Chapter(S E V E N T E E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Cutie no matter how much I like you I'm not riding that death trap", I said, gulping down as much of my fear as I can. I lifted my head as the ride rose to the top, all the way to the very top. The height of this death trap was at least a few hundred feet.

"Oh c'mon it looks fun!", he said, tugging my arm towards the entrance to the ride. I kept put in place not moving an inch. I'm not ready to die. I haven't fulfilled my true potential. My modeling/singing career hasn't begun yet. I refuse!

"No, no and also no! I'm sorry you're just going to have to go by yourself", I said about to walk back to the animal showings.

"I did three times! Please go on it with me this one time, I promise that you'll want to ride again!", he begged, tugging my arm more. I didn't even have to think about. I'm not riding that thing. No amount of money can make me ride it. Matter of fact, I already have enough money as it is, no need for more.

"Nope, sorry Cutie I'm out", I said, pulling my arm away. I turned around ready to walk back to the animal exhibit when he offered me something I couldn't turn down easily.

"I let you hold my hand", when he said those words I instantly twisted my body back around. Was he being serious? I know I shouldn't be this excited, but since this offer is coming from him I'm happier than I should be.

"Promise?", I said, holding out my pinky. He rolled his eyes and held out his.

"You're a child. Yes I promise", he said as we interlocked our pinkies, both of our thumbs touching in the process. He smiled and grabbed my arm, dragging me to the entrance. I felt myself hyperventilate. I regret everything. I shouldn't have made myself so weak. If only he knew is effect on me.

Fuck you, Jungkookie!

We got situated on the ride and I strapped in my seatbelt quick. The ride hasn't even started yet and I can already feel my heart in my ass. It's okay Jimin. Breathe. In-out-in-out. If you survive this then you'll be considered brave and beautiful! Damn it, what if this ride messes up my hair! This hairdo doesn't style easily now.

The guy who checked if everyone had their seatbelts on, signaled for the other person to start the ride. As the ride slowly began to move, I felt myself go dizzy. "I think I'm gonna throw up", I mumbled, making barf noises. I closed my eyes tight as the ride rose up the tracks.

"Loosen up a bit, you look too tense! It's fun trust me", he said, holding his arms up in the air already. I shook my head ferociously. I can't do this! Somebody get me off this freaking ride! I tried holding back my tears as I felt the ride tip and stop.

My eyes bulged out my head when I saw how high we were. At this point I'm pretty sure the tears already fell and my breathing was out of control.

"This is the best part!", Cutie shouted out loud, earning a few more excited screams from other people. "Jimin? You good?", he asked, giving a concerned look. I didn't move as the ride tipped more, teasing us on the drop. "Hey, it's alright", he said in a nice tone. My body softened a little, but not a lot.

As we were about to drop, he interlocked our fingers, distracting me completely. I stared at our hands as the ride made the huge drop. The ride zoomed like crazy. Jungkookie rose our hands up in the air and I came to view what was happening. I screamed my head off.



"FUN? WHAT THE-", I was cut off when the ride did a whole big ass loop. I swear I felt my slide out of the seat. I glanced over to Jungkookie and saw that he was smiling big. His heat was flying in all type of places as both our hands were in the air. I looked up at our still interlocked hands and smiled. Soon after another loop and drop the ride came to an end.

We heaved up and down. I was heaving because of fear, Jungkookie on the other hand was heaving out of adrenaline. We had to let go of each other's hand to undo the seatbelts. We stepped off the ride and my legs felt wobbly. We walked beside each other and I grabbed his hand again.

"Hey, what're you doing?"

"You promised", I said with a smirk.

"Yeah, only on the ride"

"But you didn't clarify that now did you?", I said and he scowled, allowing me to continue holding his hand. We walked over to the animal exhibit and he covered his nose with his sleeve. "Wow, it smells like elephant shit over here", I said, scrunching up my nose at the awful smell.

"So, basically what your attitude is like?", he retorted, laughing. I pulled my hand away and glared at him.

"Ha ha, you're sooo funny", I said, sticking my tongue at him. He chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"What a child you are", he said, grabbing my hand again. My heart fluttered at the sudden action. I don't think he's aware of what he did but I'm fine with that. The point that he wanted to hold my hand makes me blush. We ended up getting bored with the animals and played more mini games.

"We should go on the carousel!", he said, getting on the one the animals. I snickered, doing the same.

"Ha, you're so gay", I commented, jokingly and he quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Can you out of all people be talking?", he said and the ride started.

"Look, I've come to terms with myself. Have you? Is the real question", I said and he ignored me. I smiled, watching as the night time came. It was almost time to go so we went over to the food court. "What do you want? Pick as much as you want", I offered and he glanced at the menu.

"Uhm, how about one chili cheese-holy shit!", he said and I stared at the menu.

"Uh Cutie, I don't think they have chili cheese shit. I could ask them though if they can make you on specially", I said.

"No you idiot, I wasn't-nvm", he said, keeping his head down.

"What is it?"

"Nothing", he said, staring at his shoes as Jennie from school came up and ordered. She smiled at me and I returned it.

"Hey Jimin, didn't know you were here!", she said.

"Yeah, I came here with a friend", I said, nudging him. He waved, avoiding her gaze. Oh wait, don't tell me that he has a crush on her. Ha, this is hilarious and kinda sad. He can't even look at her. The people at the stand handed her, her food and she thanked them.

"Cool, I gotta go I'll see you at school!", she said, waving goodbye. Not gonna lie her acrylics were poppin'.

"So you like her right?"

"What-um-psh-no-I mean she's cute-I mean but-", he stumbled with his words.

"Awe how cute. My baby has a wittle cwush on Jennie~", I teased and he punched my arm.

"Shut up. It doesn't matter she'll never notice me", he said, pouting, kicking the dirt on the ground. I gave him a sad smile and sighed, taking out my phone. I went on Instagram and turned on selfie mode.

"Make a weird face"

"Why? What're you doing?"

"Make a face! 1-2-3", I counted down, taking the selfie. I smiled, liking how it turned out and posted it. Not even a few seconds later my phone goes off with like notifications. "She'll notice you now", I said, smiling, showing him the picture.

"You jerk! Why didn't you show me first before you posted it! If she sees this I'm gonna beat your ass!"

Enjoy Lovelies

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