Chapter(N I N E T E E N)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"So where's Namjoon?", I asked J-Hope while we walked out the school doors. School ended and they decided on heading over to Jin's place. Even though I protested many times because I still have a crap ton of work to complete. I'm already far behind in my classes. Procrastination seems to take over my body every time.

"I'm guessing he's sick. That's the only way Namjoon would ever miss school", J-Hope said. We exited out the school front doors and made our way to Taehyung's car. All of us got inside and Taehyung drove off while we still conversed about Namjoon.

"Isn't it ironic that Namjoon and Jin are both sick on the same day?", Jimin snickered.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. What if they're doing the nasty as we speak!", Tae gasped and so did J-Hope. J-Hope and Tae began discussing Namjoon and Jin's love making.

"Do you think Jin is the top?", J-Hope questioned and Taehyung laughed.

"Oh please! Jin? No way José! Namjoon is clearly the top. Jin is so bottom material", Taehyung said, turning the corner to Jin's house. Top? Bottom? What the hell are they talking about? I dismissed the thought and my mind wondered to Jennie.

I wonder what she's she thinking about our encounter today? I smiled to myself and came up with other possible scenarios in my head. I was distracted when I felt someone  tap me. "What?", I asked, Jimin the one who tapped me.

"I'm checking to see if you're alright. You looked like an aroused clown", he laughed and pouted. Do I really look aroused when thinking about Jennie? Does that mean I look like that often in school!?

He brought his face closer to mine. "Are you because of me? Because I can help you if you wish", he whispered, seductively and I elbowed him in the stomach. He groaned, moving back a little. I felt him sneak his hand across my thigh and I saw him smirking.

"I was thinking about Jennie! What the hell are you doing?", I whispered, shoving his hand off real quick. He placed it back, but higher up this time. I wanted to move his hand away again but I was scared of how high he would go so I let it slide.

He gave me a fustrated sigh, "There's no need to worry about Jennie when I'm around", he said, bringing his face closer to mine and I tensed up. I grunted and shoved him away.

"You need to quit flirting with me! Especially around my and your friends!", I said, looking past him to see if Suga was watching, which he wasn't. I looked to the front of the car and watched J-Hope and Taehyung still talk about Namjoon and Jin's relationship.

"So their ship name would be Namjin right? Or Jinnam? Joonjin?", J-Hope asked and Taehyung chose Namjin.

"I think Namjin is better. It rolls smoother off the tongue", Tae said and J-Hope agreed. My attention was torn away from them when I felt Jimin's lips pressed against my neck. I jumped up at the sudden touch. I moved away from him and punched in the arm.

"Okay, you need to stop! How are you always horny?"

"How are you not?", he snickered.

"You make me highly uncomfortable!"

"Oh c'mon I deserve some sort of prize for helping you today with Jennie", he said, pulling me by the waist. My side was pressed against him and kept his hand on my waist, while having another one on my thigh again. His hand was way higher this time to the point where he was practically rubbing my groin.

He leaned in and placed little kisses against my exposed neck. My breathing hitched in my throat as I felt his warm tongue glide over my skin. His teeth sunk into my tender neck and I almost let out a sound no one in this car needs to hear. I wanted to move but couldn't, especially when I felt his hand rub against my special area.

I felt my pants grow tight and the car came to a halt and Jimin pecked my neck one last time before departing from me. He stared at my neck and licked his lips. I felt a panic rise through me and I grabbed my phone. I looked at my neck through the camera and saw that he had left a colored mark.

"Did give me a hickey!?", I whispered-shouted, not wanting anybody to hear me. Everybody was getting out of the car and I felt extremely embarrassed.

"That's not the only thing I did", Jimin said, looking down at my crotch. I checked myself and saw that I had a-

No no no! Hell to the fucking no! As a straight male I refuse to believe that I- no I'm not saying it!

"You lascivious brat! I can't believe you did this shit!", I cried out, covering my face.

"La-what?", he asked and I groaned, taking off my jacket. I got out the car and tied the jacket around my waist. I placed my hand over my neck since I didn't have anything to cover the fucking hickey! I followed the group to the door and we waited.

A few seconds later a person who wasn't Jin answered the door, instead it was my dear friend Namjoon. Namjoon was in his underwear and his hair was ruffled. We all stared at him in disbelief. He quickly straightened up at the sight of us.

"Oh-Uhm-Hey guys wh-what're you guys doing here?", Namjoon asked, leaning against the door, nervously.

"Well, we could ask you the same thing. We just came here to check up on Jin but it seems like you covered that for us", Suga said, eying him up and down.

"Oh okay. Jin is in the bathroom, getting ready", Namjoon replied.

"Getting ready for what?", Tae chimed in.

"Oh...w-we were going to go out today", Namjoon said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Cool can we join?", J-Hope asked and Namjoon looked unsure. "Unless it's a date for you two", J-Hope said and Namjoon denied it, ensuring that it's okay for us come.

"Cool. We better go somewhere with good food! I'm starving!", Suga said, stepping past Namjoon into Jin's house. J-Hope and Tae snickered.

"Yoongi when is there a day where your not practically dying of starvation", Tae said and Yoongi hissed at him. We all stepped inside and his house was very elegant and spacious. All of his friends are rich I'm guessing.

I went over to the couch where everyone was sitting and saw a small spot next to the horny brat. I reluctantly sat down and felt a cold breath against my ear. "We're going to be out together all night long. Can't wait to my mark what else that's mine", he said, biting my earlobe.

I flinched away from him. What the fuck is wrong with him today? He's extra horny! Someone better stop him before I do!

Enjoy Lovelies

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