Chapter(T H I R T Y E I G H T)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Fuck Jimin! This dude really makes me want to punch a wall! A really soft wall because I don't want to damage my knuckles. My hands are very precious for multiple reasons. Actually I'm so angry I might just punch a real wall!

Today I was going to apologize for what had happened between us yesterday. I wanted us resolve this in a respectful manner. But no, I come home to see him throwing my stuff out without telling me! I didn't think he was being serious yesterday about me leaving. He could've called or texted me, informing me on what he was doing.

Oh well, this doesn't bother me because Jimin's right. I did want to leave and I still do. The only thing that is slightly bothering me is his emotional state. He looked so tired today. The dark circles under his eyes indicates that he hasn't gotten sleep. I keep replaying our fight yesterday. I can't get his pained expression out of my head.

His adorable eye smile converting into sorrow. His cute chubby cheeks tinted red with fresh tears streaming down them, ruining his makeup. His soft, plump lips quivered as he slid the ring off and threw it on the ground. Then as he cried out words I've never thought I'll hear.

"I hate you"

When I heard those words flow out of his mouth that's when I knew I fucked up. Before I could say sorry he locked himself in his room. Knowing he needed space I let him be. I picked up the ring off the ground and wondered if I should sell it. He did say I could have the ring and I do need the ring for my father. However, I didn't go through with the plan. I couldn't let the ring go.

I shifted in my seat in the car and fiddled around my pocket for the ring. I pulled it out and stared at it. I should give this back to him, but we'll only get into another argument if we speak to each other. I'll find a way soon, for now it's staying with me. I placed the ring back in my pocket as we reached my fathers apartment. I got out the car and the tall bodybuilders helped me with the boxes inside to my room.


"No problem", one of the muscle pigs replied.

"Do I have to pay you guys?"

"No our boss does", he said and I nodded. "Welp, cya kid". They waved goodbye and headed out the door.

Minutes later, my dad walks out of his room. "What's all the ruckus? Jungkook you're here why? Do you have the money?", he questioned, not even that excited to see me. Great to know that he only wants to see me is when I have money for him.

"Woah, don't be too excited to see me, I don't want you breaking a hip", I said, sarcastically and his face lit up.

"Son, I am happy to see you! I just didn't expect you here. Why're you here exactly? Also, me breaking a hip? How old do you think I am?", he questioned and I chuckled sitting down.

"I'm here because I got kicked out and I'm pretty sure you're....I don't know old... like Ice Age old".

"Ha, you're hilarious. I don't care if this is your first day back I will ground you", he chuckled and sat next to me. "Why did you kicked out? You didn't bring another animal over to their house did you?! Did you lose the animal inside their house? Imagine the paranoia! I was paranoid for weeks with your snake!", he said, glancing around frantically.


"Good...don't tell me you hid the animal from them their house?"


" didn't bring another animal home here did you?", he asked, checking around me. He patted my pockets and I pushed him off.

I laughed and shook my head, "No, no animals. Jimin and I got into an argument".


"It was over something silly", I waved my hand, wanting dismiss the topic.

"It must've been serious if he decided to put you out over it. I mean he was the one who wanted you stay with him in the first place", he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I lowered my head and thought about my faults in this situation.

"Nah, he's acting like a child that's all", I chucked, dryly.

"Alright. Anyway, do you have the money?", he asked, eagerly. I sighed, shaking my head.

"No I don't"

"What happened to the friend?"

I gulped, "They didn't have the money", I lied, fiddling with the ring in my pocket. I'm tempted to sell it, but something's telling me not to. I believe it's the guilt telling me otherwise.

"Oh alright", he whispered, disappointingly.

"I'm really sorry dad"

"No son don't stress about it", he said, getting up. "I'm hungry, I'm going to order in some pizza. You should go take a shower and relax for right now", he went in his room and closed his door. I grunted, gripping the sides of my hair.

I hate Jimin for making feel this guilty. I never liked him so why do I feel bad. I hate having a conscience. I can't get his crying face out of my head. It hurts my heart to think it about constantly. I want to rush over to his house and hug him with no words said. Him melting into my embrace with no more sadness will make me feel better.

I didn't mean anything I said to him earlier and yesterday. I was only mad at him. When I get angry I can't control what I say or do most of time. My friends have said before that I have anger issues and I'm starting to agree with them. I didn't want to hurt Jimin yesterday. If I knew he was going to react like that I would've never done what I did.

Maybe he's right I am selfish. I was willing to hurt him just to get rid of my own personal problem. I don't want to admit that I could've developed feelings for Jimin. No matter how much I try to deny it, I know in my heart that I did develop feelings for him. Why him out of all people? If I was going to be gay couldn't I have ended up liking anybody else and I mean anybody.

I want to accept my feelings for him, but I can't. How do I know he actually loves me and that I'm not an accomplishment. Park Jimin: Popular, rich, spoiled son of one of South Korea's most famous singers, who gets what he wants when he wants it. People drop to their knees for him. I hate that. If I let myself fall for him I'll be just like the rest of the people on this got damn planet!

Sooner or later he'll get bored of loving me and move on to someone much more fulfilling. I feel as if I'm a prize that he needs to win to feel as if he's still above everybody else, and that no matter the circumstance he can have everything handed to him. I don't want my love to be another easy achievement for him.

I sometimes think that maybe I'm different. That there's a possibility that he could genuinely love me. Or did love me... I'm definite that I shattered that love completely. Then again, I can't be sure without seeing if true for myself. I should try to get Jimin to forgive me.

"JUNGKOOK THE PIZZA WILL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES. MAKE SURE TO ANSWER THE DOOR ON TIME!", my dad shouted through his room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah, I know!"

The question is: How am I going to get him to forgive me for this?


"Yes I get it!"

"AND DONT AND I REPEAT DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT OVERWATCH EITHER! NOBODY CARES ABOUT IT!", I gasped at his rude comment about my precious baby.

"That's false! You're the only one who doesn't care!"


"He was secretly interested!"


"I was checking if it was poisoned! You probably would've been dead if it wasn't for me!"

People are so ungrateful...

Enjoy Lovelies

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