Chapter(T W E N T Y O N E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

The car ride home was silent. Taehyung, Suga, and Jin took Jimin home, while Namjoon and J-Hope did the same for me. I fiddled with my fingers thinking back to the argument. Was I too harsh back there? I mean I never saw Jimin's smug smirk drop so quickly before.

"Y'know you were really rude, Jungkook", Namjoon said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah Namjoon is right. Jungkook what were you thinking?", J-Hope said and I scoffed. Wow I can't believe they're actually blaming me for all of this. Yes I'll admit that I said some things back there that probably shouldn't have been said, but I'm not completely at fault here.

"All I did was say what he needed to hear", I said, touching the bandaid on my neck that reminded me of the car incident. Thinking back to that moment, I don't feel as bad anymore. The brat got what he deserved. If he just left me alone then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

"Okay, that doesn't excuse you for hurting his feelings like that", J-Hope said and I wondered whose side they were on. Why should I give more than 2 shits about his feelings.

"Great now both of you are sticking up for him when all he does is care for himself ", I huffed and stared out the window.

"Jungkook all we're telling you is to apologize. You did go too far with your words, you may not realize it but you did", Namjoon said, parking in the Park's driveway.

"Okay but when he crosses my boundaries no one thinks to ask him to apologize", I said, getting out of the car, slamming his car door shut, walking up to the front door.

I heard J-Hope roll down the car window and shout, "You're so damn stubborn! Just apologize and stop being a jackass!". Namjoon laughed and agreed with him and drove off down the street. I sighed, unlocking the door.

I stepped in and saw the living room empty. Did he make it home yet? He's probably in his room. Should I apologize and get it over with? I will admit that what I said was extra and mean. No, I'm gonna wait til the morning comes and see if he's still acting like a baby.

I went upstairs. I subconsciously paused at Jimin's room. The door was cracked open and I peaked inside to see if he was in there. The light was dimmed in his room which helped me see a curled up body on the bed. I wanted to walk in to see if he was okay except my pride wouldn't let me. Like I said it's his fault.

I moved away from his room and entered my own, laying on the bed. He's probably asleep anyway and wouldn't want me waking him up. I kicked my shoes off and stared up at the ceiling. Why do I feel bad? I shouldn't feel bad at all!

Damn you heart! Why do you have to make me feel sorry for no reason! I should just go to bed and call it a day. Yep that's exactly what I'm going to do instead of thinking of that brat.

I yawned opening my eyes. I groaned, checking the time. 6:57 a.m. I don't want to go to school today. Matter of fact I don't even want to wake up. I could go back to sleep for 5 more minutes. Nah, 5 minutes will turn into an hour if I do so. I stretched and glanced over  to my stand and saw a smoothie and chocolate.

Ha! See I knew he couldn't stay mad at me! Looks like I don't have to apologize after all.

I smiled to myself, thinking about how easy it is to get him to forgive me. I didn't even have to apologize. I got dressed and did my business and was about to go downstairs, until I paused by his room again. I peaked in and saw that he was still in the same position as yesterday.

Wait, I'm confused.... is he still sad? You have got to be kidding me. Don't tell me he's still broken hearted over simple words. I stared at him and walked inside his room. I stomped over to his bed and shook his body. He groaned, turning in the other direction.

I did it repeatedly and he let out a annoyed grunt. "Jungkook stop", he said and I was a little taken back by the name. He actually called me by my name. I don't know why but it felt weird. I'm not used to it.

"Get up and get dressed for school", I said, grabbing his arm, yanking him up. "You're gonna be late, hurry up", I said and saw that his eyes were bloodshot red along with his nose. Oh don't tell me that he was crying the whole night. What a child.

I sighed and forced him to look me in the eyes. "We're you seriously crying?", I asked, harshly and he rolled his eyes, pushing me away.

Awe I hurt the poor wittle baby's feelings and now he wants cwry abwout it~

"Leave me alone Jungkook", he said, curling back into a fetus position and hid his face into the pillow.

"Why are you calling me that?"

"What? By your name? Isn't that what you want to be called?", he answered by sassily.

"Y'know the saying 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me' ya you should listen and go by that saying for now on", I commented.

"Leave before your late to school. I'm skipping today", he said covering his face the blanket. I sighed, shaking my head. Fine I don't care about him anyways.

"Whatever, go ahead and act like an emotional baby that you are!", I said, stomping out his room. If he wants to act like that then so be it. See if I care. I grabbed my smoothie from my room and went downstairs.

"Oh Jungkook is that the right smoothie? Jimin wasn't exactly specific on what you like", Yoonjae said. Oh so he got me the smoothie. I nodded and sipped it on the way to school.

I can't believe someone his age still acts like this. When will he grow up already?

Enjoy Lovelies

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