Chapter(F O U R T Y F O U R)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Eun wait up!", I called out, running up to my new handsome buddy. It wasn't long after Eun and I got to know each other at his house that I've come to terms that this guy isn't that bad. The one thing I like is that he doesn't praise me like everyone else I meet. Similar to Jungkook, but the only difference is that he doesn't hate me.

"I'm waiting", he said, stopping in his tracks down at the end of the sidewalk. I caught up to him and rested my hands on my knees, panting. Exercise Jimin...excerise. "I'm still waiting". I took one last deep breath before lifting myself up. I opened my mouth to speak, but I forgot what I was going to tell him.

"Ah farts, I forgot what I was going to say"

He scoffed, "Did you just say 'ah farts'?"

"Yes, yes I did. Got a problem with my phrase?", I said, sassily. He held up his hands in surrender and shook his head. "That's what I thought", I chuckled. I interlocked my arm with his and tugged us to the parking lot. He unlocked his car and we both got in.

"So is there a reason as to why you're in my car?" He asked, starting up the car and that's when the thing I wanted to tell him came back to my mind. It was actually a question that I had to ask.

"Yes, I figured out what I wanted to ask you"

"Go on"

"Will you be able to help me with math today?"

"Why me? Why not ask your other friends?"

I bursted out laughing, holding onto my stomach at his question. Does he really wonder why I didn't ask my other friends? If I needed their help in math I might as well ask my neighbor's dog instead. I would get the same level education from either one.

"Oh please, my friends can't add or subtract numbers ranging from 1-10 without using their fingers", I snorted, wiping my fake tears.

"Tell me your kidding"

"I wish I was....I really do"

"Okay, sure I'll help you", he said, putting the car in drive, he backed out of the school lot. "So your house it is", he said, driving down the street. I nodded until I remembered something else important.

"Stop!", I shouted, startling him as he stopped the car abruptly. "We can't go to my house"

He turned to me, slowing down his rapid breathing. "Why not? And don't scare me like that again!"

"Sorry, but can we go study at your house?"

"What for?"

I cleared my throat, fiddling with my thumbs. I stared out the window and pointed at one of the clouds that was shaped similar to a rocket ship. "Hey look! That cloud looks like a rocket ship! How cute", I smiled, showing him the cloud. He didn't smile back and just stared dead at me.

"Jimin I'm not going to let you change the subject. Why can't we go to your house?", he asked and I didn't want to answer him so I stayed silent still fiddling with my thumbs. "Jimin I know you heard me".

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now