Chapter(T H I R T Y S E V E N)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I cried as I felt the steaming, hot water hit my back while I sat at the bottom of the shower, knees to my chest. I didn't mind the scorching water, burning the flesh of my back as it created red marks along my body. The pain of the water masked over the pain of Jungkook. An hour has passed of me sitting in the shower and it's time for me to get out. My skin has shriveled up enough and I feel pruny.

I turned the water off and stepped out the shower. I dried myself off and changed into my pajamas. I laid on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I want to block Jungkook out of my mind, but he's all I can think about. It's late at night and he hasn't came back since our fight earlier. I told him to get out, but did I mean it? Yes-no-yes-Ugh! I hate him! I should hate him!

I shouldn't worry about his feelings when he doesn't give a shit about mine. Sighing, I lifted myself up on my bed. My lips quivered and a tear rolled down cheek. I swallowed back the hurt and quickly wiped it away. I'm not going to cry over that asshole. I stood up, feeling dry-throat. I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Yoonjae was. He should be home his working hours ended a while ago.

"Yoonjae, why're you still here? You can go home y'know", I said, pouring me a glass of water.

"Yes I'm aware I should be home, but I'm staying longer to see if you're alright since you and Sir Jungkook had an argument", he said, wiping down the countertop.

"Yoonjae go home, it's not your job to worry about me, I'm fine", I smiled, sipping my drink. He stopped cleaning and stared at me.

"I know sir-I mean Jimin, I didn't stay here late as your chef, instead I stayed as your friend", he grinned and I smiled back. I didn't know he considered me his friend.

"Awe, thanks Yoonjae", I said, going to the staircase. "Hey Yoonjae, I've actually never heard you talk about your other friends".

"Yes, that's due to the fact that I don't have any other friends. I dedicate my life to my work so I don't have time to make friends. I wake up, go to work, head my home, then restart the next day", he said, washing the dishes. What he said was sad to hear.

"What about your childhood friends?"

"I have none. During my school days, I did exactly what I do now. Wake up, work, go home and start over"

That is depressing and expected from Yoonjae

"I'm your first and only friend?"

"Yes, exactly"

"Yoonjae I'm happy to be considered your friend but you should go out more"

"No thanks, I like working more than going out. Also, I appreciate the time we spend together. Especially when you have no one to watch those romcoms with and we spend the whole day in the Cinema room, eating ice cream"

"Yeah, my favorite part is when you cry towards the ending", I giggled.

"What happens in the Cinema room should stay in the Cinema room", he chuckled.

"Gotcha. Yoonjae seriously, you should go out more. How about tomorrow you take the day off and party or possibly make a friend"

"It's okay, I'm fine with having you as my friend"

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now