Chapter (T H R E E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I sat back quietly against my seat and waited for my time here to be up. Detention sucks! I actually had things to do today, but I had to cancel them because of this. I didn't call my father yet because I'm not ready for the lecture he's going to give.

I hated his lectures. I knew he meant well, but they're so damn boring! 3 hours of your day wasted due to his long lectures that nobody asked for. I swear parents enjoy it when their kids suffer. They force the kids to hear them talk nonstop about unrelated nonsense! It kinda reminds me of math class.

I felt a wave of boredom hit me and I looked over to Namjoon. He was reading a book he grabbed from the nearby shelf. I'm honestly not surprised that he decided to do something boring in a boring situation. I sighed, looking around. There weren't many kids in here and they all kept their heads down.

I checked the clock and saw that it's only been about 20 minutes, which means that there's still over an hour left! I wanted to sleep, but I felt too bored to even do that! I pulled out my phone and clicked on a game to play. I played my favorite one that tends to pull my anger strings.

A few minutes passed and I was so close to beating this level I've been trying for days. I pressed hard my phone screen, thinking that will help me win faster. I heard the door get unlocked and heard the teacher greet a new student. I glanced up from my phone for a second to see what was going on, but looked back down at my phone and saw that I lost!

"Gosh damn it! I was close! Noooo!", I shouted, standing up. I was shot from behind again! I huffed, punching the air.

"Oh, it's the cutie with the nice booty!", I heard a high voice say aloud. I felt my eyes go wide as I recognized the complement from earlier today. I closed my eyes, hoping to God that it wasn't who I thought it was.

Please, please, please tell me it's not him! I slowly opened my eyes and trailed the person until I saw their face. "Nooooo! Why him!", I said out loud by accident. I saw him lick his lips, forming a smirk on his face.

"Jungkook, please sit", the teacher pointed to me and my seat. "And as for you Jimin, pick any seat you like. May I ask who's with you this time?", the teacher asked, smiling brightly at him.

Oh c'mon does everybody adore this kid? He's not even all that! The people that were supposedly sleeping, woke up all of sudden, looking wide awake. They all stared at him in amazement. I personally don't see the big deal about him. So what if he's rich? Who cares. He's not even that good looking if you ask me.

"Jin's with me this time. I was going to bring Taehyung, sadly he said he had better things to do. I know Yoongi will deny coming, to go home to sleep so I didn't bother asking him", Jimin said, responding to the teachers question.

The teacher nodded, asking, "What did you do?".

"I got caught skipping too many times again", the spoiled brat said and the teacher giggled at him, acting like he actually said something worth laughing at.

"Kids will be kids right?", the teacher said, giggling more. Does this teacher have a laughing disorder because I truly don't see anything funny. The brat admitted to breaking the rules and that's apparently hilarious?

"Well go ahead and find a seat", the teacher said and the brat smiled smirking at me. I rolled my eyes, adverting my stare somewhere else. "Wait, where's Jin?", asked the teacher.

The brat placed his bag in the seat next to mine and sat down. He stared at the door and we heard running footsteps outside. "He should be walking through right about now", he said, pointing to the door.

"Jimin I'm here!", the class heard a boy say from outside. As the footsteps approached the door we heard a loud slam. "Ouch!", we heard the voice shout. The teacher got up and answered the door.

The person who I'm guessing name's Jin walked through the door with a big red mark on his forehead. I held back a laugh as I thought about it. I know damn well he can't be that dumb.

Did he really just run into a clearly locked door?! I tried coughing out my laugh as I looked at him in his hurt state. He rubbed his head, greeting the teacher.

"Sorry, I forgot that the door was closed", Jin said, gaining a few chuckles from the students. The teacher sighed, telling him to pick a seat. To no surprise he sat with the rich brat next to me. They whispered to each other and laughed. It made me self conscious as to what they were talking about.

When they stopped talking, Jimin turned towards me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he was staring at me. He stared at me and gave me a flirty smile. He licked his lips and leaned closer to me.

Does he need chapstick or something? He licks his lips all the time. Getting weirded out by the proximity between the both of us I scooted away a bit. He didn't get the hint and scooted closer. I scooted away again, only for him to the same.

"What do you want from me you weirdo?!", I said, angrily and he smirked not affected by my comment. Instead he didn't say anything and leaned in closer to my face. That's when I jolted up and raised my hand. "May I go to the bathroom!?", I said and the teacher nodded, allowing me to leave.

I rushed out the room and kept my head down. My goodness he's so freaking disturbing!

Enjoy Lovelies

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now