Chapter(T W E N T Y N I N E)

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Promise lyrics by: Ysabelle

Her voice is amazing.

She deserves more recognition.

Jimin's P.O.V

We locked eyes and he scooted closer to me. He sat crisscrossed and I sat with my legs spread out. He lowered his head and seemed like he was in deep thought about something. I tapped him asking what he was thinking about. He positioned himself to face his body at me.

"Jimin I just want to say I'm sorry for what I said to you. If I known that you'd react that way I never would've went that far", he confessed, sincerely. I sighed, giving him a small smile.

"It's okay, it's not like you knew-"

"Knew what?", he cut me off, eagerly wanting insight. I laughed, adverting my gaze from him to the ground. "Please, I'm curious. I want to know why you've been really gloomy these past few days", he begged. I eyed him and sighed. I don't know why I have an urge to tell him.

"If I tell you. You have to promise not to pity me", I said, glaring at him. He nodded and waited for me to proceed. I took a deep breath and lifted my head up at the sky.

Don't cry can do this...

"The reason why I've been "gloomy" these past few days is because of the past I've tried to forget. Today marks the 4 year anniversary of my mother's death", I said, causing him to frown.

"Damn, Jimin I'm really sorry", he said, placing his  head in his hands. I tore them away and told him that it's okay and that he didn't know. "How did she die?".

That question right there....

"Overdose", I said, taking another deep breath. "When I was about 8 I think, is when it all began. Don't get me wrong, my mother was a great mom it's just she wasn't happy. She was diagnosed with depression while I was in elementary school. She would always go out early and come home late at night barely even stable. She would be drugged up, whether it was from crack, alcohol, or weed/cigarettes", I chuckled, dryly.

"As I got older I was the one to take care of my mother, since my father was barely around due to his career. I would bathe her and make sure she had a peaceful slumber. Make sure she was fed and was taking her medication. There were nights when I would crawl into her room and hug her as she cried quietly, whispering nonchalant things in her ear."

"How did she get depressed?", he asked, interested to know more.

"That's the thing, I don't know. I do remember her being happy when I was a toddler. Then again I was only a toddler who couldn't recognize any signs of depression. On the other hand, I do quite remember seeing her smile slowly disappear day by day. I have a feeling my dad noticed too, but didn't say a word about it. I can't believe for 8 years I watched her wither herself away without doing a single thing about it. I'm a horrible son..."

A tear slipped from my eyes and I felt Jungkookie's hand on my face, wiping it away with his thumb. "Hey trust me, it's not your fault. None of it was", he whispered, wiping the remaining tears. "Do you recall any happy memories with her?"

"Not really, the memories are pretty foggy. Although, my best memory was our little duets together. She's the reason why I want to become a singer. People think that it's because I want to take after my dad but they're wrong"

"I didn't know you could sing. What's your favorite song that you both used to sing? Can you sing for me?"

"Well we used to have a special song that she would sing to me before she got on drugs. She would always sneak into my room and sing me to sleep. I'm not going to sing, my voice isn't that good"

"C'mon please? I want to hear, please for me?", he begged, giving me the puppy dog eyes and I knew I had no other choice.

"Can't remember the whole song"

"It's okay just start"

I sucked in a huge breath and mentally prepared my voice for criticism.

"I want you to be your light baby...You should be your light~"
"You don't have to feel the pain, tell me you would smile again~"
"I want you to be your night baby...You should be your night~"
"Promise to make it honest-something-to you-something~"

He chuckled at the last lyric. "Seriously Jimin?"

"I told you I forgot most of it, didn't I? Uhm...I remember the end of the song where she would intertwine our pinkies like this", I lifted up my hand and he did the same. I intertwined our pinkies and locked eyes with him, getting lost in his big, brown, doe eyes. "And we would make a promise to each other"

"Will you promise me right now oh oh~"
"Every time you feel all alone~"
"Several times a day oh oh~"
"Don't throw yourself away oh oh oh~"
"Stop for a moment oh oh oh~"
"Come and take my hand oh oh oh~"
"Promise me right now oh oh oh~"

I didn't realize how close our faces were until I felt his breath fan my face. He glanced at my lips and licked his own. My heart raced as he placed hands on my cheeks and leaned in. I closed my eyes and waited something I never thought would happen.

Jeon Jungkook kissed me. At first my body was stiff at the sudden kiss, then not a second later I kissed him back. His lips were soft and his kiss was light. To my dismay the kiss ended quickly. We stared into each other's eyes and he didn't move. Needing more of him I wrapped my hands around his neck and tugged him towards me.

I smashed my lips onto his and hungrily kissed him. He kissed back just as fast. He moved his mouth along mine. He hesitated before licking my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gladly accepted. His warm tongue danced with mine as we fought for dominance, he clearly won. He leaned in more sending us backwards on the ground. I laid on my back as his body hovered over me.

My hands I gripped on his hair, wanting more of him. The taste of his mouth was amazing. The warmth of his tongue swirling with my own made my mind spin. The feeling in my stomach was like no other. I lifted my hips up and rubbed myself against him. He let out a low growl and grabbed my wrist, putting them above my head, intertlocking our fingers. I let out a moan as I felt his dick press against mine, creating friction.

My pants grew tight as I felt his bulge and I arched my back for more access. My air was running low, but I didn't care as long I had the taste of his lips. I could tell he was losing his breath too because he pulled away and was breathing hard. His eyes glimmered down at me and I pecked his lips one last time before giggling.

"I knew you wanted me", I teased and he scoffed, lifting himself up. I smiled over to him and he held a scared expression. As if reality came back to him he scooted away from me and looked at the ground in disgust. "Are you okay Cutie?".

He nodded and stood up, helping me up too. He didn't look at me and went back to his car. I got in the car with him and before he drove off I placed my hand on his. "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look so good. Did you hate the kiss?", I said, sadness conveyed in my voice. He didn't answer and moved his hand away.

I frowned and stared out the window. I hope this doesn't cause awkwardness between us. I like Jungkookie a lot more than I want to. I haven't felt this way about anybody. Is this what love feels like? I don't know if I'm ready for it.

Enjoy Lovelies

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