Chapter (S I X T E E N)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I got up from the couch and went over to their chef, Yoonjae-I hope that's his name, I believe it is. He called for me telling me that Jimin's requested breakfast is finished. "Here is the food", he said, handing me the diamond rimmed tray. "And here is his painkillers and water", he added, placing them on the tray. I thanked him going back upstairs.

I peaked in Jimin's room and saw that he was still sleeping. I placed the tray down on the side of the bed and tiptoed over to him. I bent down low to the point where my lips were lightly brushing his ear. I held up 3 fingers and counted down.


"WAKE THE FUCK UP BITCH!", I screamed and he jolted up, banging his forehead against mine. "Ow! Your big head hurts", I said, rubbing my forehead as he did the same.

"What the heck is wrong with you? Who wakes someone up like that?", he groaned, covering himself with his blanket. I snatched it back off and lifted him up. "Ugh, Cutie it's too early for this! I have a headache", he grumbled, sitting up.

"Yeah, I bet you do have a headache from all that drinking you did yesterday", I commented, handing him the pills and water. He took them from me and rubbed his temples.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't even remember drinking that much. All I remember is flashing lights, dancing and then meeting this guy, he handed me a drink and everything else is pretty foggy", he told and I scoffed. Don't tell me that this brat got roofied.

"To me it sounds like you were irresponsible enough to get roofied at a party", I said, placing the tray on his lap.

"I don't know, maybe. I didn't mean to though"

"Nobody means to get roofied, especially by a rapist", I said and he was suddenly more interested.

"What're you talking about?"

"When you came home wasted. J-Hope and I saw you with this guy on the couch, making out. It looked like he was forcing you to do something you didn't want to do, since you told him to get off and he wouldn't. I rushed over and got him off and out of the house"

"You did? J-Hope was there too?", he asked and I nodded.

"Yep, he helped me get you settled and into bed. I believe I deserve a 'Thank you Jungkook' ", I said, mimicking him.

He smirked and leaned in, grabbing my chin, making eye contact. "Thank you, Cutie", he said in a low raspy voice. I gulped, slapping his hand away, moving his face from mine.

"Whatever. You should eat and get dressed. I think we can still make it to school if we hurry", I said, quickly rushing out the room. I closed his door before he could make another comment. I ran into my room, locking the door behind me. I plopped on my bed and placed my hands on my cheeks.

They both felt warm. I closed my eyes tight as I let my hands cool down my cheeks. It's okay Jungkook, don't worry. Your not blushing, your face is just a little flushed! I got up from the bed and rushed to the closet to pick out some clothes.

You like Jennie! You like Jennie! You like the female species!

I quickly checked myself in the mirror and walked out my room. I felt better now that I was washed up and dressed. I made my way to Jimin downstairs. He didn't have his backpack even though he was dressed to leave. "Our ride is here", he said, walking out the door after me. We both got inside the car and the chauffeur drove off.

"Where's your backpack?", I asked and smirked.

"Oh right forgot to tell you that we're skipping school today", he said, causally and my eyes went wide. What?! Why didn't he say something? I could've went to school by myself! Now I'm going to have more work to finish! Damn it.

"Asshole! You should've told me earlier. At least let me leave my bag at your place", I said, crossing my arms. I stared out the window until the car came to a holt. We both got out of the car and made our way to 'Jams Smoothie Palace'. "Why're we here?"

"This is where I get your smoothies from", he said, strutting inside. We went up to the counter and he ordered. "Can I get one medium Vanilla strawberry smoothie and one medium Banana milk smoothie to go please? Thank you".

"That will be 12.78$", the cashier said and Jimin handed her a 20$ bill.

"Keep the change", he said, flashing her a flirty smile. She blushed, thanking him. Ew, does he flirt with everybody he meets. My goodness. We waited on the side for our drinks.

"Thanks", I mumbled, playing with my fingernails.

"No need to thank me. I'm only repaying back the favor. Oh and where else do you want to go today?", he asked and I shrugged.

"How about we go to school"

"Other than school"

"Then back to your house. I don't want to be out with you", I said and he chuckled.

"Oh Cutie, you're something else. C'mon pick a place"

"I did and that's to go back to your house, simple"

"You're so stubborn. How about the fair? I heard that today is the last day", he said and I thought about it. I really don't want to go anywhere with him, but I do want to go to the fair before it ends.

"We're only going so you can repay back the favor right?", I asked and he nodded. I thought about a little more and nodded. "Fine, but after that we go straight home got it?", I said, pointing a finger at him. He held his hands up agreeing. The woman handed us our drinks and we went back to the car.

"Oh and no flirting with me either!", I said, sternly, but of course he scooted closer to me. I scooted away, until I was pressed up against the car door. He grabbed my chin again like earlier and leaned in. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath fan my face.

"No promises, Cutie", he whispered in my ear and I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed him away and covered my face with my jacket. He laughed, sitting back in his original spot. The car started moving and I felt my cheeks heat up again. I felt them and they sure were.

"Fuck you", I grunted and he chuckled.

"Anytime, Cutie it's your call"

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now