Chapter (T W E L V E)

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Jungkook's P.O.V

We strolled along the sidewalk as we still contemplated on where to eat. I was already annoyed walking next to him. "Why didn't you have your chef make us something to eat, instead of making me waste my time going out with you?", I suggested with clear irritation in my voice.

"Cause I wanted to spend a romantic night with you", he said, grabbing my hand again for the tenth time. I ripped it away, grabbing his wrist.

"If you grab my hand again I will punch you!", I threatened and he surrendered. We continued walking until we saw a bench for us to sit. We both sat and thought about a good place. My thoughts were disturbed by Jimin's phone blowing up with messages.


"Are you going to answer that? It's annoying", I grunted as the device went off more. He shrugged not feeling the need to answer the person trying to reach him.


"Jimin answer the phone"

"Why?", he whined.

*Ding Ding Ding*
*Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding*

"Jimin I swear-answer the damn phone!", he groaned doing so. He opened his phone and began typing. He typed for a good 5 minutes before getting up. I stayed still and asked him what's happening.

"My friend wants me to come over. His house isn't that far from here", he told and waited for me to get up. I stayed situated. I do not want to meet any of his friends. No sir. "Get up, we can eat at his place".

"I'm not meeting your friends. Matter of fact, how about we go our separate ways. You go to your friends house and I'll go find me something to eat somewhere else!", I beamed, picking myself up from the bench.

"No, you should come with"

"No, I don't want to meet any of your sex-crazed, arrogant friends", I retorted and he rolled his eyes.

"You don't even know them"

"I know you and anybody who has the patience to hang out with you must be the same"

"You're so judgmental"

"No I'm not", I stated, crossing my arms.

"Yes you're. You're judging my friends when you don't even know them"

"Oh please! I bet you don't even know your own friends. I bet they're paid to hangout with you! Tell me, how much are you giving them? 500 a month, day or minute?", I said, harsher than I wanted to propose. He didn't say anything and lowered his head. I felt the need to apologize because what I said was a little much.

"Jimin I'm-"

He reached in his wallet and took out a wad of cash, handing it to me. "Here is some money for your food, get whatever you like. I'm heading over to my friends house. If you get tired and don't feel like walking you can order a ride", he said, bitterly, walking away from me.

I stood in place for a second, processing everything slowly. You have got to be kidding me! He got hurt because I made a simple comment about his friends? What I said was probably true that's why he's so butt hurt! I gripped the cash in my hand and ran up to him.

"I don't want or need your money", I said, catching up to him. He stopped, facing me. I handed him the money and he took it back. "And you seriously can't be mad at me for one comment", I said, before he could walk off. He didn't say anything and continued walking. I grabbed his arm, "Silent treatment? How childish".

He shrugged, removing his arm. I grunted, feeling unnecessarily sorry. What a brat. I sucked in a huge breath and started walking in the same direction as him. He glanced back and smirked at me. I looked in the other direction, catching up to him.

We walked in silence with him having a huge stupid grin on his face. We reached the friends house not much later. The persons house was about the same as Jimin's, but a little smaller I guess. He knocked on the door and not even a minute later a tall, handsome, blue haired boy answered the door.

"Jiminie!", he cheered, pulling Jimin into a tight hug. Jimin giggled, hugging him back instantly. "Who's this?", the boy said, checking me out. This boys voice was unusually deep compared to his child like features.

"This is Jungkook my boyfriend!", Jimin said, earning a happy screech from the blue boy. I smacked Jimin upside his head.

"No I'm not, I'm not even his friend", I said and the boy frowned, letting us in. There were two other guys here. One that I met in detention and the other I've seen around school once or twice.

"Welcome Jungkook, I'm Kim Taehyung, you can call me Tae. This is Min Yoongi, the one who's stuffing all types of food in his mouth", he said, pointing to the guy with 2 pizza slices in his mouth with a big bag of chips next to him. He had very pale skin that stood out with his black hair.

"Wassup, you can call me Suga", he said, with a mouthful of food.

"The guy next to him is Kim Seokjin. We call him Jin". He pointed over to the guy trying to take a pizza slice from Suga.

"Hey how ar- Ow! You asshole, you've choked down five already! Let me have some!", he shouted, as Suga slapped him. He tackled Suga and they both began slap boxing, while pulling each other's hair. This is gonna be one sad cat fight.

"Buy your own box! This one is mine!", Suga exclaimed, slapping Jin in the face with a pizza slice.

"I got you Jinnie!", Taehyung said joining in, grabbing the bag of chips and sprinting. Suga and Jin both got off from one another and ran after Tae. I blinked confused as hell. I turned to Jimin and he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah....they do this often. Our main rule we have in this friend group is to not under any circumstance, no matter how hungry you are, touch Min Yoongi's food", he warned.

"Is it that serious?"

"Let's just say that Jin and Tae won't be walking for a while"

Enjoy Lovelies

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