Chapter(T W E N T Y S I X)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I walked home from school today. I wasn't in the mood to walk with the crew today so I headed home alone. The walk took me almost an hour. It was nice and breezy outside so it felt peaceful.

I unlocked the front door and saw Jungkookie sitting on the couch, watching something on the flatscreen. He smiled at me and I smiled back, going into the kitchen. The walk did tire me out a bit and I felt dehydrated. I poured me a cup water and saw Jungkookie standing in the doorway.

"Yes, how may I help you?", I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't plan for that to happen. Something came up and I couldn't-"

"Cutie it's okay. You've been telling me for a while that you don't like going place's with me. If you didn't want to go out all you had to do was say so", I said, moving past him.

"No that's not it. I really did want us to have a night out. Something with Namjoon came up and I had to be there for him"

"It's okay, I know the only reason why you asked me to go out was because you felt bad. I'm not mad anymore. Matter of fact, I don't care that much", I lied. I cared. Too much.

"Well, how about tomorrow? I can tell my friends that I'm busy so we hangout together like we planned", he suggested. I shook my head and went back upstairs.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine staying here. No need to force yourself", I said, yawning. "I'm tired. I'm gonna get ready and go to bed".

"Don't you think it's pretty early to go to bed at this time?"

"Nah, to me not really", I said, closing my bedroom door behind me.

I sat down on the bed and thought to myself again. I'm really stupid for believing that he was starting to feel something for me too. I should've known that he wasn't going to actually take me out on a date. I just got too excited over nothing. I thought that if we hung out then maybe he could distract me from my problem. The anniversary is tomorrow.

I could always call over my friends and have us go out to party like every year on that day. Yeah, I'll do that even though I wanted to have Jungkookie with me this time. I'm not going try to ask him because I already know he's not going to tag along. He's only going to complain throughout the whole day. Either that or pretend to be happy around my friends and I, and not have a good time.

I laid on the edge of my bed and stared at the Bvlgari bag, sitting on the floor. I frowned, imagining his reaction to the present I got him. I wanted to give it to him after the movies. I pictured him tearing up at the amazing gift and showering me with appreciation. But now that I think about it he probably wouldn't like the gift anyway. He most likely would've thrown the present away or give it back without a care in the world.

It's disappointing because I thought long and hard for what type of present I should get him that he won't hate completely. It sucks because he's never going to enjoy what I got him. I was going to give it to him when he came back, but there's not point if he's just going to toss it away. It's waste of money, not like I care much about spending money. I'm going to return it soon when I have the time.

I don't even know why I feel so broken over a simple date. This should've been expected. For some odd reason, I had hope. Hope that somehow our feelings were mutual. Apparently, not at all and I'm a fool for thinking so.

It's okay though. There's plenty of people out there who would die to be with me. I still wonder why haven't I gone with them instead. It's easier than chasing a 'straight' guy who you'll never have a future with. Do I want easy? There's no fun in not fighting for what you want. Everything has been handed to me my whole life and it gets boring. Maybe that's why I never had feelings for the people who chase after me. It's too easy.

Jungkookie was a challenge I wanted to succeed. I've never had a challenge in anything before and being around Jungkookie made me experience that. I knew he was going to be tough to crack since the beginning. I think that's why I took a strong liking to him. At first I wanted to use him for a good fuck and then he turned into something more.

At this point I want to give up since I know how this game is going to end. It's hard though because every time I see him something inside me sparks and makes feel some type of way. I was sure that it was just lust until I began craving something more. I still don't have a clue as to what it is and I'm fine keeping it that way. I feel as if I find out I won't like the answer.

Hours have passed and I'm twisting and turning to get my body to fall asleep. I feel as if my eyes are stapled open. I can't close them without opening them back up right after. The longest I've kept my eyes close was for 5 minutes, barely. I got up and went downstairs. I saw Jungkookie sprawled out on the couch. He doesn't look like he's in a comfortable position.

I tapped him to wake him up, but he wouldn't budge. I shook his shoulders which only caused him to wack my hand away and turn to the other side. I sighed, knowing that he's not going to get up and jogged upstairs to retrieve blankets, and pillows. I lifted up his head and placed the pillow under him. I moved his legs more on the couch and covered him with the warm blanket.

I tucked in the sides to make sure he wouldn't get cold in the middle of the night. I squatted down and observed his face. I never saw someone look so cute and scary at the same time while sleeping. He kinda resembles an angry bunny. I giggled at my thoughts of him being a cuddly, rabid bunny. He began fidgeting in his sleep and I rested my hand on his cheek. He stopped moving as I caressed his face.

I smiled taking in the image in front of me. I could watch him sleep all day. He slowly leaned into my touch and I got a weird sensation in my chest. I shrugged it off and checked the time. The clock read 1:04a.m. I should really get to bed. I still have to wake up early in the morning. I leaned closer to his face, moving his hair back. I planted a small kiss on his forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Jungkookie"

Enjoy Lovelies

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