Chapter(T H I R T Y N I N E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I stood at Jimin's locker and waited for him to show up. I held up the roses I got him this morning, firmly to my chest. I kept checking my watch to see what time it was. I woke up and came to school early so I wouldn't miss him. I'm hoping that he'll show up soon because the bell will ring in a few minutes. As I waited my friends came up to me.

"Woah, Jungkook I didn't know you felt that way about me!", J-Hope said, coming up to me with Namjoon following behind. I moved the flowers away from him before he could grab them. I smacked his grabby hands and backed up.

"No the roses aren't for you!"

"Obviously, they're for Jennie, Hobi", Namjoon smirked, while J-Hope pouted.

"Darn, I thought you were expressing your unconditional love for me", J-Hope mumbled, fake sniffling.

"Why are you waiting here? Isn't her locker in the other hall?", Namjoon asked, taking the flowers out of my hand, inspecting them. I ignored his questions and glanced around the hall. Still no Jimin. The first bell rang for class to begin and Namjoon grabbed my arm, yanking me towards our class.

"Bye guys!", J-Hope waved us goodbye from down the hall. I pulled my arm back and grabbed the flowers from him.

"Actually Namjoon, I'm going to wait in the hall a little longer. You can head to class without me", I said, earning a disappointed head shake from him.

"You need to start learning how to be a scholar"

"Namjoon it's not that serious"

"Remember it's your future not mine", he said, walking the rest of the way to class. I sighed, going back to Jimin's locker. I stood there and waited a few more minutes until the second bell came. I grew concerned as to why he hasn't showed up yet. I know he rarely shows up to school, but my gut is telling me that something could be wrong.

I checked my watch and saw that if I leave now, and go to his house, then I could make it back and miss only about half of first hour. I'm only checking to see if he's okay and safe in his home. Yes, I'm acting as a concerned, fellow citizen.

I made it to his house and knocked on the door. No one answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. I knocked harder a few more times and still no answer. Should I be scared? I whipped out my phone and scrolled through my contacts and called Jimin. Without a single ring it sent me to voicemail. Growing more worried by the second, I waited for the beep and left him a nice message.

"Jimin please call me back we need to talk"

Not satisfied with the message I called again, leaving another one.

"Jimin I really need you to call me back. I just want to talk and I mean actually talk not argue"

Nope still not satisfied.

"Jimin you better call me back I'm not playing!"

Yes, much better. The more authority the better. I waited outside his door for a little longer for about 30 minutes and felt bad about yelling at him.

"Okay, I'm sorry for the last message. Please, please, please call me right away when you get this"

I waited for another 30 minutes outside his door, waiting for the call. I squeezed the flowers in my hand and called again.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now