Chapter(T H I R T Y)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

My heart is racing at an unhealthy pace and I don't know what to do. I kissed Jimin. I kissed the guy I'm basically repulsed by. I can't believe I kissed that spoiled, brat! What was I thinking? I'm not even gay! I like women! Not men and not men like Park Jimin.

I shutter thinking about actually having feelings for him. I know I don't like him. Deep down I know I'm not gay. Ever since I could walk on my own I've cherished women. Girls, yes, girls is what I like. Not Jimin. Even though I can't stop replaying the kiss in my head. The way his soft, plump, lips moved against mine and let out a lustful moan.

The way our hands combined as our bodies pressed against each other under the moonlight. The sound of his cute giggle-oh no! Nope! I'm not doing this tonight. I need to take a shower and go to bed. When morning comes I'll be back to normal. All these emotions will leave my body.

I'm tired that's all....

Me crushing on Jimin? No impossible.

Jennie is who I love...yes Jennie is who I love...I've loved her for a while.

Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Jim-Jennie!

I heard a knock on my door as I finished getting dressed and I threw my bag over my shoulder. I hesitantly opened the door, knowing who it would be. Today I woke up and felt better than last night. The weird feelings were gone and everything was back to normal. I'm still and forever repulsed by Park Jimin. Just because I did something nice for him doesn't make us friends or anything more.

He smiled, handing me a bag of food with my smoothie. "Good morning! I went out and got you breakfast". He handed it to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask you to buy me this", I snarled and he frowned.

"Someone's grumpy. What's wrong? Did you not sleep properly last night?", he asked, reaching out his hand to touch me, but I moved back.

"None of your concern. Here you can take this back I'm not hungry", I shoved the food at him and nudged past him. His frown deepened and it sent a pang in my chest .

"Is there a reason you're being so mean? Is it because of the kiss yesterday? If you didn't like it I understand. Or if you feel confused-", I stopped in my tracks and he bumped into my back.

"Yesterday didn't happen. Nothing happened between us got it?", I glared and he nodded.


"You didn't tell your friends, did you?"

"No, I wouldn't-"

"Good. I'm walking to school today", I said, heading to the front door. He grabbed my arm and I snatched it away.

"Don't touch me"

He held up his hands in defense. "Sorry, what about your breakfast?", he asked, holding up the food.

"Throw it away I don't care", I grumbled, walking out the door. I left before I could see the hurt expression on his face that would make me turn around and hug him. I made it to school and didn't have time to greet my friends since I showed up late. I didn't know the walk to school was so long and tiring.

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now