Chapter (T H I R T Y T W O)

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Jimin's P.O.V

I sat in art class and moved my pencil along my paper, replicating a face of art. I thought of Jungkookie's features as I lightly shaded in areas of his face. I hummed to myself as I thought of his charming face. I mentally saved a picture of him smiling in my head. That's my favorite side of Jungkookie, him being happy.

Sadly, it's never with me. No matter what I do he will never like me. I don't understand why I still try so hard for him if I know deep down he'll never feel the same. Part of me tries to believe that he secretly does due to the nice things he's done for me. He even kissed me for goodness sakes, then acts like we never did and that it meant nothing.

It might've meant nothing to him, but it definitely meant something to me. When we kissed it was like I was starred in those teen cliché movies. The world around us disappeared like it was only him and I there together. As his lips danced with mine, there was a sensation that made me realize how much I needed him.

As we stopped for air and locked eyes, it felt as if my world had finally brighten up and my issues had vanished. The way he stared back made me feel special in some way that I've never felt before. He stared at me in a way that I swore he felt the same as me or even more. As we made eye contact, I knew that I wanted more than just lust from him. Love.

I shutter at that word. I don't like using it a lot or at all. I was a person that only ever had lust for a person. People never stayed long enough for me to actually feel something more for them. I used to try feeling something for someone, but ended giving up after a while. That's why I went person to person with no emotional attachments. That's what Jungkookie was supposed to be for me. Of course I had to go ahead and fall for him.

"Okay class bring your art up to me. The bell is going to ring in 5 minutes", the teacher announced and I smiled at my semi-finished art piece. I'll give the teacher my first drawing of a rose, the one I'm holding of Jungkookie belongs to him. I got up, putting the art materials back where I found them and handed the teacher my rose. "Wow, well done again Jimin!", he smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

I thanked him and grabbed my things as the bell rang for us to carry home. Today was the start of school break and I couldn't be happier. I don't have to attend any classes for a week. I held the drawing in my hands and strolled out of the school. I waited for my friends to arrive when I saw Jungkookie pass by. He didn't see me and continued walking. I jogged up to him.

He sped up him pace as he saw me from the corner of his eye. "Jungkookie wait!", I said, catching up to him. I stepped in front of him, preventing him from going any further. I panted, gathering my breath. I really need to participate in gym more. I caught my breath and held out my drawing to him. "I made this for you in art class!", I said, giving it to him.

He examined it and I saw the corner of his mouth twitch to form a smile. He cleared his throat and dropped the smile, rolling his eyes. "I don't want it", he said, shoving the paper to my chest. I stumbled a bit and handed it to him.

"It's for you to keep!", I said, hoping he will take it. He sighed, taking it back. I worked really hard on it for him. It would be nice of him to appreciate it. I smiled wider, seeing that he might keep it. Until he glared at me, ripping the paper in half, balling up the pieces, throwing them at me. My heart dropped as I saw the paper land on the floor.

"I told you I didn't want it", he said, having an emotionless expression. I forced back a cry and gave him a small smile.

"Okay, sorry"

"Mhm", he grumbled, bumping past me like nothing. I picked up the paper balls and threw them away in the near trash.

"Hey Minnie!", I heard Tae say, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug. I laughed, hugging him back. "Are you ready to party~!?", he sang and came along Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and J-Hope.

"Have you guys seen Jungkook?", Namjoon asked, glancing around the lot.

"He left already", I told the group and they nodded.

"Oh alright, are you dudes ready to party at Yoongi's~", Tae cheered, as we all went to our vehicles.

"Heck yeah!"


"I'm ready!"


Yoongi joined in throwing everyone off. We all stopped cheering and shook our heads at him. "What? What did I say wrong?", he asked, going to his own car with J-Hope. Namjoon and Jin went to Jin's car.

"C'mon Minnie!", Tae said, grabbing my hand.

"It's okay Tae, I'll meet you at Yoongi's later", I said and he pouted.

"Why? You don't want to ride with me?"

"No no, I want to go home and fix myself up more then go to Yoongi's. Knowing all of us, we're all going out to party", I said and he nodded.

"You're right we should all get ready, cya at Yoongi's!", he said, letting go of my hand. I waved them goodbye and went home by myself. I've been enjoying these walks alone more lately. It feels nicer, especially when the weather is decent.

I got out the shower and got dressed. I sprayed on a good amount of cologne. I was happy with my reflection and went to Jungkookie's room to check up on him. I knocked before entering.

"Hey, Jungkookie", I entered and saw him all dressed up too. He was playing on his phone and glanced up for a second to see me. He didn't address me back and I sat down next to him on the bed. "You're dressed up too I see. You're ready to head out to Yoongi's", I asked and he scooted from me. He's been doing that a lot lately.

"No, I'm not going", he uttered.


"I'm going on a date"

"Oh, with who?"

"It shouldn't concern you"

"It does since its someone other than me. Unless, this is your way of telling me you're taking me out on a date!". He didn't say anything, ignoring me. I playfully slid closer to him and whispered lowly in his ear, "Y'know Jungkookie, we don't have to go anywhere fancy we can stay here and enjoy each other's company for the night~".

I heard him gulp as he bounced his leg up and down. "Uh J-Jimin, ew-why would-uhm-I-", I shushed him and took his hand, placing it on my inner thigh. His hand twitched at the touch.

"Am I making you nervous Jungkookie?", I whispered, biting his earlobe. His body went stiff and I placed my hand on his cheek for him to look at me. I leaned in, I was shocked as he did the same. Just as our lips were about to touch, his phone rang.

"Fuck", he mumbled to himself and jolted up, checking the caller ID. "Hey Jennie! You're almost there? Okay me too. Okay I'll see you there, bye!", he hung up and patted himself down. So Jennie is who he's going out with....great. He grabbed his jacket, throwing it on, speeding out his room.

"You're leaving now?"

"Clearly", he said, sarcastically, anxiously searching around. "Where's my damn phone?".

"Uh, it's in your hand", I giggled. I could tell he was uneasy so I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jungkookie calm down". I forgot he didn't like me touching him so I got shoved away.

"Jimin stop coming so close to me!", he raised his voice.


"I gotta go or I'm going to be late", he said, heading out the front door. I stood there as he slammed the door behind him.

What's going on with him?

Enjoy Lovelies

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