Chapter (F I V E)

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Jimin's P.O.V

He shot up from the toilet and scrambled out the stall. I laughed, walking out of mine. He went to the sink and washed his hands. The point that he was just sitting on the toilet doing nothing makes me question why he was in here. He didn't look at me and tried to walk out the bathroom.

I blocked his way and he glared down at me. He seemed to be about two inches taller than me so the height difference wasn't that intimidating. Unlike the glare in his eyes that almost made me want to cower. I wanted to have fun though so I didn't move and just smirked back.

"Move out of my way", he said, lowering his tone of voice. I'm not going to lie it low key turned me on. But I must contain myself.

I pouted and gave him an innocent smile, "Awe, but why?", I said, moving closer to him as he backed up.

"What're you doing? Stay back!", he said, putting out his arms in front of me. "I need you to stay arms distance away from me!", he said, pushing lightly on my chest when I cornered him by the stall. I giggled, grabbing both of his wrists, gliding his hands down my abs.

He retracted his hands immediately and held a horrified expression. "Get the fuck away from me!", he shouted, loudly, shoving me away from him.

I playfully frowned, stepping closer to him again. "But why? We barely had any fun!", I said, using a innocent, sweet tone of voice. He pushed me away again, but a little harder this time, so I didn't try to go closer to him.

"Stay the hell away from me!", he shouted, pushing me aside from the door. I stumbled a bit and leaned against the wall.

"Woah, calm down", I said, raising my hands in the air. "I was just messing with you. I know you like me", I said and he all of a sudden started choking. I laughed at his reaction and strutted up to him.

"N-No way, I'm not gay! And out of all people I could like it would certainly not be you!", he said, seeming so sure of himself. I believe otherwise. He's probably in denial like most people.

"Oh cutie, stop lying to yourself. Everybody likes me, you're no different", I said, pridefully. Am I wrong? No. It's true. Not one person I've met was able to resist my charms.

"Pft, people probably only like because of your money", he said, mumbling under his breath, but it was loud enough for me to here. My money has nothing to with anything. I can't help it if I'm impeccably good looking and that I have a lovable personality.

"No, it's because everything about me is breathtaking", I said, running my fingers through my hair. He scoffed crossing his arms.

"Are you always this audacious?", he asked and I smiled.

"I like to think more of myself as confident", I said and he chuckled, eyeing me up and down. See, he's checking me out all ready. I knew it all along. Right when I was about to make another comment, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Yoongi.

"Yoongi, it's such a surprise to see you calling. Wassup?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in detention, I told you this"

"Oh right, forgot. I need you leave and come over now!"


This is odd. Yoongi never wants me over. I always have to barge in his house regardless of his pleas for me to leave. Unless, it's Taehyung, bugging him and he needs me there to help ease to headache of him being there. Again.

"You already know. He won't let me eat or sleep in peace! Please get here and collect him!", he exclaimed and I pulled the phone away from my hurting ears.

I laughed checking my watch. We only have like 30 minutes left anyway. Might as well leave now. "Okay I'm coming. See you in a few babe"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me babe!"

"Awe, love you too babe. Bye"

"Jimin I swear-", I hung up before he could cuss me out and shoved my phone in my pocket. I realize that I never went to the bathroom. I don't like public bathrooms anyway.

"Well cutie, I gotta go", I said, moving away from him. I opened the door and before I walked out I heard him mumble a remark.

"You have a boyfriend and you're flirting with someone else. Wow, you have no respect", he said and I turned around.

"Awe, is someone jealous?"

"Ha, never!", he said, defensively.

I smirked and sent him a wink, "Sure, whatever you say cutie", I said, walking out the bathroom. I have a feeling that he's going to take some work.

Enjoy Lovelies

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