Chapter(T W E N T Y T W O)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Hey Minie are you okay?", I heard a deep, sincere voice ask outside my room door. I trudged out of bed and checked myself in the mirror. I didn't look that appealing if you ask me and that rarely happens. I'm still handsome regardless. I opened my room door and invited him in.

"Yep, I'm good as ever!", I said, trying my best to sound happy. Tae frowned at me and pulled into one of his tight bear hugs. I instantly melted into it because I adore his warm hugs. It's one of the things I love about him. No matter what, his hugs always seem to cheer me up.

"You don't have to pretend in front of me", he said, letting go and guiding us back to my bed.

"I'm not", I said, trying to sound as believable as possible.

"Jimin who do I look like to you? Bobo the clown? I'm your best friend I can see right through your lies", he said, twirling his index finger in my face.

"No, trust me I'm seriously fine. Yes, yesterday I was a little sad over what happened but now I don't care!", I said, cheerfully. His face deadpanned and he sighed. I can tell he's not going to let this go like always.

"Uh huh, then why are your eyes red and puffy. You look rough, like you haven't slept last night. So tell me does that indicate that your okay?", he stated, crossing his arms and I got up, going back to the mirror.

I didn't think I looked that bad to be considered 'rough'. Yeah I'll admit that my hair was messy and my eyes had dark circles around them, but I still think I looked amazing. Thank goodness I skipped school today or people would've noticed.

"It's okay Jimin. I know what month this is, it's the month of your mo-", I held up my hand to prevent him from talking further. I can't bear to hear what he's about to say. If I do I might just break down.

"TaeTae, I know what month it is too and I know that in a week it will the anniversary, but that has nothing to do with the way I look or feel", I said, hoping he would believe me and drop the subject, but of course he didn't. This is Kim Taehyung I'm talking to.

"Jimin I can see it in your eyes that it's bothering you. You act like this every year and I'm here with you every year to get you through it. It actually kinda hurts that you choose to pretend in front of me instead of opening up and say how you really feel", he said I stayed silent.

"Remember I was there with you when it happened and when it was going on", he said and I knew deep down that he was right. I shouldn't have to pretend in front of him. I just don't want him to worry about me all the time. It's not his job.

"Yeah I know. I just don't want to think about it. How about we have Yoonjae make us something to eat. I could really go for cookies", I said, smiling and he got up from the bed.

"Alright, I'm hungry", he said, going downstairs. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and closed my eyes. I felt tears stream down my face and I wiped them away. I opened my eyes and splashed water on face to cool me down. Crying like this isn't going to help.

I can't look bad because of my emotions. I refuse to look bad any longer. I've worked too hard to achieve such beauty only one man can possess. "Jimin get down here!", I heard Tae shout and I wiped my face off with a towel. I walked out and came face to face with Jungkook.

In that moment I wanted to make a flirty comment and get a cute reaction out of him. I knew I couldn't because I don't need him hurting me right now. I gave him a small, fake smile and strutted past him, downstairs.

"It's about time you came downstairs!", Tae said, and I heard footsteps behind me. Tae's face converted into anger and I knew why. Jungkook was behind me. I sat down at the table with Tae and heard Jungkook speak up.

"Uhm, Jimin I went to your classes today and retrieved the work you missed today", he said and I nodded.

"How do you know his classes?", Tae questioned.

"I asked Jin"

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't do the work anyway so I don't need it", I mumbled, not looking at him.

"And if anything I would've gotten it for him, so he doesn't need your help", Tae shot at Jungkook and I gave him a warning glare.

"I was just trying to be nice. No need to be rude", Jungkook said, getting angry.

"Psh, your one to talk"

"Tae don't", I said, giving him another warning. He tends to act like this when he feels like someone has done something wrong to me. He has a habit of having no self control over his mouth.

"Look I was just trying to be nice!", Jungkook snapped back.

"Whatever, if you want to be nice how about you try apologizing!", Tae said, raising his voice. Jungkook scowled, forming fists. This isn't going to end well. Jungkook has anger problems he needs to work on.

"Apologize for what exactly? I had every right to say what I said back there!"

"Oh really when you don't even know Jimin?"

"I know him enough"

"Oh really? So you know that when you spoke about his family that his mother-"

"Taehyung!", I shouted, telling him to cut it out. Telling Jungkook anything won't change his opinion. "Just drop it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so why does his matter so much?", I asked and he sighed, dropping the subject and I mentally thanked him for it.

"Fine", he said and Yoonjae handed us a plate of cookies. Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned around to leave until Tae added on. "Oh and for future reference Jungkook, I advise you not to speak upon a subject you clearly have no business in", Tae said, grabbing the plate in one hand and my hand in his other.

He purposely bumped past Jungkook and we sat down on the couch. He switched on the TV and turned to a cartoon channel. Taehyung loves cartoons. I glanced over to Jungkook who just stood there angry and embarrassed.
I smiled, leaning my head on Tae's shoulder. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

Enjoy Lovelies

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