Chapter (F O U R)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I watched the cutie rush out the door and I smiled to myself. I love the reaction I got from him. The way he squirmed beneath my stare. I smiled to myself as I thought about his cute flustered face. I snapped out of my thoughts when Jin tapped my shoulder.

"So is he going to be your new victim?", Jin said, eyeing me playfully.

"Maybe. He seems like he would be tough to crack though", I said, smiling. He's one of the first people to not fall right into my charms. I never had a challenge before. Everybody falls in love with me quick and easy. No matter if I told them that I didn't feel the same.

"Yeah, I just saw you scare the heck out him. He looked highly uncomfortable with you", he said and I shrugged.

"He won't be for long. Soon he'll be like the rest of them, right in my bed by the end of the night", I said, smirking to myself at the thought of waking up next to him in my bed.

"Do you even know his name?", he asked and I shook my head.

"I'll know his name when I'm moaning it in the middle of the night", I said, confidently as Jin patted me on the back.

"Don't you already have a boyfriend?", he asked and I thought about who he was talking about. There were many people that considered themselves mine. I lose track of their names most of the time.

"Not exactly. There's like two guys who  I'm dating at the moment", I said and his eyes widened.

"Two? Aren't you also going out on a date with another guy tomorrow?", I nodded at his question. I don't see the problem. They ask me out and I agree. I enjoy free attention given to me.

"It's that big of a deal. It's not going to last long anyway and you know it. I might as well play along and have fun", I said. Jin sighed, shaking his head.

"When are you actually going to find someone you genuinely love", he said and I cringed at that word. Love. That word didn't exist in my dictionary. It's not that I don't believe in love it's just I've never experienced it. I don't believe I'll ever will. I haven't even had a real crush yet.

Not wanting to continue on this topic I stared around the room. I felt eyes on us and turned in a direction to where a handsome nerd was indeed staring at us. Well Jin to be exact. Once he noticed that I caught him he swiftly turned around, focusing on his book. He seemed embarrassed so I laughed at his cuteness.

I nudged Jin's shoulder and told him to look at the person who was staring at him. He looked at him then back at me confused on what I was talking about.

"He was staring at you idiot. I think he likes you", I whispered in his ear and Jin smiled, getting up. I watched as he stood up. "What're you doing?", I asked and he smirked, strutting over to the kid. Oh no, I feel bad now. I shouldn't have said anything. I stayed in my seat and listened to their conversation.

"Hey I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can me Jin. My friend said you were staring at me!", Jin said, grinning at the blushing nerd. "I'm Kim Namjoon, and yes I was sorry", he said in a low tone. The Namjoon guy looks so shy around Jin and Jin's personality is very upfront.

"Cool name!", Jin said, sitting next to Namjoon. Namjoon smiled, looking away from Jin. "Uhm, not really, but thanks", he said. Jin swung his arm around his shoulders and pulled themselves closer. "Well, Namjoon wanna be friends?", Jin requested and Namjoon's eyes enlarged.

"Seriously?", he asked and Jin nodded. "But why me?", he asked and Jin shrugged. "I don't know, I like you I guess!", Jin said, laughing, goofily. His laugh made everyone laugh because of how it sounded. Namjoon laughed with him sounding equally as unique.

Wow, they're already perfect for each other. I tuned out the rest of their conversation and now needed to pee. I noted that the cutie has been in the bathroom for a while. I should be a nice, concerned fellow classmate and check up on him. Only to see if he's alright, of course.

I got up out of my seat and ambled to the door. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back", I told the teacher and made my way out the door. I strolled along the hallway into the boys bathroom. I stepped in and saw that only one of the stalls were occupied. Since I know it's him I took the stall next to his.

I stood up on the toilet and peaked over the next stall. "Well, hello there cutie!", I said and he screamed.

"Oh my gosh, what the fuck!"

Enjoy Lovelies

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