Chapter (T H I R T Y F O U R)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I yawned from boredom as I sat with Jennie at her table as lunch goes on. I've been sitting here, watching her chatter with her friends about boyfriends. I'm positive she forgot that I was sitting here. I tried tuning out the conversation, but they were so loud and her friends have annoying, high pitch voices.

"He had the nerve to push her yesterday! Can you believe that?!", her friend, Lisa exclaimed.

"Omg, are you serious!", her other friend, Jisoo added in the conversation.

"I know right", Jennie said. The only person that stayed quiet at the table was Rosé. I like her as she's not as annoying as the rest. She's more on the reserved side.

"She should totally break up with that asshole!", Lisa said and the group agreed. I sighed, going to back to my own business. I have no place in that conversation. As they continued chatting amongst themselves, a group of guys came to the table.

"Aye, Jennie!", a dude called out, pushing me aside, sitting next to Jennie. I'm sure that his name is Jinyoung, the school's jackass. "How's my girl been?", he asked. His girl my ass. Jennie is my girlfriend.

She smiled responding, "Fine as always"

"Good, I've missed you", he said, wrapping an arm over her shoulders. I focused on them as I listened in to what they were saying. "This dress on you today shows off your beautiful curves perfectly", he complimented and she giggled.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself today".

"That's because I always look good"

That's a got damn lie

"True, especially when you were exercising in the gym today. You're getting built", she said, feeling up his bicep. He flexed harder as she felt his muscles. Needing this to stop, I cleared my throat loudly for her to notice that I'm still present. Is she going to do this in front of me?

I caught her attention and she shrugged his arm off. "Oh Jinyoung this is my boyfriend Jungkook", she told and he sized me up and down.

"Oh so you're the Jungkook, you hang out with Park Jimin right?", he asked and I nodded. "That's cool, how is it with that bitch boy?", he asked and I glared, forming a fist.

"What'd you call him?"

"Nothing! He didn't say anything right Jinyoung?", she spoke for him and he questioned what he said wrong. "Jinyoung be nice", she whispered to him.

"I only asked a simple question", he uttered, signaling his friends that it's time to leave. "Hey babe I'm gonna go. You can go back to your boyfriend, I'll talk to you later", he winked, getting up and leaving with his friends. I scowled and slid over to Jennie where I was originally situated.

Right when he left the table I heard Jennie's friends begin talking about Jinyoung's and his friends. They have nothing else to talk about except boys???

"What's he all about?", I asked, jealously taking over me.

"Don't worry, we're just friends", she said, brushing over the fact that she just flirted with another guy in front of me.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now