Chapter (F I F T Y)

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(Part 2)

Jimin's P.O.V

I stared at him in amazement as he gracefully sung and danced the time. "Take my hands now. You are the cause of my Euphoria~", he sang, staring at the whole time with a smile on his face. He closed his eyes for a second as he sang the high notes like it was nothing. When I thought Jeon Jungkook couldn't get more perfect, here he goes showing me something like this.

How can a person look and sound so angelic at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if he was an angel in disguise. I sighed, thinking to myself. I was supposed to be over Jungkook or at getting over him. Over the past few weeks of us not talking to each other I was starting to feel content. I wasn't constantly thinking about him-okay that's a lie. I was thinking about him constantly, but I was working on trying not to.

I was happy hanging out with my friends and especially Eun who was always around me. Eun surprisingly didn't have any other friends. He said people found him weird and intimidating, so no one cared to get to know him and befriend him.

Over the past few weeks he's been wanting me to help him seem less intimidating. I told him that he was perfectly fine the way he was, but he insisted that I should fix him. In my opinion, I believe that he wants to change because of Tae. It's obvious that he likes him. I just think Tae's the only one who hasn't noticed.

I turned my attention to Eun and Tae who were sitting together at a table with a few other people. Tae was chatting with someone and Eun was there staring at him with loving, googly eyes. Tae didn't notice and dismissed Eun at the table. I felt bad, seeing Eun sit there admiring Tae in silence. I hope he doesn't hurt himself, chasing after Tae.

I sighed, tearing my attention away and back to Jungkook who was focused on dancing as the beat dropped. He seems so concentrated as if his life depends on this performance. He looked exhausted and was sweating a lot from the workout he was doing on stage.

I smiled brightly, staring at him in awe. Even though my mission was to forget Jungkook, I can't help but fall back into his trap. A big part of me knows that no matter what it will always be Jungkook. My heart will always crave and need Jeon Jungkook. Even when he used to hurt me, I knew I could never actually leave him.

If I'm being honest he could literally hit me with a bus and I'll still crawl back to him

I know that sounds insane and barbaric, but it's the truth it's a matter of time for me to face it. I'm completely whipped for Jeon Jungkook. I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing, but at this point I don't care cause in this moment I know he feels the same.

I was distracted from my thoughts when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was Jin. He was breathing in heavily and handed me the leash. "Please watch them for me until I come back from the bathroom"


"Thanks bro, I love you so much!", he said, running away, leaving me alone with the kids. They pouted and had their arms crossed.

"Are you guys hungry? I can get you some food", I suggested and they nodded eagerly.

"Yes please", they both said in unison. I smiled and nodded, getting up from my seat. Knowing that I can't let go of the leash, I tied it to something sturdy enough to hold them there.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now