Chapter (F I F T E E N)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I groaned from boredom. I pulled out my phone and texted Hobi to come over. I couldn't invite Namjoon because he was out with his family today. Hobi and I decided that it would be cool to go night swimming. We both got dressed in our swim trunks and hopped in the pool.

We swam for bit until Hobi wanted to show me some of his new tricks. "Jungkook, look I've been working on my backflips!", Hobi said, standing at the edge of the pool ready to jump. I moved far back into the pool to make sure I don't get hurt with him.

"Hobi-um-I don't think you should do-"

"Listen I got this! I've been practicing!", he said, turning around so his back was facing me.

"Hobi, you're gonna hurt yourself"

"No I'm not trust me! 3 days of nonstop practice!", he said, getting in a weird squatting position. He even did a little shake with butt.

"3 days!? I think you should rethink-"



"Heck yeah!", before I could do anything to stop him from making this regrettable decision, he jumped. I have to admit he did look majestic. The way he practically flew in the air with his arms out.

He looked like a soaring eagle and bent his legs. He looked ready to the flip and I was surprised that 3 whole days can do so much. That was until he lost his coordination and flopped straight down in the pool.

Belly flopped...arms wide out too...face first...

Poor Hobi...

He slowly allowed himself to sink into the pool. I sighed, making a tsk sound with my tongue. I waited for him to arise from the water, but he never did. I groaned, "Damn it Hobi". I swam under and retrieved my dumb friend. I rubbed his back as he coughed up a lot of the chlorine.

I looked at him and saw that his eyes were beginning to water. Oh no please tell me that he's not going cry! Not now! I watched as he pouted and tears fell down his pink cheeks. "Waaaaaaaa!", Hobi cried out loudly in my ear.

"Hobi, you can't be serious!"

He sniffed and cried even louder. "Waaaaaa! I-", *snif * , "Almost had-", *snif* , "Had it!", *snif *. Oh dear Jesus! He's literally a whole baby! I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug. He latched on and cried harder. Only Hobi does this I swear...

"See I told you not to do it"

"But I thought-", *snif *, "I could do it"

"Yeah, but 3 days of practice doesn't make you a pro, now does it?", I cooed, rubbing his back, trying to calm him down. He's only crying like this because he's embarrassed. He does this often when humiliated.

"Yeah, I guess", he mumbled into my neck. I sighed, laughing his childishness. We stayed like this for a few more minutes until he was absolutely done crying.

"Wanna take a wash off and watch a movie?", I prompted, leading both of us out of the pool. Note to self: Never allow Hobi to do something without at least a full week of practice.

We both took our showers and picked a movie. We were in my room on my bed, watching a movie when we heard the front door open and close. I checked my watch and saw that it was almost midnight. Hobi and I looked at each other and crept downstairs. I heard giggling coming from the living room.

I saw Jimin laughing, kissing underneath some dude on the couch.

"Woah, Jimin's gay?", I heard Hobi ask from behind.

"You couldn't tell?", I asked, and he shrugged.

"You right", he said and we both watched from the top of the stairs. "He looks out of it. I think he's drunk", Hobi said, nudging my arm. I looked closely and saw that the brat was indeed drunk. He could barely keep his eyes open as he giggled, talking nonsense. The guy on top of him wasn't as wasted though.

I saw Jimin trying to push him off, but he was too drunk and the guy held him down. Jimin giggled as the guy began kissing his neck. "Jungkook, I don't like this", Hobi whispered next to me and I agreed. Jimin didn't look like he wanted him anymore.

Jimin groaned, trying to lift himself up again, but the guy wouldn't let him. "Okay...I-I think we should...slow down", Jimin said drunkenly, trying to push him off. The guy instead grabbed his wrist and pinned him down more.

"Seriously...can we s-stop", Jimin said, trying to wiggle from underneath him. The guy pinned him harder causing Jimin to whimper from the force. "Please g-get off, stop", Jimin whimpered and the guy forcefully made out with Jimin and Jimin struggled to move. I couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly walked downstairs. Hobi didn't follow and continued to watch.

"Hey, he wants you to get the fuck off of him!", I shouted, letting my anger get the best of me. The man ignored me still kissing Jimin, while pressing on him more. Jimin whined again. "Get the fuck off of him!", I yelled, pulling him off Jimin. The guy stumbled and glared at me.

"And who the hell are you?", the guy asked, standing up straight, trying to look intimidating. It didn't work since he was shorter and scrawny.

"None of your fucking business! Now get out you fucking rapist!", I said and he stepped closer to me and I did the same. I wasn't going to back down from him. If he wants to fight me then be my guest. I heard Jimin giggle in excitement when he recognized my voice.

"Jungkookie, you're h-home!", Jimin said, happily. I didn't take my eyes off the guy and I waited for him to throw the first punch. He didn't and backed up.

"Fuck this", the guy said, grabbing his jacket. He walked out the door and slammed it behind him. Once he was gone I rushed over to Jimin. I bent down and looked at his wrist to see if he left any bruises.

Luckily he didn't and I checked his face. I moved his hair and checked for any marks. He giggled from the touch of my hands. I rubbed his puffy cheeks and he giggled harder. "Jungkookie, tickles!". I smiled and sighed, getting up and picking him up bridal style. Thank god he doesn't weigh much. He actually feels like a feather.

I stared at Hobi from the bottom of the staircase. "I'm going to need your help", I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah, I can see that"

Enjoy Lovelies

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