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This is the chapter y'all been waiting for ;)

I'm giving you what you asked for *wink wonk*


(Btw if the y'know-*wink wonk*- isn't good it's bc I don't write nasty chapters so pls don't judge me too hard. I tried my best)



3rd Person's P.O.V

The evening came and a slightly exhausted Jimin trudged into his room to be see his boyfriend on his bed, watching television. "Welcome back, how was it?", Jungkook asked, removing his attention from the TV screen. Jimin huffed, throwing his bag onto the ground.

"It sucked! Who would've known church would be so boring!", Jimin exclaimed, tossing himself onto his bed next to Jungkook. Jungkook chuckled, patting Jimin on the back.

"Then why did you go?", Jungkook asked, knowing that Jimin wouldn't enjoy church. Jungkook was surprised that Jimin even decided to go.

"My aunt wanted me to attend with her. She lied to me and said it will be fun! Today was my first and last time going to church", Jimin mumbled with his head buried deep in the mattress.

"Oh c'mon it couldn't have been that bad"

"It was bad and boring!", Jimin said, lifting his head up from the mattress to face his amused boyfriend. "Throughout the whole time of me being there the preacher-pastor-priest-whatever he is basically called me a huge sinner! Then when I thought the torture was over he went on and on about Jesus! To be honest, him saying his name made me horny!", Jimin ranted to a laughing Jungkook.

"You were horny in church? You seriously need help!", Jungkook laughed and Jimin slapped his arm.

"It's not funny! I was sexually frustrated for hours!", Jimin complained. "But now that I'm home maybe we can-", Jimin crawled on top of his boyfriend, straddling his waist. "Play a little game?", Jimin suggested, kissing Jungkook. Jungkook kissed back, placing his hands on Jimin's hips. Jimin leaned in closer and rolled his hips on Jungkook's already formed erection.

Jungkook moaned and Jimin pulled away, unbuttoning his shirt. He was on his last button when he was stopped. Jungkook placed his hand on Jimin's and shook his head. "Let's not do this  today okay", he said, staring up at a disappointed Jimin. This was Jungkook's 100th time rejecting Jimin. Jimin never gets rejected so he's wondering why was by his boyfriend.

"Oh c'mon we can't stop now", Jimin whispered, seductively. He leaned down and trailed small kisses along Jungkook's neck. Jungkook groaned, squirming underneath Jimin.

"Jiminie seriously stop", Jungkook said, removing Jimin off of him. Jimin's heart broke as he was now situated next to Jungkook. What am I doing wrong? Jimin thought to himself. Jungkook cleared his throat and made his attention back to the TV.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now