Chapter (T H I R T Y S I X)

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(Part 2)

Jimin's P.O.V

"Let me explain", he said with my hands in his. I quirked a brow for him to continue his explanation as to why he doesn't have his ring. Did he throw it away? Give it to someone else? Why would he do any of those things if he told me he loved the ring. Along with me, I've seen him wear it everyday. Did he lose the ring?

"Uhm, I don't know how break this to you", he uttered, with his head still hung low.

I sighed, "Jungkookie look at me, it's okay if you lost the ring. I'm not that mad. Things happen", I reassured, giving his hands a light squeeze. His frown deepened and he lifted his head up to me. To me his eyes held regret.

"No it's not that I lost the ring...I-I...", he trailed off.

"Yes go on"


"Jungkookie spit it out", I urged. I'm beginning to get frustrated, I need him to spill what he did already.

He tightened his eyes as he said it so fast I didn't understand a word. "Ipawnedittoclearmydadsdebt".

I gave him a dumbfounded look, "Repeat slower".

He took a deep breath, "I——P——a——". I grunted. I should've known he would do this.

"Jungkookie I will call our friends over here to beat shit out of you if you don't stop playing games with me!", I threatened, glaring at him.

"Okay, okay chill", he closed his eyes and reopened them, taking his precious time.

"Jungkookie if you don't tell me I swear-"

"I pawned it to clear my dads debt", he said and my heart broke completely. "And the reason why I asked for your ring is because the money I had wasn't enough", he admitted and I felt tears swell up in my eyes. "Jimin-", I scoffed, pulling my hands away, standing up.

"You know Jungkook you're something else", I said, pacing around the room, feeling genuinely angry at him for once.

"Jimin I'm sorry"

"Uh huh, don't lie to me"

He stood up too and stepped in front of me. "Jimin I'm sorry, I did it for my dad. If I'm being honest I don't see what's the big deal, it's just some ring. We can go and buy a new one", he commented and I can't express how much that hurt me. The ring meant absolutely nothing to him.

"Wow, you're so fucking clueless", I said, moving back from him. I don't want to be too close to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook that ring that's not a big deal to you is a big deal to me. That ring was to symbolize our feelings for each other!", I snapped and he paused, not saying anything. After time of him processing he laughed as if something about this argument was funny.

"Jimin are you kidding? I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't feel that way about you. I even have a girlfriend. To me you're just some person that I'm forced to live with", he retorted back and I felt a huge pain in my chest.

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