Chapter (S E V E N)

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Jungkook P.O.V

Namjoon, Hobi, and I chatted with each other in our free class. Nothing unusual. We talked about same old things. "So what did you and J-Hope do yesterday?", I asked Namjoon and Hobi.

"Nothing much. After detention Hobi and I went out to the fair", he said. I totally forgot about the fair that's going to go on for 2 weeks. I should go sometime soon. Maybe I can go with Namjoon and Hobi. Maybe I can even see Jennie there.

"Was it fun?", I asked and they both nodded.

"Yeah, Hobi got scared on the swing ride! His face was hilarious! I'm positive he peed himself!", Namjoon choked out, laughing, while Hobi sat there glaring at Namjoon in embarrassment. Poor Hobi. It's not his fault that every moving thing scares him.

"I'm right here you butthead!", Hobi said, narrowing his eyes at Namjoon. Namjoon pinched his cheeks and patted his head.

"I know, don't worry", Namjoon said and looked at me. "So what's been going on with you? You came back from the bathroom yesterday, looking like you saw a murder". I waved my hand, not caring enough to talk about that brat.

"Oh it was nothing", I replied and he nodded. "But you know what's weird", he raised his eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. "My dad showed me physical affection yesterday for no reason. Then, he told me to never doubt his love for me", I stated.

"Wow, that is weird. You're dad isn't the affectionate type. Did he do something regrettable?", I shrugged in response to Namjoon.

"Maybe he's dating someone", Hobi chimed in. I thought about it. I don't think that's the case because he would've been told me. And he knows that I wouldn't react in a bad way if he was seeing someone. If he's happy then I'm happy.

"Nah, I don't think that's what it is"

"Maybe he killed someone", Hobi said, spurring ideas now.

"Well, he did say he made a mistake!", I said. Maybe he did commit murder. That could be the reason as to why he was sitting in the dark by himself. Oh my lord-my dad could be psychotic.

What if I'm next!?

I can't die yet! I haven't completed my overdue homework assignments!

I'll fail my classes!

"Both of you guys are being ridiculous! I'm sure your dad didn't commit homicide. Maybe he's in trouble", Namjoon stated, adjusting his glasses.

"What do you mean?"

"You said that he made a mistake. Maybe that mistake got him in serious trouble", he said and I thought about the situation more. That does make sense. Could it be him gambling again? Last time he made a mistake he had to use up all of my college savings to pay off his debts.

But why wouldn't he tell me?

"You could be right", I said, agreeing with Namjoon. Just then the bell decided to ring, signaling us to go to our next class. The three of us got up and grabbed our belongings. Namjoon and Hoseok began chatting with each other, walking ahead of me. I was close behind them as we walked down the hall.

I departed from them and went over to my locker. I grabbed the books I need for my next class and heard ruckus by the other lockers. I turned, trying to see what that noise was. As people were clearing the hallway, I looked up and saw two people swallowing each other whole. I saw that it was a tall boy hovering over someone way smaller.

The person had their back to me so I couldn't tell who it was. I'm guessing the girl underneath the dude was horny as hell because the girl had her arms wrapped around the dudes neck, tightly, bringing him even closer to her. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Why do people feel the need to have dry sex in the middle of the fucking hallway!

I grabbed my stuff and walked to my class, passing them. I glanced back to see who it was and to my astonishment that she was a he. To add on my shock, it was that Jimin guy who's horny as fuck and is devouring the bastard. Got damn. He looked like he haven't ate in days if you know what I mean.

I kept staring unable to tear my gaze away from this horrifying sight. That was until the guy slammed Jimin back against the lockers again. Jimin moaned, opening his eyes, making eye contact with me. I froze, confused on how to react. We stared at each other for a minute, until he pulled his lips away from the guy and sent me seductive wink.

I felt throw up rise in my throat and I scurried to my class. I didn't look back as I practically ran down the hall. Someone needs to call security on the both of them. That could potentially harm students eyes and cause nightmares.

I gulped down the nausea and sat down in a seat in the classroom. I frowned and groaned. I need to mind my own business. I got what I asked for. Next time, Jungkook just look away. Or not at all.

Enjoy Lovelies

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