Chapter(F O U R T Y S I X)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Stop what ever both of you are doing! You both don't belong together!", I announced, tripping out of the bushes. The squirrel that was gnawing on my arm jumped out with me. I hissed at it as it jumped on me. I screamed, waving my arm furiously in the air, attempting to get this rabid animal off of me!

"Jungkook, what are doing?!", Jimin, exclaimed.

"I'm trying to get this rabid squirrel off of me!". I jerked my body around, trying to catch this stupid squirrel. I officially despise tiny creatures, especially squirrels!

"No, I meant what're you doing here? Why were you in a bush?!"

"I was following-Ow!", I winced as the squirrel went up my shirt and started biting my flesh. "It's biting me! Help! Ow! Ow! Ow! It hurts!", I cried out, throwing myself onto the floor. "Are you guys not going to help me!? Ow!", I rolled on the floor, smacking myself all over. Where the fuck is the squirrel!

"Oh for the love of God!", I heard Taehyung say, hopping out of the bushes. "I swear you're the biggest idiot I have ever met!", he said, smacking the rodent off of my body. He grabbed my shirt, yanking me off the ground. "You can never follow directions!", he said, punching my arm.

"Tae!?", Jimin exclaimed, confusion written all over his face. "What're both of you doing here?! Someone explain what the bell is going on!", Jimin fumed, giving Taehyung and I crazed stares.

The mystery dude that goes by the name Eun I figure out not too long ago, stood there without uttering a word. All he did was stare at Taehyung with googly eyes. Taehyung didn't notice and pointed a finger at me. "This idiot right here decided it would be a great idea to follow you around the are", he said, rolling his eyes. "I was forced I promise"

My jaw dropped at how quick he threw me under the bus! Yes I will admit that this was my idea, but he didn't have to blame everything me....even though everything is my fault at the moment. "Taehyung, you're an asshole", I glared, giving him the middle finger, which he of course returned.

"Jungkook, why did you follow me?"

"Actually he's been doing more than just following you, he's been researching your new friend too", Taehyung told with me feeling completely betrayed.

"Taehyung, you traitor! I thought we were in this together", I said and he shrugged not caring at all.

"Jungkook, why're you stalking Eun and I?"

I gulped, dusting myself off. "I wanted to see what was going on between you two"

"What? Why do you care?"

I cleared my throat, "Because you don't belong with belong with me", I said, puffing my chest out to look superior compared to this Eun dude.

"Oh goodness, here we go again with this...", Jimin said, inhaling a deep breath. "Jungkook, we don't belong together"

"But you a few months ago said the complete opposite"

"Yes, but-"

"But what? Why do you not want to be with me all of a sudden", I asked, feeling hurt standing here, wondering if Jimin already lost feelings. He said he loved me so he wouldn't right?

"No, Jungkook that's not-", he was cut off with Jennie, sneaking up behind me, hugging me. "Why am I not surprised?", he uttered, shaking his head.

"Hey babe, where did you go?", Jennie giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wanted to explain things to Jimin, but I didn't have the chance when Jennie pulled me in for a kiss. I tried to pull away, but she deepened the kiss.

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