Chapter (T H I R T Y O N E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I don't know wether to stay away from him or not. I ignored him this morning, trying to get rid of these unknown feelings. I can't look at him without feeling some type of way. I also can't stop thinking about that damn kiss. I've tried to cancel it out of my mind, but it hasn't worked. I don't understand what's happening to me. I'm not gay. I know that for sure.

What happened with Jimin was a mistake that I wish I could take back. I regret being nice to him and taking him out. I should've left him there in his room to resolve his emotions himself. I even told myself from the beginning that will not get involve with him and look what happened. I did, like an idiot. I need to come back to my senses and forget about everything that happened between us.

I wasn't fond of him since the beginning and I'm still not. I don't want to get into Jimin anymore than I already have. If I could leave I would in less than a minute. All I need is time to think and get my head together. Once I get my head straight then being around Jimin won't be a problem anymore.

"Jungkook, what do you think?", I heard Jin say over to me as he sat on the other side of the cafeteria bench. He was situated on Namjoon's lap with his arm wrapped around his neck. Namjoon had his arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry what're we talking about?", I asked and Jimin spoke up.

"We're discussing J-Hope's unhealthy obsession with Yoongi", he giggled, letting out the most adorable sound I've ever heard. As a response I shrugged still disregarding him. He didn't seem to notice and carried on. "I mean look at them over there. J-Hope is constantly up Yoongi's ass". He said, pointing over to the table J-Hope and Suga sat, along with the varsity team.

"He could honestly enjoy his company", Namjoon suggested.

"Oh please, it's more than that. I was talking to Yoongi earlier today and called him babe like I usually do as a joke, and the boy almost flipped his lid. I knew deep down that he was ready to attack!", Jimin exaggerated, slamming his hands on the table.

"He could have a small crush on him", Taehyung said, staring over at Suga and J-Hope.

"Small crush you say? No, huge obsession is more like it", Jimin said, pointing over at J-Hope. "As I think about it, I think Yoongi likes him back too. Even if J-Hope is literally the opposite of Yoongi, I think he's perfect for him. Yoongi tries to deny it, but deep down I know he has a crush on him too, he's too closed off to admit it".

"Same", Namjoon said.

"Yeah, I think so too because he let him dye his hair. The color Yoongi despises: Pink. If one of us ever tried that we all would've been six feet under", Taehyung said with Jimin agreeing. "I'm gonna call them over here. J-Hope, Yoongi!", Taehyung waved his hand for them to come over.

They got up quick and made their way over to our spot, J-Hope and Suga sat beside me. "Hey guys!", J-Hope greeted, taking food from my tray. I lightly smacked his hand and he pouted. "You're mean!", J-Hope whined and Jimin nicely handed him his tray. J-Hope clapped, thanking Jimin.

"Okay guys, since school break starts tomorrow we should all hangout at Yoongi's place", Taehyung suggested, causing Suga to grunt. Oh wow, I forgot all about the break. The first good news I've heard today.

"Why my place?"

"Because you won't come to ours without us physically dragging you out of your bed, so why not just bring the fun to you, making it easier on ourselves", Tae answered and Suga rolled his eyes.

"I'm locking every inch of my house to keep you out"

"Oh dear, Yoongi I'm your best friend. You really believe that's possible?", Taehyung asked, shaking his head. Suga sighed, accepting defeat.

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