Chapter (S I X)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I unlocked my front door to my apartment, stepping inside. The living room was pitch black. I had to feel around the wall to find the light switch to illuminate the room. Once it turned on I tossed my backpack on the couch and sat down.

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. I flipped through channels, not finding anything entertaining to watch. I sighed, tossing the remote to the side of me. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through Instagram. I saw a post posted by Jennie and I hesitated to like it or not.

I know she won't notice if I liked it or not, but it still made me nervous. I stared at the picture and thought to myself about how gorgeous she really is. She's beautiful inside and out. If only I were the same. We would be perfect for one another. I smiled, liking the photo. I clicked her account and scrolled through all her pics for the hundredth time.

I do this almost every time I come home. Sometimes I even click messages and pretend that we actually sent funny things to each other. I've always thought about sending her a funny meme. I'm way too chicken to do it, let alone text her. I frowned, placing my phone down.

It seemed to quiet in here so I called for my father. "Dad! Are you home?!", I shouted throughout the apartment. I huffed, receiving no answer. He should be home by now. His job ended an hour ago. I walked to down the hallway to his room.

I opened the door and saw complete darkness in his room. I turned on his light and saw my dad sitting on the edge of the bed with his head hung low. I flinched in surprise at his silent presence. Feeling worried, I walked over to him and sat beside him.

"Dad, are you okay? Why are you sitting in the dark?", I asked, scared as to why he's sitting alone in the dark, staring at nothing. He looked possessed. He didn't answer me and just stared into space. "Dad? Hello, are you there?", I asked, shaking his shoulder. Still no response.

"Dad! Earth to father!", I shouted, waving my hand in his face, getting his attention. I let out a breath of relief, seeing that he was alright. I thought I would have to take him to the hospital or something. He looked at me with bloodshot eyes. Has he been crying?

This is the first time I've ever seen my father like this. He never lets his guard down, ever. This is the first time I'm seeing him cry. I never thought that I would see the day. What could be so bad to make him cry?

"Dad, what's wrong? What happened?", I asked and he didn't say anything, instead hugged me. This is even more odd. My dad isn't really the affectionate type. He loves me I know that, but he usually doesn't like expressing it as much. "Dad, seriously what's going on? You're hugging me and you're not a hugger", he lightly laughed at my comment.

"You know that I love you right?", he asked and I nodded. "No matter the mistakes I make you will never doubt my love for you right?", he asked and I nodded again. I quirked and eyebrow, confused on what he's going on about.

"Dad, you're scaring me. What's going on?", I questioned and he just smiled at me with sad eyes. He stood up and ruffled my hair. "Where are you going?", I asked, standing up with him.

"I'm going to go out. I'll be back soon", he replied, walking out of the room. I followed him down the hall to the front door. "Oh and you're not grounded anymore. I decided not keep you trapped in here for something so silly. I'll be back later", he said, leaving out the door.

I stood there, confused as to what just happened. Why is he being so weird? Why is he being so nice? What was he crying about? Why did he keep telling me he loves me? It's clear as day that he's stressing about something, but what? I groaned, rubbing my head. I have a huge headache from today.

I need to take a shower and take a nap or something. I need to do something to ease my mind. I should probably finish my late homework first.......nah. I'll do the homework tomorrow in my free period. I ruffled my hair, grabbing a glass of water. I grabbed the painkillers and drank it down.

I'm going to bed early because today has been too damn chaotic for me to handle. The situations with that Jimin kid and now this issue going on with my father. I honestly don't know what do anymore, but sleep and call it a day. Let's hope tomorrow will be better. I doubt it though.

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now