yoonjae. You can relax. I was serious about getting more cereal, but you don't have to rush yourself. You're not going to get fired", I reassured him, telling him that he's free to go now. He lightly smiled and bowed, waving me goodbye.

I placed my bowl in the sink and went to room. I plopped on my soft, king sized bed and switched on the TV. I flipped through the channels until I landed on a decent show. I occasionally checked my phone because my phone kept buzzing from the group chat that I'm in with Yoongi, Jin, and Taehyung.

I ignored the group chat, getting more intrigued by the show. Is she gonna confess the truth to him? I bet she doesn't. She slept with four different men behind her husband's back. Tsk, tsk, what a whore. I'm not whore shaming though.

I had to pull my attention away from the show as I heard my father's ringtone go off on my phone. I paused the show and answered the phone. "Yes, father?".

"Guess what present you're getting today?", he said in a amused tone.


"Guess, it's something that you've wanted for a while now", he said and my face lit up at the thought of my present.

"Am I finally meeting Usher?", I asked, excitedly and he laughed, telling me no. I frowned, disappointed that I'm still not going to meet Usher. I've been asking to meet him for years. "Then what is it?".

"Remember when you came with me to handle that guy at the club?", he asked and I asked him to continue. I kinda remember that man. I remember almost feeling bad for him, but it's his fault for getting himself into that situation. "Well, remember the deal we made about his son", he said and I shot my body up from the bed.

"Wait, are you talking about-what was his kids name again-Jungkook right?"


"You're kidding! Am I actually getting him today? He's going to be mine? When is he getting here?", my dad laughed at my giddiness.

"He should be there right about now", as my father said that I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. I jumped up and down, clapping my hands.

"Yay, he's here! Gotta go! Thank you so much!", I said, hanging up. I sprinted out my room and ran downstairs. I almost slid past my door in my socks. I collected myself first and answered the door. One of my guards was in front of him and I let them both inside.

The bodyguard moved out of the way for me to get a good look at him. The boy had his head down, but I could still tell who it was. I'm telling you that my jaw hit the floor when I saw who it was. So that's Jungkook? Now I know the cutie's name!

"Welcome cutie!", I said, smiling brightly at him. He lifted his head quick and held a horrified expression.

"Someone tell me this is a joke or that I'm in a nightmare!", he said, backing away from me. I giggled, following him.

He backed up until he couldn't anymore due to the wall. I got up real close to his face and smirked. "Nope, not a joke nor is this a really good dream", I said, getting closer to his face to the point where our lips were so close to touching. He moved his head back, breathing heavily.

"You're officially all mine", I said, licking my lips, sending him a wink. "Jungkookie"

Enjoy Lovelies

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