Chapter(F O U R T Y S E V E N)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Break up?! You cannot break up with me!", she screeched and I blocked my ears. Damn, how could I not notice how annoying her voice can be. Before we dated I never spoke with her. It makes me wonder why out of nowhere she started acknowledging me.

"Well I just did. You hear me? We. Are. Over", I said, bending down to her level. I saw her eye twitch and she shoved me backwards.

"I do not get broken up with! I refuse to let a loser break up with me!"

"Why did you go out with me if I'm such a loser?"

"Isn't it obvious? I saw you hanging around Jimin so I thought why not take my chance to get closer to him!", she said as her face turned a shade of tomato red. "But turns out he didn't want to hang around loser like you either!", she said and oddly enough I wasn't affected by her words. I mean I've liked her for years, but all of the those feelings vanished.

I held an expressionless face and glanced at Taehyung nodding my head towards the car. "Where are both of you going?!", she called out and we kept walking to his car. "You guys can't leave me here!"

"Find a ride home because that's exactly what we're doing!", I said, getting in the passenger seat in his car.

"Jungkook you're such a jerk!", she screamed and Taehyung drove off down the street, leaving Jennie behind. I didn't feel bad at all. She's borderline aggravating! How come I didn't I didn't know I've liked a irritating b-female dog for years without knowing it.

I can't believe I chose her over Jimin

"Bro I cant believe you just did that! I think I'm starting to grow a liking for you!", he chuckled, turning into his driveway. I didn't tell him to go to his house.

"Yeah I can't believe it either. Why are we at your house?", I asked as he turned off the car, getting out.

"I'm going to help you get Jimin back", he said in a duh tone. "By the looks of it this wedding is never going to happen with your plans on getting Jimin back", he said, leading me inside his house. We greeted his parents and made our way to his room. "Okay tell me what went down between you two"

I sighed, "We got into an argument about me being with Jennie and then he offered me another chance, but I fucked it up"


"He asked me what his favorite color was and I didn't know the answer to it"

"Mhm, how could you not know it's Blue? It's so simple. He wears the color often!"

"Shut up! Then he told me to give him one good reason as to why I like him....I couldn't answer that either"

"What?! You couldn't manage to give him one reason?!", he said and I felt something hit my face. I picked it off and saw that it was a piece of candy that he tossed at my face. I looked at him and saw him chewing a long stick of Laffy Taffy.

"Taehyung where did you get the Taffy?", I asked confused on where he got it.

"Let's not talk about it", he said, moving his hand behind his pillow where he fiddled with more candy. "Don't look at it!", he shouted and I adverted my gaze away from the pillow.

He's so weird...

"Anyway, back to our topic. Honestly, I don't blame you that much"

"What do you mean?"

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now