Chapter (T W E N T Y)

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Thank you lovelies for the votes and comments! This book reached 1k and I'm really elated about it! All of you are so sweet enough to take the time out of your day to read ma' book 💜🤧

*wipes tear* Can't ruin this 3 dollar makeup-

Okay that's what I had to announce. Enjoy Lovelies! 😊🤠

Jungkook's P.O.V

I stared at myself in my bathroom mirror and examined the hickey. I'm so glad that Namjoon offered us to go home and change into something more comfortable. Speaking of Namjoon, I'm surprised that him and Jin are getting it on. I mean I knew he was bisexual I just never knew he liked anybody at our school.

I even tried to set him up with all types of boys and girls, none of them appealed to him. Jin? How could I not know that he liked Jin. My enemy's friend. Now speaking of my enemy Jimin, I have to wear a bandaid on neck. I don't even want to go out today, does that matter though? Of course not.

I have to go out to wherever we're going with a big plaster on my neck. I tried to find smaller ones but they ran out. This means that I have to walk around, looking like I got bit by a rabid squirrel. Seeing as my embarrassment is because of Jimin, I'm ignoring him for now on.

It's not only due to the fact that he invasive-no-it's the fact that he disregards people's feelings for his own. It's all because he's a rich, spoiled brat! He's a brat that only cares about himself! It irritates me so much. He thinks his money and 'Charms' can make people do whatever he wants. It's sad that he has succeeded before and that's why he thinks that way.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door followed by a voice. "Cutie are dressed and ready to go?", the person asked and that person was the annoying brat himself.

"Wait! Give me a second!", I answered and checked myself out one more time to see if I looked decent. I flinched once I turned around and saw his head peaked in the doorway. "What?", I asked as that same smirk appeared on his face.

"Oh nothing, I was seeing if you were naked or not. I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity", he commented, licking his lips while checking me out. See what did I tell you? Invasive! He doesn't know what privacy means!

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him. I don't want to be around or talk to him anymore than I already have to. I jogged downstairs and saw Taehyung's car parked in front, waiting for us. Jimin opened the car door for me and I chose to hop in the passenger side.

Jimin gave me an odd glance before sitting in the back seat. I wanted to be far away from him as possible. I saw Taehyung face distort into confusion but he didn't ask questions and drove off to Jin's place to pick up Suga and J-Hope.

I guess Suga didn't feel like changing and stayed with them. I have a feeling that J-Hope only stayed for Suga. After about 10 minutes of waiting the door opened. Suga walked out first, followed by Namjoon, but not Jin or J-Hope. Suga climbed in the backseat and we asked where Jin and J-Hope were.

"Oh Jin somehow fell down the stairs and is having trouble putting on his shoes. If you see him hopping it's because he twisted his ankle in the process. J-Hope is assisting him.", Suga said, causally like this has happened many times before. J-Hope came out to holding a hopping Jin and lead him to Namjoon's car.

We watched as the three of them struggled to get Jin's clumsy ass into the car. J-Hope came and got in the back with Suga. He clinged on him again, causing Suga to whine.

"Are you always this touchy?", Suga asked J-Hope and J-Hope nodded.

"Yes, especially to people I like", J-Hope said, massaging Suga's hair. Suga blushed, looking away from J-Hope. J-Hope noticed and resumed playing with his hair.

Taehyung drove off and followed Namjoon's car. When we got to the place it was a fancy restaurant. Ugh, I really dislike fancy places. It's full of snobs. We made our way inside the restaurant and requested a table for 5.

Namjoon and Jin got a table for themselves and they looked cute eating together. They laughed together and Namjoon stared at Jin with heart eyes. Man he's whipped! Everyone at the table conversed as they ate their gourmet meals, while I stayed quiet not in the mood.

"Cutie whats on your mind?", Jimin asked, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "Woah, someone has a lil' attitude", he commented and I ate my food. "Did I do something wrong?", he asked and I stayed silent. "It's because of earlier huh?", he asked, sliding his hand up my thigh and I pushed it off.

"It's okay Cutie if your sexually frustrated now. I can help whenever you like", he said, placing his hand back and I grabbed his wrist, stopping him again. He just doesn't quit!

"Stop", I whispered, glaring at him. He chuckled, grabbing my hand and placing it on his lap.

"Cutie you don't have to be shy now. I know you secretly want me"

Okay this really needs to stop! I don't want this to end up like earlier. I jolted up from my seat and slammed my fist in the table. I felt my anger boil. People in the restaurant turned their heads in our direction.

"No Jimin I don't! Have you ever thought that I just don't like you!", I yelled not caring about the people around us. Jimin smirked, standing up.

"Cutie it's okay calm down you're causing a scene"

"No it's not and stop calling me that! Jimin when are you going to get it through your thick ass skull when I say I.Don't.Like.You!", I said and his smirk faltered for a second.

"Psh, please. Everyone loves me", he said, waving his arms out to the people around him.

"Ha! Okay. Well news flash I don't! Not everyone is going to fall head over heals for you!", I said and J-Hope tugged my arm.

"Jungkook stop", J-Hope said and I shook my head. No I'm not going to stop until he finally understands.

"No I'm not going to stop until this incomprehensible brat understands what I'm trying to say! Park Jimin read my lips", I said, pulling him closer to me by his collar. "I will never like you. No matter how hard you try to flirt with me it's not going to work. You're money, charms, and horrible personality isn't going to help you either!"

"Cutie whats wrong? You never complained before", he said, frowning.

"What? Jimin are blind or are you just plain stupid? All I have been doing is complaining! Complaining about you constantly disturbing me!"


"You know what, let me take a wild guess. Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough love and attention at home so you go around forcing it from other people?", I said and this time he didn't say anything. Instead he placed his head down and released my hand from his shirt. He dusted himself off and strutted away from the table.

Okay maybe I over did it...

Yoongi and Tae both stood up and chased after him with Jin hopping behind. Look at him needing people to chase after him all the time. I looked at my friends and they shook their head at me. What did I do wrong? I only told him what he needed to hear.

"What? He'll get over it..."

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now