Chapter(F O U R T Y O N E)

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Look at him...enjoy his handsome face ;)

Jimin's P.O.V

Ow my head is pounding!

I turned over to the side and adjusted myself on my bed. I pulled the soft blanket closer to head and snuggled deeper into the mattress. I sighed and let my body relax into the comfy bed, until I heard footsteps make their way to the side of the bed. I snapped my eyes open and saw a tall, handsome man in my view.

"Holy handsome!", I exclaimed, falling off the bed. I groaned at the impact of my butt hitting the wood floor. I pouted, rubbing my tushy. I turned my head to the handsome boy on the other side of the bed. "Woah handsome fella, what are you doing in my room?", I asked, freaked out by a boy I've never met before, who's magically in my room. However, he does look familiar.

He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Your room? If you take a better look then you will see that this is in fact my room not yours", he stated and I examined the room I was in, and saw that he was right. This isn't my room.


"Yeah", he said, grabbing a cup of water and pills from on top of his dresser. He handed them to me and I gladly took it. I gulped down the water and handed him back the cup.


He nodded, ruffling his raven hair. "No problem". I slowly pushed myself from off the ground and noticed that I was only in my underwear. I quickly covered my body.

"Did we...get it on yesterday?", I asked, worried that I've might've did with a random man I don't even know. I hope we at least used protection.

"Excuse me, get it on? What does that mean?"

"Uhm, y'know the devils tango?", I said, and he shrugged. "Bow-chica-bow-wow?", he tilted his head to the side, still not understanding. I grunted, rolling my eyes. "Did fuck or not for goodness sake!?".

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and shook his head. "No we didn't", he said and I smiled, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What a relief-"

"I'm kidding we did"

"What?!", I asked, hyperventilating. The only good thing is that I did it with someone good looking. I should pat myself on the back for scoring him. Nice going Jimin. To be honest I could score any if I really tried. But him? Wow I didn't even have to try. I'm disappointed at how I wasn't in the right mind. I wish I could've enjoyed it.

"Nah, I'm kidding I just wanted a good laugh", he said with the straightest, most unfazed facial expression.

"But you didn't laugh"

"I know", he uttered and I blinked awkwardly. "But I washed your clothes so if you want to get dressed be my guest", he went to his closet, pulling out my new, freshly, folded clothes.

"Uhm, thanks"

"No problem"

I nodded, putting on my pants and T-shirt. He handed me my shoes and I got done getting dressed. "Here's your phone also", he pulled it out of his pocket, giving it to me. "A person named 'Jung-shit' kept blowing up your phone. You have about 30 missed calls and voicemails from him". I blushed, checking that Jungkook did call me multiple times yesterday along with Taehyung.

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