Chapter (E L E V E N)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I rose up from the bed and yawned. I stretched, rubbing my eyes before opening them. I let them adjust to the light and I looked around. I frowned, realizing that yesterday did happen and that this wasn't all just a twisted dream. I grunted, ruffling my hair, spotting a drink on the nightstand.

There was a sticky note attached to it that read, 'I know last night made you unhappy so I hope this breakfast smoothie will make your morning better. Xoxo Jimin'. I scoffed, balling up the note. I examined the drink before taking a sip of it. I cringed at the horrible taste. I placed it back on the stand and got up.

I went to the bathroom, did my business and got dressed, heading downstairs. I observed the house. The house is big almost like a mansion. I bet they have multiple houses. I looked around not finding Jimin anywhere. The brat probably went out with his friends somewhere. I went to the kitchen and got startled by a random man in the kitchen.

"Woah, who the hell are you!?", I shouted at the man, cleaning in the kitchen. He jumped up scared by me and bowed.

"Sorry, sir. I'm Yoonjae, the Park's family chef". Chef? They have their own personal chef... let me guess they have a maid and a butler too? "Would you like me to make you breakfast sir?"

"No thanks, and my name is Jeon Jungkook, but you can just call me Jungkook", I said and he nodded. "Hey, um-where's the spoiled brat?".

"I'm sorry, who?"

"My bad I meant Jimin", he gave me a little chuckle and told me that he was indeed out with friends.

"If you're bored you can watch a few movies in the Cinema room. Guests usually like that room the most", he stated and I almost choked on my own spit. Cinema room! How rich are they?

"Uhm, no thanks. I'll wait in my room till he comes back", I said, leaving the kitchen, going back upstairs. This is the type of house that you would really have to count your steps in. Someone could easily get lost with the amount of different rooms that look the same.

I'm pretty sure it would take me an hour to find the downstairs bathroom. I made it to my room and plopped down. I grabbed my phone from off the bed and decided to call my friends. I need to rant to someone about the tragedy that happened to me. I called Namjoon first then making a three way call with J-Hope.

"Guys you won't believe what happened to me!"

"Oh no! Don't tell that your photoshopped nudes got leaked!", J-Hope said, hyperventilating.

"No of course n-wait what?", I took me a minute to realize what he said. My photoshopped nudes? What the hell?


"J-Hope don't tell me that you-"

"We do not speak of this!", he said, shutting down the subject. I'll have a chat with him about it later.

"Is it about Jennie?", Namjoon asked, speaking up.

"Nope. It's has something to do with the Jimin guy!"

"Oh no...", they both said in unison.

"Yes. I apparently am now forced against my will to live with this little brat! Annoying, rich, spoiled little brat, correction! Can you believe it!? It's all my dad's fault too! I have to pay the consequences for my dad's mistakes! What am I supposed to do now that I stuck with a 24/7 horny little shit! What in God's name did I do to deserve this?!", I said, mostly on one breath. I breathed in heavy, feeling myself getting angry.

They both stayed silent and I wondered if they were still on the phone.

"Hello guys? You there?"

"Uh-yeah, I don't really see the problem", Namjoon said, with J-Hope agreeing with him.

"Yeah same. I sometimes talked with Jimin and he's really nice, a little arrogant though. I don't see how it's going to be torture living with him. He's not a bad person. There's no reason to hate him"

"Yeah, Jungkook why do you hate him? He seems relatively nice"

"I don't hate him. I strongly dislike him. There's a difference", I said, defensively.

"Mhm, if that's what your calling it. Just try giving him a chance. You'll see that he's probably chill and nice", Namjoon said.

"And he's rich so that's a plus!", J-Hope said, eagerly.

I snorted, "His money is the last thing I want from him".

"That's good to hear, but sadly I have go dudes. Text you guys later", Namjoon said.

"Same. Bye Kookie! Bye Namjoonie!", J-Hope said, hanging up first, followed by Namjoon. As the conversation ended I heard a knock on my door. I didn't answer, knowing who it was and attended my phone. The person knocked again, deciding to walk in.

"I didn't tell you to come in"

"You didn't tell me not to come in", the retorted back and I rolled my eyes. I sat up on the bed and faced him. He smirked at me, holding a small teddy bear in his hand. "Here I bought this for you as a little house warming gift". I eyed the bear before grabbing it. I rolled my eyes, giving it back to him.

"It's also for when you have trouble sleeping at night. I noticed yesterday that you weren't sleeping properly", he said, handing me back the bear.

"You watched me sleep? You creep", I mumbled, tossing the bear on the bed. I didn't care or need the stupid thing. He'll probably take it back sooner or later when he sees me not using it. I didn't ask him to buy me it so I'm not going use it.

"No that wasn't my intention. Anyway, are you hungry?"

"No", I said, but of course my stomach had to rumble at the same time. I mentally smacked myself as I saw his smirk deepen. He reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Your stomach says otherwise. Let's go, you get to pick the place!", he said, holding my hand, dragging me downstairs. He forced me to put on my shoes and grabbed my hand again, pulling me out the door. I snatched my hand from his, giving him a displeased expression.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to touch me", I scolded, rubbing the germs off onto my pants.

"Trust me you're soon going to beg me to touch you all over", he mumbled under his breath and I glared at him.



Enjoy Lovelies

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