Chapter(E I G H T E E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

'Have fun at school dork. Try not to think about me too much *wink*. Xoxo Jimin'. I wrote on the sticky note and stuck it to his smoothie, I even added 2 mini chocolates. I tipped toed out of his room, trying not to wake him up. I rushed downstairs and out of the house when I saw Taehyung's car.

I climbed in and saw Yoongi sitting in the back seat. "Good morning babe!", I said, sending him a flying kiss.

"Jimin don't test me", Yoongi said, holding up his fist, jokingly glaring at me. I laughed and noticed the side of him was empty, meaning no Jin.

"Where's Jin?", I asked, seeing that he always rides with us to school. Taehyung started up the car and drove the way to school.

"He called and said that he's sick", Tae said.

"Should we visit him instead of going to school?", I suggested not in the mood to show up at school. Tae shook his head, parking in the school parking lot.

"Can't, the principle said that I'll get suspended if I skip another day of school. Jin also insisted that he doesn't need our help or anything", he said, getting out the car. I nodded and walked beside Yoongi. We all walked inside the school and as usual was greeted by everyone.

"Hey, Jimin over here!"

"Suga! Suga, how did you sleep last night!"

"Taehyung, I'm over here! You're so handsome!"

"Where's Jin?!"

The questions kept coming left and right. We waved and smiled. That actually made them crazier. Taehyung had to separate and head to his class. Yoongi and I went to our class that we had together. We both sat in the back and chatted.

"Bro, you've seen him around right?", Yoongi asked, showing me a picture of one of Jungkookie's friends.

"Yeah, that's J-Hope I think. He sometimes hangs around us. Why?", I asked.

"Well, he's been following me for a while now and every time I try to get rid of him he keeps coming back. He's like a puppy", he said, annoyed. I laughed. That's cute how Yoongi has an admirer. "It's not funny. He's weird!", he said.

"What's weird about him? He's popular, nice, and funny", I said in defense of J-Hope. From what I've seen around school he's the class clown that people adore. I don't see anything wrong with him.

"I don't know he just is. Plus, nobody should be that happy at school", he said as the bell rang. I chuckled, giving my attention to the teacher.

"It's okay, you're probably afraid of liking him due to your trust issues and shit", I whispered towards him. He smacked me upside my head and glared at me. I winced at impact.

"I'm not afraid of anything for your information and secondly, I'm not gay", he said and turned to pay attention to the teacher.

"Whatever you say", I whispered back and we both watched the teacher. She ended up giving us partner work so Yoongi and I worked together. We finished pretty quickly because I already knew the stuff she taught. That's why I don't like to attend classes because they're so useless. Why attend when you already know the material?

When the class was over it was time for gym. The class that I hated the most. Sweaty people are gross! I don't even like to sweat myself. Also, most of the guys there are homophobic pricks. The only good part is that Tae is also in that class with Yoongi and I. Yoongi and I waited for Tae by the lockers and we continued talking about J-Hope.

"I don't want to be mean, but he does creep me out", he said and I listened. "I know he likes me it's pretty obvious. The problem is how do I get him to stop liking me?", he asked and I shrugged not knowing how to answer that. It's hard to get someone to stop liking someone.

"I don't know, maybe try talking to him about it", I suggested and he sighed, going on about how he doesn't want to hurt his feelings. I looked around and saw that Tae was heading over to us with Jungkook, and J-Hope by his side. They were actually conversing with each other, that's new.

"Speaking of the devil", I said and Yoongi tensed up.

"Hey, what did I miss?", Tae asked, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Yoongi is trying to get rid of J-Hope without hurting his feelings", I told and Tae made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"Oh, my bad then. I probably shouldn't have brought them over here", he said. "But that's not like Yoongi though. Yoongi usually doesn't mind rejecting anybody, what makes him so special?", he asked and I wondered the same.

"Hey, Suga!", I heard J-Hope say, jogging up to Yoongi. Yoongi gave him a fake smile and waved. "You look good today!", J-Hope said, clinging onto Yoongi's side. "Your hair feels so soft!", he said, touching Yoongi's hair softly. Yoongi looked uncomfortable and slid out of J-Hope's grasp.

"Yo guys, I'm gonna head to the gym early, cya!", Yoongi said, running down the hall with J-Hope following.

"Suga wait for me!", J-Hope said, running at full speed. Tae and I laughed. I almost feel sorry for Yoongi. Yoongi isn't good with personal attention. I ship it, I think Yoongi needs someone like J-Hope in his life. I was distracted when I felt a hand tug my wrist. I looked up and saw Jungkookie, signaling me to follow him.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?", he asked and I nodded, telling Tae to meet me in the gym. Once we were alone he spoke. "So you remember that picture you took of us together right?", he said as his voice was full of happiness. "That picture was the best thing to ever happen to me!", he said, bouncing up and down like a kid in the sight of chocolate cake.

"Really? You finally came to your senses that we look perfect together, especially in photos?", I asked, teasingly and his smile dropped.

"No. I'm saying that because Jennie finally noticed me today!", he said, jumping up and down. I felt a slight pang in my chest, but ignored it. "I was walking down the hall sipping my smoothie, minding my own business when suddenly-BAM!", he said, clapping his hands, making me flinch.

"We locked eyes and I smiled at her and she smile back! Can you believe it!? That never happens. I always smile at her, but for once she smiled back!", he squealed, eating one of the chocolates I left him this morning. He offered me one and I denied. They're for him to enjoy. I told him I was going to be late for class and he walked me to the gym, ranting about Jennie.

I was happy that he offered to walk me to my class even if it did hurt a little, seeing him so happy because of her and I all do is make him mad or annoyed. But seeing him smile still managed to make me swallow my feelings and smile with him. As long as he's smiling, I'm content.

Enjoy Lovelies

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