Chapter (T H I R T Y T H R E E)

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Jimin's P.O.V

"What's wrong?", Tae asked as we watched cartoons on my bed with snacks planted around us. "You look like something's bothering you?".

"Yes. Jungkook", I sighed, tossing chips in my mouth.

"What did he do this time?"

"He has been hanging around his girlfriend nonstop!", I said, sarcastically.

"Hold up, he's gay"

"Pft, apparently not", I huffed, crossing my arms.

"How do you know he has a girlfriend?", he asked, pausing the cartoon channel.

"He's been going out on dates with Jennie lately and he talks about her nonstop"

"So? That doesn't necessarily mean they're official", he said, sipping his soda. I'm not an idiot, I know they have to be together. He just hasn't stated it yet.

"It doesn't matter, he's clearly in love with her. I should stop believing I have a chance.", I huffed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Don't say that, he could actually like you back but is too scared to admit it", he said, taking another sip of his drink.

"I guess"

"You should sit him down and have a heart to heart conversation", he proposed.

"It won't happen. Number one, he's too busy tending Jennie's every need and I can never get him alone. Number two, he'll push me away and leave regardless", I slumped into my pillow.

"Then force him down"

"Taehyung I'm weak, he'll most likely throw me"

"Then do something else that you know will get his full attention", he said, unpausing the cartoon channel. I stared up at the ceiling and thought about what to do. The only thing that captures his attention is when I flirt with him.

That's it! All I have to do is do the one thing that I'm good at.

Being seductive.

I smirked to myself and thought out the plan in my head. Yes, I'll show Jungkookie what he's missing out on.

"Get up, we're going shopping!", I squealed, yanking Tae up and out of the house.

We drove to our local shopping mall. We went inside the first mini store we spotted. I grabbed random sexy outfits, paying for them, then dragging Tae to the other mini stores. We shopped around the entire mall and ate after, going to our last store stop. The adult store. I wondered and searched for items Jungkookie might find pleasing. I grabbed a few important accessories and handed them to Tae for him to carry.

"Minnie, this is the last place I thought we were going to spend our last day of break at", he complained, staring around the store in horror, while holding whatever I placed in his hands.

"Shush, we won't be here for long"

"Can you hurry-ah! It touched me!", he flinched as he knocked into something on the shelf, dropping the rope.

"Tae, you have to be kidding"

"It's gross in here-ah! It's looking at me!", he jumped as he came face to face with a blue dildo. "I wanna leave. We should go now".

"One second", I said, deciding on which colored handcuffs would fit me better.

I'm not a big fan of animal print...

Red is a classy, sexy color...I'm not into the feathers though....

"Tae, what do you think. Animal or red?"

Rich, Spoiled Brat ✔️ |Jikook|Where stories live. Discover now