Chapter( F O U R T Y N I N E)

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(Part 1)

Jimin's P.O.V

The limo came to a halt and as soon as it stopped, Eun and I dashed out into the open. Yoongi hopped out the limo too and shook his head. "You guys are so lame! And rude! I just got us through a whole massacre and not one thank you?", he scoffed, placing his hands on his hips. Is he being serious right now? With his driving, all of could've gotten a ticket or died.

I rubbed my temples, sighing, I grew a headache from Yoongi's horrible driving. "Fine, thank you Yoongi. But I must say that I don't think Jin's the only reason as to why your parents won't let you drive their vehicles", I said and he rolled his eyes.

We heard footsteps from the side and we turned to see a guy waving over to us. Yoongi smiled at him and tossed him the keys. "You can take it back now or drive it, I don't care what you do", Yoongi told and the guy nodded. The guy waved to us and got in the limo, driving off.

"Yoongi, who is that guy?", I asked.

"Oh he's my brothers best friend. I told him to come here with the rest of the guys so he can drive the limo back", he informed and I nodded, checking my surroundings. I saw that we were in front of some huge venue. "Don't ask questions, you'll see once we get inside", he said, grabbing my wrist, dragging me to the entrance. "C'mon we can't waste time".

Eun jogged behind and Yoongi took a deep breath before entering. I felt my heart racing due to me not knowing what the hell is awaiting me on the other side. We stepped inside and was engulfed by complete darkness. Yoongi clapped his hands and the room was lit instantly and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN", everyone shouted in unison. I was shocked as I looked around the venue. Usher's music's playing in the background. The venue's nicely decorated. There's a big stage, and bright blue draped hanging around, different colored balloons floating about, a whole bunch of decorated and well made dining tables, aligned perfectly. There's also a buffet alongside the tables and huge birthday cake sitting on a stand next to the buffet.

There were my friends all around with a couple of more people I didn't quite recognized. I heard footsteps as all my friends came running over to me.

"Happy birthday Jimin!", J-Hope congratulated first.

"Happy birthday bro", next was Namjoon.

"Happy birthday man!", then it was Jin who came up with children running behind him.

"Jin who are they", I squatted down to the kids level. It was a boy and girl who were on a body leash. "And why are they on a leash?", I asked, giving them high-fives before standing up.

"They're my little cousins and they're bratty, and destructive", he said, tugging the leash as they attempted running away.

"Oh c'mon they can't be that bad, they look so adorable"

"The adorable ones are always the deadliest!", he said, shaking my shoulders. I looked at the kids and saw that they were whispering about something. Jin twisted his head around. "What are you two rascals chatting about", as he said that the girl pulled Jin's pants down. Jin's face turned red in embarrassment and he let go of my shoulders. "Excuse me for one minute", he said, letting go of the leash to pull up his pants.

As soon as he released the leash the kids dashed away. Jin saw and with his pants only half way up, he ran after them, but the kids must've somehow tied his shoelaces together, causing him to trip. He fell face first on the ground and cursed them. "Those damn kids! See what I mean! I'm going to kill them!", he shouted, picking himself up off the ground, waddling over to the kids.

Namjoon saw this and chased after Jin. "Babe wait they're only children!", he said, trying to catch up to a waddling Jin. "At least pull up your pants! You look like a pedophile running after kids with your pants down!", he said and people watched as they both chased after the kids.

I sighed, adverting my attention somewhere else. I wonder how I managed to stay friends with for so long. Taehyung was the last friend to congratulate me and he practically tackled me to the ground.

"Happy birthday Minnie! I love you soooo much!", he said with his arms wrapped around my neck. I giggled, returning his bear hug. "I'm so so so sorry that I didn't call you to tell you Happy Birthday when you woke up. I was busy trying to make sure everything was in place and-", he rambled and I giggled shutting him up.

"TaeTae it's okay", I said and he laughed, placing kisses all over my face. "Tae alright", I laughed as he placed sloppy kisses all over me repeatedly.

"Okay Taehyung I think Jimin gets it", I heard my father say and Taehyung shyly let go of me. He apologized and left us alone. I was confused as to why my father was here. He should be on one of his business trips. "Hey Jimin, happy birthday", he said, hugging me. I was taken back at the sudden gesture, but hugged back tightly.

My father and I haven't hugged in ages, so this felt nice. My dad patted my back and we departed. "There's another who's here to see you", he said, moving back to reveal a woman I've never met before. "Meet your aunt Kim Chun-hee. Your mother's sister".

I let my jaw drop insight of her. She looked so much like my mother as if they were twins. "Hello, Jimin right?", I nodded unable to say words. "Your mother never mentioned a son. If I would've known about you sooner then-", I cut her off with a hug. I hugged her not wanting to let go, she laughed and hugged back.

As if she remembered something she reached in her purse and pulled out an album. "Here, this belongs to you now. It's pictures of your mom when she was young", she handed me the album and I skimmed through seeing my mother's face in every picture. "Oh and I found an old CD she made before you were born of her singing. It's called 'Promise'"

I felt tears stream down my cheeks and I hugged her one last time, thanking her. "Hey, don't thank me, thank the person who's the cause of all of this", she said and I tilted my head to the side. "I think his name was Jungkook", she said and I felt my heart beat speed up.

He did all of this?

Where is he?

Suddenly, the lights dimmed and only the stage was lit. We all made our attention to the stage. "Speaking of Jungkook I believe that's him", my father said as Jungkook came into view along with unknown people in the back. He looked beyond nervous. Him and the crew behind him were dressed stylishly in all pink. The outfits looked amazing.

Imagine me in that outfit

Imagine how good I would look

He glanced around the venue and held a mic to his mouth. I could tell he was nervous from his shaky hands. We made eye contact and I felt my heart stop. He smiled, winking at me. "Happy birthday Jimin! With help I have produced a song for you with a dance performance. The song is called 'Euphoria', I hope you enjoy", he said and got into position.

The beat started and I couldn't believe my ears. His voice sounded so angelic. How come he didn't tell me he could sing!

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now