Chapter(T W E N T Y F O U R)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

Namjoon and I silently walked beside J-Hope and Suga as they argued about J-Hope dying Suga's hair. Originally, Suga was walking around the school with his crew when J-Hope stole him. He dragged him along with us and now we're walking around the school as we wait for the first bell. Jimin and the rest of them didn't tag along and went their separate ways.

I've noticed that Namjoon has been looking down in the dumps all day today. I nudged his side and he lifted his head up he stared at me tired eyes. "What's wrong bro?", I asked, concerned on why he was sad all of a sudden. He sighed, wiping his face with his hands.

"It's nothing really. My parents kept me up last night", he said, with his head hung low. I slung my arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close as a way of comfort. I hope Namjoon's parents aren't at each other's throats again.

"Suga pretty please! I really want to dye your hair red!", J-Hope begged, tugging his arm.

"No", Suga calmly said.

"Or how about pink!"

"Hell no"

"Or maybe purple!"

"Fuck no"

"Okay, how about mint green?"

Suga went silent and thought about. He rubbed his hand on his chin. "How about....Hell to the fuck no", he said, earning a pout from J-Hope.

"Please! My birthday is coming up and it would be really nice of you to let me dye your hair!", J-Hope begged more and Suga looked done with him. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase!", J-Hope screeched and Suga caved in.

"Okay fine, shut up!", he yelled and J-Hope bounced up and down. "Stupid birthdays", Suga mumbled under his breath. I can't believe J-Hope's birthday is coming up. I completely forgot. I'm a really bad friend. I can tell Namjoon forgot too because he looked just as shameful as I was. I guess we're both terrible friends. We all laughed at J-Hope as he hopped and clapped like a little kid.

The bell finally rang and we had to go to our classes. Namjoon and I departed from Suga and J-Hope, and I tried to reassure him. "Hey it's gonna be okay man. They'll get over whatever they're fighting about this time".

"Let's hope so", he said sitting down in his desk as I did the same.

"What happened?"

He shook his head and rested it on his arms. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it", he grumbled and kept his head down for most of the class. I frowned seeing that my dear friend was having family trouble once again.

I said goodbye to my friends and walked inside the house. I went up to my room and saw that Jimin wasn't home yet. I might as well get ready for our movie date today. I only asked him out because he was ignoring me it was eating me up inside. I don't know why, but it was. I shouldn't have felt bad for what I said, but seeing him heart broken over it made me feel terrible.

I don't even understand why my words affected him so much. I insult him all the time and he always seemed unaffected. He never cared about what I say about him because of his arrogance. I picked out my outfit and smelt myself. Let's just say I didn't smell the greatest and need to take a hot, long shower. I took my shower and got dressed. I blowed dried my hair and gave myself a messy hairstyle.

I sprayed on some cologne and checked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked decent and smelt nice enough to go out. I checked the time and saw that it was getting pretty late. Jimin still hasn't come home yet and I wanted to make sure we don't miss the movie. They're showing one of the Advengers movies. I pulled out my phone to call him until I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open!", I said and Jimin poked his head through.

"Damn, I was really hoping to see you naked this time", he pouted, stepping inside. I rolled my eyes and saw that he was holding a Bvlgari bag. I pointed to it and asked him what he bought.

"Oh I got this earlier today. I want to show you after the movies", he said, smiling at me. "But before we go, seeing as you're already ready to leave I need to go get ready myself", he said, going to his room. As I waited, my phone buzzed and it was Namjoon was calling.

I picked up, "Yo?". I heard sniffling and I got worried. "Yo what's wrong?", I asked as I heard ruckus in the background.

"Can you come over?", he sniffled.

"Oh man, I was about to go out. I have to leave in a few minutes", I sadly, told him. "How about you call Hoseok?"

"I did but he didn't pick up. He's probably bothering Suga"

"Oh damn. Well what happened? Why are you crying?". I'm genuinely worried right now. Namjoon isn't the type to cry at all over anything. "Is it Jin?"

"'s my parents...they're fighting again and I don't know what to do", he said and I heard something being thrown. I heard glass breaking and I rose up from my bed. I forgot that Namjoon's parents can get insane when they argue. Poor Namjoon has been dealing with it for years.

"Okay, I'm coming now", I said, and hung up. I opened my door and ran downstairs. I opened the door and heard Jimin's footsteps.

"Where are you going?", Jimin asked, buttoning up his shirt. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw him all dressed up, better than usual. I felt guilt rise in me and I gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, we have to reschedule. I'm going over to a friends house. I'm staying over so I'll have to see you tomorrow", I said.

"Oh...okay. Have fun"

"Are you mad?", I asked and he didn't say anything. I'm going to take that as a yes.

"Uhm, no it's fine. I have friends of my own. I'll just call them over", he said, smiling down at me from the staircase. He turned around and went back up the stairs, with the Bvlgari bag in his hand.

"We'll go out next time!", I said and he didn't respond, and trudged inside his room. I sighed and headed over to Namjoon's house. Namjoon needs me. I hope he understands. It's not that big of a deal anyway.

Enjoy Lovelies

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