Chapter (O N E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I trudged inside school, going to my locker. I put in my combination, unlocking it. I grabbed my books and felt someone coming up behind me. I didn't even have turn around to know who it was, "Don't even try it J-Hope", I said smiling.

I clenched my books and turned around to see him pouting for not succeeding once again. I do to him all the time and his face is priceless! He gets so scared at everything. Sometimes I feel bad because he starts tearing up if I scare him too hard.

"Darn! I thought I had it this time", he huffed, opening up his locker next to mine.

I laughed, patting him on the shoulders. "Maybe one day you will, but you're just too predictable", I said, looking around for Namjoon. He should be here in a few minutes. The bell is about to ring and he's never late to class. He has this big thing about rules, attendance, and work.

"Hey wanna hang out today?", J-Hope said, smiling at me like the happy child he is. I frowned, not able to actually hangout today or for the rest of the week.

"I'm sorry, I can't today", I said and he frowned back.

"Okay what about tomorrow?", he asked and I shook my head no. "Anytime this week?", I shook my head again, earning a groan from him.

In that moment, Namjoon comes up to us. "What's up guys? Why is Hobi frowning? He failed at scaring you again huh?", he said, smiling. I smiled back, shaking my head.

"Yes and no, he's sad that I can't hangout with you guys today", I said and Namjoon nodded.

"Let me guess, you have to make up a ton of homework you decided to put off until now?", Namjoon said and I punched him in the arm. He winced, rubbing his arm in pain. "Ow, what was that for?"

"It's not homework-okay part of it is because of homework, but I also have to tutor this kid after school for who knows how long. Then, I have to go straight home since I'm grounded for three days", I said and they both shook their heads in unison.

"Oh Jungkook, what did you bring home without asking this time?", J-Hope said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Was it something exotic?", he said and Namjoon chuckled.

"Whatever. Don't you have a somewhere to be?", I asked and he checked his watch.

"Right! I have to meet up with Jisoo and the friends!", he said, grabbing his books. "Oh and Namjoon, can you hangout today?", Namjoon nodded, agreeing.

He ran away and I called out to him, "If you see Jennie tell her Jungkook says Hi!", he looked back, sending me a thumbs up. Namjoon and I heard the bell and began walking down the hallway to class.

"Dude, you should just talk to her yourself. You've been asking Hobi to be your messenger since day one and nothing's changed", he said and I looked down embarrassed.

"It's not that easy. She's popular and pretty and I'm the exact opposite. If I go up to her she's not even going to acknowledge me!", I said and Namjoon sighed.

"Dude, this is sad. You've liked her ever since elementary school! You should actually go up and talk to her. I'm tired of seeing you make up random scenarios in your head that are never going to happen!", he said and I stayed silent, knowing that he's right. I just don't have the guts to do so. I'm scared that she'll just laugh in my face and walk away.

"Well anyways, I'll see at lunch", he patted my shoulders, heading to his class. I continued walking to mine and I heard someone whistle in my direction. I glanced in that direction and saw that it was that rich kid that everybody adores, Park Jimin. The famous son of a famous singer.

He licked his lips and sent me a wink and I felt the need to barf. I quickly looked the  other direction and picked up my pace. I think I even heard him shout, "Nice butt you got there, cutie!", along with his group of friends laughing with him.

I cringed, reaching my Science class. I sat down in a seat all the way in the back. My mind couldn't clear what just happened. The second bell rang and the teacher began talking. I couldn't pay attention to anything she was saying because of the incident.

I blocked her out since she's only talking about review. I rested my head down on my desk, replaying what happened in my head. I hope for that to never happen again. I'll do to the best of my ability to avoid him.

I really don't like him. He thinks that he can get away with anything because he's rich. Not only that, he's a spoiled brat that gets anything he wants because of the amount of money he has, which means he doesn't have to work for anything in life. I feel bad for his parents who probably have to deal with his neediness daily.

Enjoy Lovelies

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