Chapter(F O U R T Y)

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Jimin's P.O.V

* 16 hours earlier *

"Yoonjae what're you doing just sitting around? Go have fun!", I shouted over the blasting music in club. Yoonjae and I have been sitting down by the bar for almost an hour. He's too timid to let loose and communicate with people. He hasn't even had his first drink yet, I've been taking his drinks.

"I don't know sir, I've never been to a club", he fiddled with his fingers, slumping on the chair he was sitting on. I placed my hands on his shoulders and stared him dead in the eyes.

"Yoonjae this is sad, you're a 23 year-old virgin. Have a drink or two, pull yourself together, dance, and have fun for once in your life! You can do this!", I encouraged, shaking him back and forth.

"But sir-"

"I will deduct your pay if you don't get up and have fun"

"But sir I-"

"Hey dude who seems to be in his twenties, staring at my friend!", I called out to the guy who was checking out Yoonjae. I got his attention and waved him over to where we were. Yoonjae panicked, standing up, hiding behind me.

The guy came up to us and smiled at Yoonjae behind me. I pulled Yoonjae from behind me and shoved him towards the guy. The guy laughed, wrapping his arms around Yoonjae.

"Want to dance?", the guy offered and Yoonjae glanced back at me and I gave him a nod in approval. Yoonjae nodded, shyly and followed the man into the crowd. I stayed put and asked for more shots as the time passed. I wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but it felt nice to relieve the pain for a night.

I knew my mind was gone as soon as I took my hundredth shot. "You should slow down", I heard a male voice say to me. I rolled my eyes, paying for another one to come. I swung my head back and slammed the glass on the countertop.

"You're going to regret it in the morning", the boy said, sitting next to me.

"I....don...cayer", I slurred, hiccuping. I hate when I get the hiccups, it happens without fail when I'm drunk. The bartender slid me another glass and before I could grab it the boy next to me snatched it, swigging it instead.

"One water for him please, thank you", the boy ordered and the bartender handed him a bottle of water. I glared at him, punching him in the arm.

"You ...crack-butt...I was sipping", *hiccup*, "Drink"

"Yeah, it's clear as day that you don't need more alcohol. Here drink some water", he untwisted the cap of the water bottle and tilted my head back. I squirmed, pushing him away. I wasn't that drunk and didn't want water. I ended up tilting too far back somehow and fell backwards off the chair.

I heard the boy sigh and he tried to help me from off the ground. I swatted his hand and stood up by myself, feeling dizzy. "Spinning world...", I said, tipping my body. The guy came up and held onto my waist, keeping me up straight.

"Get off me...mistress!", I shoved him off of me. "Mistress...", *hiccup*, "I meant mister!", I laughed, tipping again.

"Okay it's time for you to go home", he said, pulling me up and directing us to the exit. "What's your address?", he said, leading us out the club to his car.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now