Chapter(F O U R T Y T W O)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"That little-how come he didn't call me back, but called you back?!", I slammed my locker, slumping against it next to Taehyung who was playing with his chipped nail polish.

"Because he doesn't like you", he chuckled and I nudged him in his stomach.

"He does like me actually he loves me. He's just a little mad at the moment", I mumbled.

"I don't know about that. Jimin seemed to have moved on", Taehyung said, tearing his attention away from his nails. "Look over there", he pointed to where Jimin's locker was.

"What are you-", I turned my head over to his direction and instantly felt jealousy wash over me. "Who the hell is that?", I scowled, glaring at the sight beyond me.

"Jimin's new 'incredibly handsome' friend, quoted from Jimin himself. He was with him the whole day yesterday"

"What?! Is that why he didn't call me back? Because of him!", I clenched my jaw, balling up my fists.

"Woah, calm down there. Jimin didn't call you back for multiple reasons. One of the reasons being him yes, but not the main reason", I ignored Tae's remark and adjusted my backpack. I should go over there and talk to him. I should set things straight.

"I'm going over there", I told Tae.

"Jungkook, I don't think that's a good idea"

"Awe, that would matter if I actually cared about what you think", I retorted, leaving Tae behind at the lockers.

"Rude!", he shouted from behind.

I rushed over to where Jimin and the guy were talking, interrupting their conversation. "Jimin we need to talk", I said, earning a eye roll from him. He ignored me and resumed chatting with the boy. I tugged his shoulder, turning him to face me. "We need to talk now. He can wait", I said, making a disgusted face towards the unknown boy.

Incredibly handsome was a complete exaggeration...

I'm way better looking than him...

"I don't want to talk to you and as you can see I'm speaking with someone", he said, spinning back around.

"Excuse me, I need to borrow him for a minute", I told the guy and he nodded, allowing me to drag Jimin away. I pulled Jimin across the hall to a private corner. "This is a good spot for us to talk", I said, rubbing my thumb over his hand that I held. He noticed and blushed, snatching his hand back.

"What do you want to yell at me for this time, Jungkook?", he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't bring you here to yell at you", I said, grabbing him by the waist, pulling him closer to me. "I brought you her for this", I closed my eyes, leaning down to kiss him, but I felt his palm against my lips. I opened my eyes and lifted my head up.

"You told me you wanted to talk not kiss, so speak", he said, removing himself form my grasp. He denied my kiss. My kiss! My kiss out of all kisses! It's usually the other way around. I'm the one who rejects not gets rejected! "Are you going to tell me what you wanted to speak to me about? Or can I go?"

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now