Chapter(F O U R T Y E I G H T)

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Sadly, we're coming to an end of the book. The next chapter or two might be the final closing of the book. Thank you Lovelies for the votes and comments. All of you mean a lot to me 💜🥰

Jimin's P.O.V

*3 weeks later*

I yawned, waking up to the bright light that illuminated my room. I checked the time and saw that it was time to get my lazy butt up and get ready for boring school. When I finished getting dressed I checked my phone to see if I got any missed phone calls. I was confused when I didn't see any.

Usually my friends blow up my phone when it's my birthday. I'm more confused as to why Tae hasn't called me yet, he's always the first one to call. I shook the slight sadness off and grabbed my backpack. I went downstairs and heard Yoonjae in the kitchen, "Happy birthday Jimin, you're cake will be awaiting you when you get home", he said and I thanked him going to my ride.

"Good morning sir, happy birthday", my chauffeur said and I smiled, thanking him. When I reached school I got out and still didn't see my friends around. Strange. I went inside to my locker and was greeted by Eun. At least he's here today.

"Hey, I heard it was your birthday", he said, handing me a small box. "Here's your present".

"Eun you didn't have to get me anything"

"I know. Open you'll love it"

I sighed opening the box and I almost dropped the box. I think I'm fully obsessed with him. "Eun, you really did this for me!", I squealed, taking a look at the multiple pictures of his face and smile.

"Yeah, I know your in love with my face so I decided why not give you what you adore that will last for ever", he blushed, looking away from me. I smiled, giving him a quick hug.

"I will cherish these for the rest of my life, thank you. I can't wait to show these to my future kids", I thanked him, opening my locker. As I was grabbing my books I heard Eun answer his phone.

"Hello?....yeah...okay got it", his call ended shortly and he snatched my books out my hands.

"What're you-"

"You won't be needing these today", he said, shoving my books back in my locker. He closed it and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We strolled along down the hallway to the school exit. Are we skipping school? Why would Eun want to skip school?

"Eun, where are we going? Class is the other way, I hope you know that", I said, confused on what's happening at the moment. He didn't say anything as we exited the school. "Eun, you're scaring me. Please tell me where we're going"

He sighed, "I'll give you a hint. My present to you isn't your only gift for today". I groaned understanding what was going on. I bet he's taking me somewhere for my birthday. I don't want to celebrate my birthday.

"Eun, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't care for my birthday", I said and a limousine drove up in front of us.

Okay what the hell?

The driver's window rolled down and showed a happy Yoongi. "Guys hop in!", he ordered and we got in the limo. "Guys isn't this cool! I've always wanted to drive a limo!", he smiled, showing his gummy smile.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now